The Kitchen Debate
Three Scholars Discuss a Major New Book on History and the Bible
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See Siegfried Horn, “Why the Moabite Stone Was Blown to Pieces,” BAR, May/June 1986.
See “‘David’ found at Dan,” BAR, March/April 1994
William W. Hallo, “Biblical History in its Near Eastern Setting: The Contextual Approach,” in Carl D. Evans, Hallo and John B. White, eds., Scripture in Context: Essays on the Comparative Method, Pittsburgh Theological Monograph Series 34 (Pittsburgh, PA: Pickwick Press, 1980), pp. 1–26, esp. pp. 3–5 and nn. 4, 11f., 23, 55.
Hallo, “New Directions in Historiography (Mesopotamia and Israel),” in M. Dietrich and O. Loretz, eds., dubsar anta-men: Studien zur Altorientalistik. Festschrift für Willem H.Ph. Römer, Alyer Orient und Altes Testament 253) (Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1998), pp. 109–128, esp. pp. 110f.; “Polymnia and Clio,” in Tzvi Abusch et al., eds., Historiography in the Cuneiform World, (Proceedings of the XLVe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. Part I) (Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 2000), pp. 195–209, esp. p. 196.
Hallo, “A Sumerian Apocryphon? The Royal Correspondence of Ur Reconsidered,” (forthcoming), after n. 83.
“Zur Rekonstruktion anderweitig nicht belegter (kultischer) Ereignisse können und sollten die literarischen Texte (indes) nicht benutzt werden”: Thomas Richter, Untersuchungen zu den lokalen Panthea … in altbabylonischer Zeit (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 257) (2nd. ed., Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2004), p. 22.
Hallo and W.K. Simpson, The Ancient Near East: A History, 2nd ed. (Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace, 1998), pp. 115–117; pp. 128f.
In Old-South-Arabian studies, see for example my series of reference works, Documentation for Ancient Arabia, I-II (Liverpool, 1994–2000), volumes III-IV, in preparation; in Ugaritic, papers in Ugaritische Forschungen, 9 and 11. In Syro-Anatolian studies, on Late-Luvian & Aramaic in Revue Hittite et Asianique; on Hurrian poetics, in the recent Festschrift for the late Luigi Cagni; etc. This is all straight, mainline scholarship.