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Search by Keywords

Enter a keyword or words you wish to search for. Search will find most or all of these keywords in any order within an article. This type of search will return the most results. For example:

  • Entering mesha stele house david will return almost 100 results with those words appearing anywhere and in any order within an article
Search by Phrase

Enter a phrase enclosed with quotation marks. Search will return results for the exact phrase entered. For example:

  • Entering Mesha's Stele and the House of David, including quotation marks, will return 3 results. Without quotation marks, search will return more than 70 results.
Search by Title

Use the keyword intitle: to find a single word or a phrase in the title. For example:

  • Entering intitle:mesha returns 12 results with "mesha" in the title
  • Entering intitle:"mesha's stele and the house of david" returns 1 result with this exact title
Search by Bible Verse

Enter the verse reference enclosed in quotation marks. For example:

  • Genesis 6:3
Search by Date Range

Use keywords before: and/or after: to limit search results to articles published within a date range. For example:

  • intitle:mesha after:2020