
Warriors, Wolves, and Women
The art of the Iberians By Ricardo Almos

In the summer of 1975 a Spanish gypsy named Virgilio Romero Moreno visited the museum in Jaén, 250 miles south of Madrid, and offered to sell several limestone sculptures. After some negotiation, the museum bought the pieces, which had recently been dug up near the village of Porcuna in the hilly countryside of Andalusia. […]

Drowning the Past
Desert project threatens pre-pharaonic Egypt By Rüdiger Heimlich

For about 5,000 years, Egypt’s Southwest Desert, west of Lake Nasser, has been a hellish, lifeless, hyper-arid region of barren rock and sand. But that wasn’t always so. Archaeologists surveying this part of the Sahara have found ancient remains of lakes, villages, cattle bones, burial tumuli and huge megaliths aligned with the heavens. […]

Romantic Interlude

To escape the city’s hustle and bustle, wealthy Romans flocked every summer to the Bay of Naples. At the resort towns of Baiae, Puteoli and Pompeii, they lounged on beaches, shopped for souvenirs, visited tourist sites, wined and dined—and perhaps even engaged in a little hanky panky.


Editors’ Page: Beyond the Great Sea
Should Archaeology Odyssey expand its reach? By Hershel Shanks
Origins: Reasons to Believe
Around the sixth century B.C., the Greeks began to ask why By Richard D. McKirahan
Past Perfect: Among Syrian Ruins
Princeton architectural historian Howard Crosby Butler photographs Roman and Byzantine Syria
Ancient Life: Liquid Gold
A brief history of olive oil
The Forum
Did Hatshepsut’s soldiers really carry ships over the desert from the Nile to the Red Sea?