A Hub of Scribal Activity? - The BAS Library



See my “Further Qumran Archaeology Publications in Progress,” Biblical Archaeologist 54 (1991), pp. 110–111 (which includes photographs of these five inkwells). See also “Qumran—The Evidence of the Inkwells,” BAR 19:06, and the Queries & Comments, BAR 20:03.


The Schøyen Collection: Checklist of Western Manuscripts 1–1721, 10th ed., 1993. The inkwell is designated as the Schøyen Collection MS 1653/2 (Oslo/London).


Nabil I. Khairy, “Inkwells of the Roman Period from Jordan,” Levant 12 (1980), pp. 155–162, and plate XXV. Six drawings of the inkwell parallel to the Schøyen inkwell appear in fig. 5a (page 160) and a photograph (taken from a different angle from that printed here) on plate XXV-D.


I thank Professor Khairy, who very kindly provided photos, permission to publish and additional information on its provenance.