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Moshe Kochavi and Aaron Demsky, “An Israelite Village from the Days of the Judges,” BAR 04:03.


A four-room house consists of three long rooms and one broad room across the back of the three long rooms. The center long room is usually an open courtyard. Sometimes the rooms are subdivided and sometimes a small room or two are added on the outside.


Aaron Demsky and Moshe Kochavi, “An Alphabet from the Days of the Judges,” BAR 04:03. Also see “The ABCs of an Abecedary,” sidebar to “As Simple as ABC: What Acrostics in the Bible Demonstrate,” BR 13:02.


BAR Readers to Restore Israelite Village from the Days of the Judges,” BAR 05:01.


David Epstein, “Reader Inspects BAR Restoration of an Israelite Village,” BAR 05:06.



Israel Finkelstein, “Izbet Sartah,” in Ephraim Stern, ed., The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land vol. 2 (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993), p. 653.