Ancient Israel’s Stone Age - The BAS Library

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MMT stands for Miqsat Ma’ase Ha-Torah, which is often translated as “Some Torah Precepts.” See “MMT as the Maltese Falcon,” BAR 20:06.


“Pure” is used in a literal, ritual sense as well as a metaphoric sense; washing for cleanliness occurs before and apart from the ritual washing of the hands.



Tosephta to Mishnah tractate Shabbat 13b.


For further details, see Yitzhak Magen, “The Stone Vessel Industry During the Second Temple Period,” in “Purity Broke Out in Israel” (Tractate Shabbat, 13b)—Stone Vessels in the Late Second Temple Period, University of Haifa Catalogue No. 9 (spring 1994) and “Jerusalem as a Center of the Stone Vessel Industry During the Second Temple Period,” in Ancient Jerusalem Revealed, ed. Hillel Geva (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1994).


Mishnah, Hagiga 3.8.


Mishnah, Kelim 10.1; Oholoth 5.5; Parah 5.5; Yadayim 1.2.