Apocalypse at Waco—Could the Tragedy Have Been Averted? - The BAS Library

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The Hebrew letters are rsq ÷wrn (neron kasar), which yield: n=50; r=200; w=6; ÷=50; q=100; s=60; r=200. In some Greek manuscripts of Revelation the number is 616, which would be neron spelled without the final ÷, which has the value of 50.


See Steven Friesen, “Ephesus: Key to a Vision in Revelation,” BAR 19:03.



See Leviticus 8:10–13, in which Aaron is anointed by Moses as the first priest of Israel, and 1 Samuel 10:1 in which Saul becomes the first king.


See Josephus. The Jewish War 6.310–314.