Dr. Ralph Napolitano of Bloomfield, New Jersey, is the 100,000th member of the Biblical Archaeology Society and subscriber to BAR.
Although Dr. Napolitano only recently discovered BAR, he is no newcomer to archaeology. Archaeology and history are part of his earliest childhood memories from his home in Nola, Italy, 25 miles east of Naples. There, he said, everyone knew the traditions. Parents told the history to their children and took them to see the nearby remains of basilicas and ancient wall paintings beneath a Roman cemetery.
Dr. Napolitano emigrated to the United States 25 years ago. He practices internal medicine in Bloomfield, where he lives with his wife, Maria, and their two daughters, Kristina and Antonella, ages 5 and 3 ½.
After seeing BAR at a friend’s house, Dr. Napolitano used one of the cards in the magazine to order his own subscription. His first issue arrived in December, and he reports that he is enjoying BAR very much—particularly the article in the January/ February issue about child sacrifice in Carthage (“Child Sacrifice at Carthage—Religious Rite or Population Control?”BAR 10:01).
For the accidental luck of being our 100,000th subscriber, Dr. Napolitano will receive BAR’s new set of six posters which he intends to hang in his office, where he also will have BAR available for his patients.
Dr. Ralph Napolitano of Bloomfield, New Jersey, is the 100,000th member of the Biblical Archaeology Society and subscriber to BAR.
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