Computers and The Bible - The BAS Library

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This is the Michigan-Claremont text (encoded by H. Van Dyke Parunak and Richard Whitaker).


CATAB, Gérard E. Weil (Lyons, France).


The four computer texts of the Bible produced so far are (1) the Michigan-Claremont text of Parunak and Whitaker (prepared with a grant from the Packard Foundation, and used by the CATSS project), (2) the text of Francis Andersen and Dean Forbes, (3) the CATAB text of Weil and (4) the text produced by R. Ferdinand Poswick (Maredsous, Belgium: Centre, Informatique et Bible). Almost all other texts somehow derive from one of these four texts. Each of the four groups also produced or is producing its own grammatical analyses, two of which have not been shared with others. The material produced by the Michigan-Claremont group will be in the public domain. Furthermore, two different versions of the so-called Mikrah text are now commercially available. This text derives from both the Michigan-Claremont and the Maredsous text. In addition to these, the Werkgroep Informatika of the Free University in Amsterdam, Netherlands, is preparing its own grammatical analysis, including syntactical features not recorded in the other analyses.