Battle Over Jericho Heats Up
Dating Jericho’s Destruction: Bienkowski Is Wrong on All Counts
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Bryant G. Wood, “Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho?” BAR 16:02.
Kay Prag, “The Imitation of Cypriote Wares in Late Bronze Age Palestine,” in Palestine in the Bronze and Iron Ages: Papers in Honour of Olga Tuinell, ed. Jonathan N. Tubb (London Institute of Archaeology, 1985), pp. 155–156; Barry M. Gittlen, Studies in the Late Cypriote Pottery Found in Palestine, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania (Ann Arbor, Ml: University Microfilms, 1917), p. 523.
Wood, “Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho?” BAR 16:02.
Wood, Palestinian Pottery of the Late Bronze Age: An Investigation of the Terminal LB IIB Phase, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto (Ann Arbor, Ml: University Microfilms, 1985), pp. 374–376; Larry G. Herr, “Pottery: A Boon to Archaeologists,” Ministry (July 1984), pp. 28–29.
James B. Pritchard, The Bronze Age Cemetery at Gibeon, Museum Monograph (Philadelphia: The University Museum, 1963), fig. 32: 11.
Olga Tufnell, Charles H. Inge and Lankester Harding, Lachish 2: The Fosse Temple (London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1940), pl. 42: 129.
Gordon Loud, Megiddo 2: Seasons of 1935–39, Oriental Institute Publications, Vol. 42 (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1948), pl. 53: 19.
Yigael Yadin et al., Hazor 3–4: An Account of the Third and Fourth Seasons of Excavations, 1957–1958 (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1961), pl. 263: 3–16.
Yadin et al., Hazor 1: An Account of the First Season of Excavations, 1955 (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1958), pl. 123: 1–9.
Wood, “Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho?,” BAR 16:02.
Wood, The Sociology of Pottery in Ancient Palestine: The Ceramic Industry and the Diffusion of Ceramic Style in the Bronze and Iron Ages, JSOT-ASOR Monograph Series, in press.
Lawrence E. Toombs and G. Ernest Wright, “The Fourth Campaign at Balatah (Shechem),” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (BASOR) 169 (1963), fig. 23:2.
Ephraim Stern, Excavations at Tel Mevorakh (1973–1976), Part Two: The Bronze Age, Qedem 18 Jerusalem: Hebrew Univ., 1984), fig. 5:7.
Ze’ev Herzag, George Rapp, Jr., and Ora Negbi, ed., Excavations at Tel Michal, Israel (Michal), Publ. of Tel Aviv University Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology No. 8 (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1989), fig. 5.6: 3.
Moshe Dothan, Ashdod 2–3: The Second and Third Seasons of Excavations, 1963, 1965, Soundings in 1967, ‘Atiqot English series, vols. 9–10 (Jerusalem: Dept. of Antiquities and Museums, 1971), fig. 33: 7.
Wood, “Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho?” BAR 16:02. Also, see Herzog et al., Michal, p. 53.
Aharon Kempinski, Syrien und Palästina (Kanaun) in der Letzten Phase der Mittelbronze IIB-Zeit (1650–1570 v. Chr.) (Weisbaden, Ger.: Otto Harrassowitz, 1983), p. 225.
William A. Ward, “Scarab Typology and Archaeological Context,” American Journal of Archaeology 91 (1987), pp. 518–521; Kathleen M. Kenyon and Thomas A. Holland, Excavations at Jericho, Vol. 4: The Pottery Type Series and Other Finds (Jericho 4) (London: British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem [BSAJ], 1982), pp. 270–274.
Patrick E. McGovern, The Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Central Transjordan (Philadelphia: The University Museum, 1986), pp. 172–177.
Wood, “Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho?,” BAR 16:02. It is also possible that it was a locally made imitation (see Wood, “The Stratigraphic Relationship of Local and Imported Bichrome Ware at Megiddo,” Levant 14 [1982], pp. 73–79). The two types are impossible to distinguish, except by neutron activation testing (see Michal Artzy, F. Asaro and 1. Perlman, “Imported and Local Bichrome Ware in Megiddo,” Levant 10 [1978], pp. 99–111).
John Garstang, “Jericho: City and Necropolis, Fourth Report,” University of Liverpool Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology 21 (1934), pls. 29: 4, 7, 12; 34:3; 36:12; 39:5.
Kenyon, “Some Notes on the History of Jericho in the Second Millennium. B.C.,” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 83 (1951), pp. 120–121.
Garstang, “Jericho: City and Necropolis,” caption of the plate in which the sherd was published, pl. 33: 18.
Garstang, “Jericho: City and Necropolis,” caption of the plate in which the sherd was published, pl. 32: 16.
Joe Seger, “The Pottery of Palestine at the Close of the Middle Bronze Age,” unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University, 1965.
Dan P. Cole, Shechem 1: The Middle Bronze IIB Pottery, American Schools of Oriental Research Excavation Reports (Winona Lake IN: Eisenbrauns, 1984).
William G. Dever, Gezer IV: The 1969–71 Seasons in Field VI, the “Acropolis” (Jerusalem: Keter Press, 1986), pp. 33–35; Dever, “The MB IIC Stratification in the Northwest Gate Area at Shechem,” BASOR 216 (1974), pp. 31–52.
See also Wood, “Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho?” BAR 16:02.
Wood, “Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho?” BAR 16:02.
J.B. Hennessy, “Chocolate-on-White Ware at Pella,” pp. 100–13 in Palestine in the Bronze and Iron Ages, pp. 110–113; A. Bernard Knapp, “Pots, PIXE, and Data Processing at Pella in Jordan,” BASOR 266 (1987), pp. 1–30.
Kenyon and Holland, Excavations at Jericho, Vol. 5: The Pottery Phases of the Tell and Other Finds (Jericho 5) (London: BSAI, 1983), figs. 168: 15; 169: 6; 170: 1; 210:9.
Toombs and Wright, “The Fourth Campaign,” fig. 25: 45, 46; Dever, “The MB IIC Stratification,” fig. 14: 25; Seger, “The Middle Bronze IIC Date of the East Gate at Shechem,” Levant 6 (1974), fig. 3: 12, 17, 25, 26, 31.
Wood, “Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho?” BAR 16:02.
Alan Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs: An Introduction (London: Oxford University Press, 1961), p. 182.
Kenyon, ed. Holland, Excavations at Jericho, Vol 3: The Architecture and Stratigraphy of the Tell (Jericho 3) (London: BSA), 1981) pp. 368–370; the publication of the sample merely states that it was “charcoal,” without giving further details as to the nature of the sample or where it was taken from Jericho 5, pp. 762 763).