Glorious Beth-Shean - The BAS Library



See also the sidebar “An Architectural Guide to Roman/Byzantine Beth-Shean” for definitions and pronounciation guides for this and other architectural terms.


His more complete name was Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Another Roman emperor, Caracalla, also bore the name Marcus Aurelius Antoninus; he ruled between 211 and 217 A.D. It is possible, therefore, but unlikely, that the reference on the pedestal is to Caracalla.


Jewish synagogues often had human figures in the mosaic floor, while floors in Samaritan synagogues did not; the mosaic in this synagogue has no figures. Moreover, an inscription found in the synagogue is in Samaritan script. Finally, the synagogue is not oriented toward Jerusalem, as Jewish synagogues were.


This article was prepared in consultation with the directors of the various parts of the Beth-Shean excavations: Yoram Tsafrir, Gideon Foerster and Gaby Mazor. It is based on preliminary reports and has been updated on the basis of information supplied by the excavators.