“God Knows Their Names” - The BAS Library

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I was assisted by archaeologists Eli Shukrun and Ya’akov Bilig. The excavation of the project was financed by the Karta Company. Assistance was also given by Gideon Avni, Jerusalem District Archaeologist, Israel Antiquities Authority. The entire project was carried out by the IAA. Preliminary reports on the discoveries have been published in Ronny Reich, Eli Shukrun and Ya’akov Bilig, “Jerusalem, Mamilla Area,” Excavations and Surveys in Israel 10 (1991), pp. 24–25, plate B at frontispiece; see also Reich, “The Ancient Burial Ground in the Mamilla Neighborhood, Jerusalem,” in Hillel Geva, ed., Ancient Jerusalem Revealed (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1994), pp. 111-118.


On the Georgian version, see G. Garitte, La Prise de Jerusalem par les Perses en 614 (CSCO 202–203, Scriptores Iberici 11–12; Louvain, 1960). On the Arabic versions, see Garitte, Expugnationis Hierosolymae A.D. 614, Recensiones Arabicae, I, A et B (CSCO 340–341, Scriptores Arabici 26–27; Louvain, 1973); II, C et V (CSCO 347–348, Scriptores Arabici 28–29; Louvain, 1974).


J.T. Milik, “La Topographie de Jerusalem vers la fin de l’époque Byzantine,” Melanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 37 (1960–1961), pp. 127–189.