How Not to Create a History of the Exodus—A Critique of Professor Goedicke’s Theories
Prominent Israeli archaeologist also offers his own suggestions
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That is, the use of terms which did not come into existence until after the time-period in which the story purportedly takes place.
See, for example, Leningrad Papyrus 1116A in “L’enseignement à Merikare” G. Posner, “Trois Passage de L’enseignement à Merikare,” Revue de Egyptologie, n. 7, 1950, pp. 176–180 and Eberhard Otto’s “Der Vorwrfan gott. zur Entstehung der Ägyptishan Auseinanderset-sungsliteratur,” Hildeshein, 1951, Vorträte in Marburg, Also the Leiden Papyrus 348, “Étude sur un rouleau magique du musée du Leide: Traduction analytique et commentaire du pap. 348 revers,” Etudes egyptologiques, Vol. 1, Willem Pleyte, Leiden: 1866.