Is This Man a Biblical Archaeologist? BAR Interviews William Dever—Part One - The BAS Library

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See “‘David’ Found at Dan,” BAR 20:02; Philip R. Davies, “‘House of David’ Built on Sand,” BAR 20:04; and David Noel Freedman and Jeffrey C. Geoghegan, “‘House of David’ Is There!” BAR 21:02.


See “Israel’s Emergence in Canaan—BR Interviews Norman Gottwald,” BR 05:05; and Bernhard W. Anderson, “Mendenhall Disavows Paternity,” BR 02:02.


Ancient Israel, ed. Hershel Shanks (Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1988); see especially “The Patriarchal Age: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,” ibid.


Kenneth Kitchen, “The Patriarchal Age: Myth or History?” BAR 21:02; also see Ronald S. Hendel, “Finding Historical Memories in the Patriarchal Narratives,” BAR 21:04.