Israelites and Canaanites - The BAS Library

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This has been shown most recently by Amihai Mazar in “The 11th Century B.C. in the Land of Israel,” in: Proceedings of the International Symposium “Cyprus in the 11th century B.C.,” Nicosia.


Israel Finkelstein, “Pots and People Revisited: Ethnic Boundaries in the Iron Age I,” in Neil A. Silberman and David Small, eds., The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997), pp. 216–237.


Brian Hesse and Paula Wapnish, “Can Pig Remains Be Used for Ethnic Diagnosis in the Ancient Near East?”, in Silberman and Small, eds., The Archaeology of Israel, pp. 238–270.


Aharon Kempinski, Megiddo. A City State and Royal Centre in North Israel. Materialen zur Allgemainen und Vergleichenden Archaologie Band 40 (Mnnchen: Verlag C.H. Beck, 1989), p. 82.


Amihai Mazar, “Beth Shean in the Iron Age: Preliminary Report and Conclusions of the 1990–1991 Excavations,” Israel Exploration Journal 43 (1993), pp. 201–229.


Raphael Greenberg, “New Light on the Early Iron Age at Tell Beit Mirsim,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 265 (1987), pp. 55–80.


J.P. Dessel, “Tell ‘Ein Zippori and the Lower Galilee in the Late Bronze Age and Iron Ages: A Village Perspective,” in Eric Meyers and R. Martin Nagy, eds., Sepphoris in Galilee: Crosscurrents of Culture (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1996).


Avraham Biran, Biblical Dan (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1994).


Doron Ben-Ami, “The Iron Age I at Tel Hazor in the Light of Renewed Excavations,” Israel Exploration Journal 51 (2001), pp. 148–170.


In some cases the break in the settlement history between the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age I cannot be definitively ascribed to one of the two population groups since they do not fit into the settlement pattern just described. Examples are Yokneam, Teµl Qiriµ and Kinneret (Tell el-‘Oreµme); they therefore require individual investigation to determine the identity of their inhabitants.