King David’s Head from Gaza Synagogue Restored - The BAS Library

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J. Leclant, “Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 1964–1965,” Orientalia 35 (1966), p. 135, figs. 74–75.


Michael Avi-Yonah, “The Discovery of an Ancient Synagogue at Gaza,” Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 30 (1966), pp. 221–223 (Hebrew).


Asher Ovadiah, “The Synagogue at Gaza,” Qadmoniot 1 (1968), pp. 124–127; idem, “Excavations in the Area of the Ancient Synagogue at Gaza,” Israel Exploration Journal 19 (1969), pp. 193–198.


Zvi Ilan, “Gaza,” Ancient Synagogues in Israel (Tel Aviv, 1991), p. 288 (Hebrew).


For photos of the Nirim synagogue mosaic and the Shellal church mosaic, see Hershel Shanks, Judaism in Stone—The Archaeology of Ancient Synagogues (Washington: Biblical Archaeology Society; New York: Harper & Row, 1979), pp. 122–124.


Avi-Yonah, “The Discovery,” p. 222.