King Saul—A Bungler from the Beginning - The BAS Library



See Jan P. Fokkelman,“Saul and David—Crossed Fates,” BR 05:03.



This translation of the verse has been questioned because it can be used to deny equality to women. Instead of “a helper fit for him,” a better translation might be, “a power equal to him,” See R. David Freedman, “Woman, a Power Equal to Man,” BAR 09:01.


Phyllis Trible in Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1994), p. 79, speculates that the concubine may have still been alive at the time of her dismemberment. In this, she echoes Robert Polzin, Moses and the Deuteronomist (New York: Seabury Press, 1980). This is possible, but not relevant to my point. But see Judges 20:5.


The number of virgins at Jabesh-Gilead is 200 short of the 600 needed for the Benjaminites, so another 200 virgins are kidnapped from Shiloh.