King Solomon’s Stables—Still at Megiddo? - The BAS Library

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John D. Currid, “Puzzling Public Buildings,” BAR 18:01, and “Megiddo—Stables or Storehouses?” BAR 02:03.


As to whether this is really ancient Beer-Sheva or Ziklag instead, see Volkmar Fritz, “Where is David’s Ziklag?” BAR 19:03. See also the letter from Anson F. Rainey and reply from Fritz, BAR, Queries & Comments, BAR 19:06.



R.S. Lamon and G.M. Shipton, Megiddo 1 (Chicago: Oriental Institute Publications, 1939), pp. 38, 43–44.


James B. Pritchard, “The Megiddo Stables: A Reassessment,” in Near Eastern Archaeology in the Twentieth Century, Nelson Glueck Volume, J.A. Sanders, ed., (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1970), pp. 268–276.


Even before Yadin’s excavations, J.W. Crowfoot and Kathleen Kenyon questioned the dating of the Oriental Institute’s archaeologists. J.W. Crowfoot, “Megiddo—A Review,” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 72 (1940), pp. 132–147 (see pp. 142–147); K.M. Kenyon, “The Evidence of the Samaria Pottery and its Bearing on Finds at Other Sites,” in J.W. Crowfoot, G.M. Crowfoot and K.M. Kenyon, Samaria-Sebaste III (London, 1957), pp. 198–209 (see pp. 199–203).


John S. Holladay, “The Stables of Ancient Israel,” in The Archaeology of Jordan and Other Studies, ed. L.T. Geraty and L.G. Herr (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews Univ. Press, 1986).


Megiddo 1, figure 123.


Early in the century, the German archaeologist Gotlieb Schumacher excavated a trench to the west of these buildings, wherein he found additional walls oriented slightly clockwise to other walls. These walls may also be part of the pre-ninth-century structure. Schumacher published a plan of these walls where the difference in orientation, in the area he called the jungeres Gemauer, can easily be seen. The plan is reprinted in the technical version of this paper, cited at the end of this article.