Let this Cup Pass! - The BAS Library



Yitzhak Magen, “Ancient Israel’s Stone Age,” Biblical Archaeology Review, September/October 1998.


There appears to be a conflict between the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) and the Gospel of John. See Baruch M. Bokser, “Was the Last Supper a Passover Seder?” BR, Summer 1987; Jonathan Klawans, “Was Jesus’ Last Supper a Seder?” BR, October 2001; and the dated but still helpful study by Joachim Jeremias, The Eucharistic Words of Jesus (London: SCM, 1966).



This might be implied by the saying that follows in Mark 14:25, in which Jesus says he will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until he drinks it new in the kingdom. But even here it is not clear whether he had already committed himself to abstain and so simply passed the cup to the disciples, or not.


This is not the place to get embroiled in the details of the controversy about whether these words are more than symbolic. Suffice it to say (1) The words about the bread of haste and the bitter herbs and the like in the Passover meal were clearly seen as symbolic, not as literal. (2) The original Aramaic of Jesus’ words cannot be understood to mean “This becomes my body, this becomes my blood,” as if the ritual was magically transforming the elements into something they had not been previously. Had an early Jewish audience such as Jesus’ thought he was talking about his actual physical body and blood they would have run out of the room screaming about cannibalism. (3) The Aramaic probably was “This … my body” “This … my blood” since the verb “to be” would have been lacking in that language in such a saying. (4) It is interesting that we get the phrase “hocus pocus” from the Latin form of Jesus’ words Hoc est meus corpus (“This is my body”).