The Hidden Hand of God - The BAS Library

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The first through tenth letters have the values of one through ten respectively; the 11th through 19th letters have the values of 20, 30, etc. through 100; the 20th through 22nd letters have the values of 200, 300 and 400.


In Jewish prayer YHWH is pronounced adonay (my Lord) because the ineffable name of god is too sacred to be uttered. In the days before 70 C.E., when the Temple was standing in Jerusalem, the tetragrammaton was pronounced only once a year, on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, by the High Priest in the Holy of Holies of the Temple. How he pronounced it, no one knows. See Choon-Leong Seow, “The Ineffable Name of Israel’s God,” BR 07:06.


For the sake of illustrating the acrostics, we use here a standard system of letters and diacritical marks that scholars have developed to correspond to the Hebrew letters. However, this system does not tell us exactly how to pronounce the Hebrew words. Therefore, following in parentheses, each phrase is rewritten to enable you to say each word.


A late-second-century B.C.E. translation of the book into Greek adds a number of passages and includes the name of God. Those passages have been incorporated into Catholic versions of the Bible. In Protestant versions of the Bible, they are included in the Apocrypha.



Carey Moore, The Anchor Bible: Esther (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 197l), p. 50.


The acrostics referred to here were outlined in a letter to BR, Readers Reply, BR 03:03, from Ronald Youngblood, Ph.D., of Bethel Theological Seminary, San Diego, in response to Carey Moore’s article on the Book of Esther (“Eight Questions Most Frequently Asked About the Book of Esther,” BR 03:01).


In Esther 2:4 the name STN (Satan) is formed by the second to the last letter of three successive words when read forward: ’Sr tyTb b‘yNy (asher titav b‘aynai, “who is good in the eyes of”). In Esther 2:3 the name STN is formed by the initial letter of three words when read backward: N‘rhbtwlh Twbt mr’h ’l-Swsm (na‘ara-betula tovat mar-eh el-Shushan, beautiful young Virgin to Susa”).


Babylonian Talmud, Megillah 15a.


Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 88a.


Adon Olam; see Joseph Hertz, The Authorized Daily Prayer Book (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1975), p. 8.