

The scholars involved in this project, and their areas of responsibility, are Gideon Foerster and Ehud Netzer, coordinators, Ehud Netzer, description of the site and architecture; Gideon Foerster architectural elements and background; Joseph Naveh, Hebrew and Aramaic ostraca; Ya’akov Meshorer, coins; Hanna M. Cotton and Joseph Geiger, Latin and Greek documents; Rachel Bar Natan, ceramics; Dan Barag and Malka Hershkoviz, lamps; Avigdal Sheffer, textiles; Shemaryahu Talmon, scrolls.


B.C.E. (Before the Common Era) and C.E. (Common Era), used by this author, are the alternate designations corresponding to B.C. and A.D. often used in scholarly literature.


Although, theoretically, Josephus may have joined the Roman army during the siege, there is no data. However, I believe that there is a basis for his testimony that “an old woman and another, a relative of Eleazar, superior in sagacity and training to most of her sex, with five children, escaped by concealing themselves in the subterranean aqueducts, while the rest were absorbed in the slaughter” (The Jewish War 7.399), which could describe what happened.