Where Is the Hazor Archive Buried?
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“BAR Interviews Yigael Yadin,” BAR 09:01.
“BAR Interviews Yigael Yadin,” BAR 09:01.
“BAR Interviews Yigael Yadin,” BAR 09:01.
“Yigael Yadin—1917–1984,” BAR 10:05.
Amnon Ben-Tor and Maria Teresa Rubiato, “Did the Israelites Destroy the Canaanite City?” BAR 25:03, pp. 32–33; Avraham Biran, “Sacred Places: Of Standing Stones, High Places, and Cult Objects at Tel Dan,” BAR, 24:05.
Amnon Ben-Tor, current excavation director of Hazor, thought it was indeed the Israelites who destroyed it. See Amnon Ben-Tor and Maria Teresa Rubiato, “Excavating Hazor—Part Two: Did the Israelites Destroy the Canaanite City?” BAR, 25:03. However, more recent dating of this destruction places it too early for the Israelites. Yet Ben-Tor is right in excluding the Sea Peoples (who included the Philistines), the Egyptians and rival Canaanite cities. Who is left? I believe it was an internal revolt within the city that was responsible for the destruction. The city was then abandoned until the arrival of the Israelites. I hope to develop this point in a future article.
Amnon Ben-Tor and Maria Teresa Rubiato, “Did the Israelites Destroy the Canaanite City?” BAR, 25:03.