Bibliographic Appendix
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 4–7.
Prehistory and the Neolithic Site
Main publication: H. Khalaily & O. Marder, The Neolithic Site of Abu Ghosh: The 1995 Excavations (IAA Reports 19), Jerusalem 2003.
Studies: M. Lechevallier, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 46–47; O. Marder et al., Neo-Lithics 1996, 3–4; id., ESI 19 (1997), 70*–71*; id. (& H. Khalaily), AJA 102 (1998), 763; E. B. Banning, NEA 61 (1998), 188–237; 66 (2003), 4–21; O. Bar-Yosef, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the Archaeozoology of Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas (eds. M. Mashkour et al.), Groningen 2000, 189; R. Barkai, Flint and Stone Axes as Cultural Markers: Socio Economic Changes as Reflected in Holocene Flint Tool Industries of the Southern Levant (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); id., ibid. (Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 11), Berlin 2005, 149–154; K. I. Wright, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 66 (2000), 105; S. Yamada, Development of the Neolithic: Lithic Use-Wear Analysis of Major Tool Types in the Southern Levant (Ph.D. diss.), Cambridge, MA 2000; G. Kahila-Bar Gal et al., Ancient Biomolecules 4 (2002), 9–17.
Other Remains
Main publication: A. Chouraqui, Abu Gosh: de l’Emmaus des croises au monastere de la resurrection, Ile-d’Yeu 1995.
Studies: B. Kühnel, Jewish Art 19–20 (1993–1994), 112–123; M. Ehrlich, ZDPV 112 (1996), 165–169; W. Eck, SCI 18 (1999), 109–120; G. Kühnel, Knights of the Holy Land: The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (Israel Museum, Catalogue 422; ed. S. Rozenberg), Jerusalem 1999, 206–216; T. Oshima, N.A.B.U 1999/3, 55–56; E. Villeneuve, MdB 142 (2002), 56–57.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p 15.
O. Ovadiah, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Erganzungsband 18 (1991), 181–191; id. (& C. Gomez de Silva), Bulletin of the Israeli Academic Center in Cairo 20 (1997), 27–30; id., LA 47 (1997), 441–444; id., Art and Archaeology in Israel and Neighbouring Countries, London 2002, 399–426; P. -L. Gatier, Syria 71 (1994), 148–149; M. Vallerin, ibid., 174–180; W. Zwickel, Der Tempelkult in Kanaan und Israel (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 10), Tübingen 1994, 275–276; Farah Mébarki, MdB 105 (1995), 35; H. Shanks, BAR 23/2 (1997), 52–53; M. -M. Sadek, Les Dossiers d’Archéologie 240 (1999), 52–54; J. -B. Humbert, Gaza Méditerranéenne: histoire et archéologie en Palestine, Paris 2000; id. (& M. -M. Sadek), MdB 127 (2000), 7–13; M. -T. Olszewski, La mosaïque gréco-romaine 8: Actes du 8. Colloque International pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique et Médiévale, Lausanne, 6–11.10.1997 (Cahiers d’Archéologie romande 86; eds. D. Paunier & C. Schmidt), 2, Lausanne 2001, 276–301; id., Archeologia (Poland) 53 (2002), 45–61; P. Baumann, What Athens Has to Do with Jerusalem, Leuven 2002, 69–85; id., Antike Welt 34 (2003), 165–170.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 37–39.
U. Zevulun, EI 21 (1990), 107*; M. E. Kislev, Israel—Land & People 7–8/25–26 (1990–1993), 18*; W. G. Dever, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 87–88; A. Raban, ESI 12 (1993), 19–21; Z. Gal (& K. Covello-Paran), ‘Atiqot 30 (1996), 25–67; id. (& H. Butrus), ESI 114 (2002), 27*; Y. Melamed, ‘Atiqot 30 (1996), 69–70; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 100–103; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 97; Y. Goren & S. Zuckermann, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 165–182.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 39–45.
B. Brandl, The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv, 1992, 441–477; J. A. Callaway, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 125–130; Z. H. Erlich, JSRS 2 (1992), v–vii; A. H. Joffe, Settlement and Society in the Early Bronze Age I and II, Southern Levant: Complementarity and Contradiction in a Small-Scale Complex Society (Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 4), Sheffield 1993; V. Fritz, Das Buch Josua (Handbuch zum Alten Testament I/7), Tübingen 1994; D. Livingston, PEQ 126 (1994), 154–159; id., Khirbet Nisya: The Search for Biblical Ai, 1979–2002. Excavation of the Site with Related Studies in Biblical Archaeology, Manheim, PA 2003; G. R. Stone, BH 30/1 (1994), 11–33; T. P. J. Van den Hout, ZA 84 (1994), 60–88; G. L. Mattingly, BA 58 (1995), 14–25; N. L. Lapp, SHAJ 5 (1995), 545–554; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 528–529; A. Sasson, TA 25 (1998), 3–51; S. Wimmer, Jerusalem Studies in Egyptology, Wiesbaden 1998, 87–123; M. Bietak (& K. Kopetzky), Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 97–98; id., Ägypten und Levante 13 (2003), 13–38; O. Ilan, Studies in the Archaeology of Israel (D. L. Esse Fest.), Chicago, IL 2001, 317–354; K. Koenen, ZDPV 119 (2003), 93–105; A. Mazar, Symbiosis, Symbolism and the Power of the Past, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 85–98; A. Rainey, ibid., 547; B. G. Wood, Giving the Sense: Understanding and Using Old Testament Historical Texts (eds. D. M. Howard, Jr. & M. A. Grisanti), Grand Rapids, MI 2003, 256–282; D. Merling, The Future of Biblical Archaeology: Reassessing Methodologies and Assumptions. The Proceedings of a Symposium, 12–14.8.2001 at Trinity International University (eds. J. K. Hoffmeier & A. Millard), Grand Rapids, MI 2004, 29–42.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 53–55.
Y. Garfinkel, The Material Culture in the Central Jordan Valley in the Pottery Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic Periods (M.A. thesis), Jerusalem 1992 (Eng. abstract); id., ESI 12 (1994), 19; id., Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent, Berlin 1994, 543–562; id., Levant 30 (1998), 191–194; id., BASOR 315 (1999), 1–13; id., Neolithic and Chalcolithic Pottery of the Southern Levant (Qedem 39), Jerusalem 1999; M. W. Prausnitz, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 157–158; J. Lev-Tov, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the Archaeozoology of Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas (Center for Archaeological Research and Consultancy Publication 32), Groningen 2000, 208–217; Archaeometry Date List 31 (2000), Oxford 2002, 79–81.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 55–56.
Z. U. Ma‘oz, EI 25 (1996), 104*; E. L. Braun, ‘Atiqot 42 (2001), 237–242; N. C. Vella, Ancient Near Eastern Studies 37 (2000), 27–55.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 56–58.
Main publications: The Amud Man and His Cave Site (eds. H. Suzuki et al.), rev. ed., Tokyo 1999; N. Alperson, Differential Use of Space by Mousterian Hominids: Evidence for Spatial Patterning at Amud Cave, Israel (M.A. thesis), Jerusalem 2001.
Studies: E. Hovers (et al.), Mitekufat Ha’even 24 (1991), 152–157; id., ESI 12 (1993), 11–12; 14 (1994), 27–28 (& Y. Rak); 15 (1996), 22–24 (& Y. Rak); id., Paléorient 21/2 (1995), 47–61; id., Archaeology 49 (1996), 49–51; id., AJA 102 (1998), 761–762; id., Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia (eds. T. Akazawa et al.), New York 1998, 143–163; id. (et al.), JHE 39 (2000), 253–260; id., Archeologia i Paleoecologia Evrazii, Novocibirck 2004, 218–213; A. Belfer-Cohen & E. Hovers, Current Anthropology 33 (1992), 463–471; A. Defleur, Les sepultures Mousteriennes, Paris 1993, 162–171; C. B. Stringer & C. Gamble, In Search of the Neanderthals: Solving the Puzzle of Human Origins, London 1993, 96–98; Y. Rak et al., JHE 26 (1994), 313–324; N. Goren-Inbar, The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, London 1995, 93–109; D. Johanson & B. Edgar, From Lucy to Language, New York 1996, 220–222; M. H. Wolpoff, Human Evolution, rev. ed. (College Custom Series), New York 1996, 601–603, 606–608; id., Paleoanthropology, 2nd ed., Boston, MA 1999, 610–612, 615–616; id. (& S. -H. Lee), Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris 13 (2001), 291–310; O. Bar-Yosef, The Last Neanderthals, The First Anatomically Modern Humans: A Tale about the Human Diversity: Cultural Change and Human Evolution—The Crisis at 40 KA BP (eds. E. Carbonell & M. Vaquero), Catalunya 1996, 79–94; id., (& J. Callander), PEQ 129 (1997), 2–18; id., The Geography of Neandertals and Modern Humans in Europe and the Greater Mediterranean (Peabody Museum Bulletin 8; eds. O. Bar-Yosef & D. Pilbeam), Cambridge, MA 2000, 107–156; id. (& A. Belfer-Cohen), Quaternary International 75 (2001), 19–28; J. Brainard. Science News 154/5 (1998), 72–74; H. Valladas et al., Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia (eds. T. Akazawa et al.), New York 1998, 69–75; id., JAS 26 (1999), 259–268; R. H. Gargett, JHE 37 (1999), 27–90; 39 (2000), 261–266; Toward Modern Humans: The Yabrudian and Micoquian 400–50 K-Years Ago. Proceedings of a Congress, Haifa, 3.9.1996 (BAR/IS 850; eds. A. Ronen & M. Weinstein-Evron), Oxford 2000; V. Zeitoun, Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’anthropologie de Paris 12 (2000), 509; C. Delage, Les resources lithiques dans le nord d’Israël: la question des territoires d’approvisionnement Natoufiens confrontée a l’hypothèse de leur sédentarité (Ph.D. diss.), Paris 2001; K. A. Hallin et al., JHE 40 (2001), A8; W. Rink et al., Geoarchaeology 16 (2001), 701–717; J. J. Shea, NEA 64 (2001), 38–64; id., Journal of World Prehistory 17 (2003), 313–394; M. Madella et al., JAS 29 (2002), 703–719; D. O. Henry, Neanderthals in the Levant: Behavioral Organization and the Beginnings of Human Modernity (New Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology; ed. D. O. Henry), London 2003, 12–30; N. Mercier & H. Valladas, Echanges de diffusion dans la préhistoire méditerranéenne. Actes des Congrès Nationaux des Sociétés Historiques et Scientifiques, 121e, Nice 1996 (ed. B. Vandermeersch), Paris 2003, 29–39; R. Rabinovich & E. Hovers, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 14 (2004), 287–306.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 58–61.
Main publications: S. C. Herbert et al., Tel Anafa I: Final Report on Ten Years of Excavation at a Hellenistic and Roman Settlement in Northern Israel, 1–2 (JRA Suppl. Series 10/1; Kelsey Museum Fieldwork Series), Ann Arbor, MI 1994; ibid. (Reviews) ZDPV 113 (1997), 140–144. — AJA 102 (1998), 444–445. — BASOR 315 (1999), 88–90; A. M. Berlin et al., Tel Anafa II/1: The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery (JRA Suppl. Series 10/2; Kelsey Museum Fieldwork Series), Ann Arbor, MI 1997; ibid. (Reviews) ZDPV 113 (1997), 140–144. — AJA 102 (1998), 444–445. — BASOR 315 (1999), 88–90. — PEQ 132 (2000), 79.
Studies: Y. Israeli, Roman Glass: Two Centuries of Art and Invention (Society of Antiquaries Occasional Papers 13; eds. M. Newby & K. Painter), London 1991, 46–55; S. C. Herbert, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 219–221; id., BAT II, Jerusalem 1993, 118–125; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 117–118; S. S. Weinberg, Muse 26 (1992), 12–20; A. M. Berlin, IEJ 43 (1993), 35–44; id., BA 60 (1997), 2–51; id., BAR 25/6 (1999), 46–55, 62; id., Near Eastern Archaeology: A Reader (ed. S. Richard), Winona Lake, IN 2003, 418–433; K. W. Slane et al., AJA 97 (1993), 325–326; id., JAS 21 (1994), 51–64; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 640–643; D. Ilan, Northeastern Israel in the Iron Age I: Cultural, Socioeconomic and Political Perspectives, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 1999; N. Vogeikoff-Brogan, Hesperia 69 (2000), 293–333; M. J. Ponting, Current Archaeology 15/7 (175) (2001), 302; id., IAMS 22 (2002), 3–6; R. Talgam, Michmanim 16 (2002), 39*; A. Erlich, The Art of the Hellenistic Age in the Land of Israel (Ph.D. diss.), Ramat-Gan 2003 (Eng. abstract); M. Fischer & O. Tal, ZDPV 119 (2003), 19–37; Testament of Time: Selected Objects from the Collection of Palestinian Antiquities in the Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri-Columbia (eds. J. C. Biers & J. Terry), Rutherford, NJ 2004; B. Kidd, Muse 33–35 (1999–2001), 4–13.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p. 62.
Main publication: D. Amit, The Synagogues of Hurbat Ma’on and Hurbat ‘Anim and the Jewish Settlement in Southern Hebron Hills (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 2003 (Eng. abstract).
Studies: Y. Lender, ESI 10 (1991), 42; D. Amit, Cathedra 68 (1993), 199; id., Ancient Synagogues, Leiden 1995, 135–140; D. Chen & D. Milson, LA 45 (1995), 351–356; I. Yezerski, JSRS 6 (1996), xi; id. (& Y. Lender), ‘Atiqot 43 (2002), 256; Y. Baruch, JSRS 8 (1998), xx–xxi; D. Varga, ESI 114 (2002), 118*; J. Magness, The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 103–105; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 143–148.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 62–72.
Main publications: Aphek-Antipatris I: Excavation of Areas A and B, The 1972–1976 Seasons (The Emery & Claire Yass Publications in Archaeology; Tel Aviv University Sonia & Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology Monograph Series 19; ed. M. Kochavi), Tel Aviv 2000; ibid. (Reviews), BASOR 327 (2002), 84–85. — IEJ 53 (2003), 136–139; Y. Gadot, Continuity and Change: Cultural Processes in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Israel’s Central Coastal Plain, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2003.
Studies: J. Briend, Transeuphratène 2 (1990), 109–123; A. Kindler, INJ 11 (1990–1991), 61–71; M. Kochavi, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 272–274; id. (& I. Beit-Arieh), Map of Rosh ha-‘Ayin (78) (Archaeological Survey of Israel), Jerusalem 1994; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 147–151; id. (& Y. Gadot), TA 28 (2001), 310; id. (& E. Yadin), The Middle Bronze Age in the Levant, Wien 2002, 189–225; id. (& Y. Gadot), ESI 115 (2003), 40*–41*; P. Beck, Aspects of Art and Iconography (Nimet Özgüc Fest.; eds. M. J. Mellink et al.), Ankara 1993, 671–673; id., Imagery and Representation, Tel Aviv 2002, 288–292, 390–485; P. Daviau, Houses, Sheffield 1993, 421–422; O. Margalith, VT 44 (1994), 109–113; Y. Meshorer, INJ 13 (1994–1999), 86–89; L. Nigro, Contributi e materiali di archeologia orientale 5 (1995); 6 (1996), 1–69; A. Zertal, Michmanim 9 (1996), 73–82; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 78–99; S. Wimmer, Jerusalem Studies in Egyptology, Wiesbaden 1998, 87–123; I. Accos, ESI 112 (2000), 55*–56*; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 98; R. T. Schaub, The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond, Winona Lake, IN 2000, 444–464; R. Kletter, Levant 33 (2001), 95–104; S. L. Cohen, Canaanites, Chronologies, and Connections, Winona Lake, IN 2002 (index); S. Feldman, BAR 28/5 (2002), 52–59; S. Shoval & M. Gaft, Imagery and Representation, Tel Aviv 2002, 291; W. Dietrich & S. Munger, Saxa Loquentur, Münster 2003, 39–59; Z. Herzog, ibid., 85–100; W. Horowitz et al., JAOS 122 (2002), 755; A. Cohen-Weinberger & Y. Goren, Ägypten und Levante 14 (2004), 69–100; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 124–126; Y. Gadot, ASOR Annual Meeting 2004, ; M. Gichon, JSRS 13 (2004), xviii; M. A. S. Martin, Ägypten und Levante 14 (2004), 265–284; id., Aspects of the Egyptian Involvement in Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Canaan: The Egyptian and Egyptian-Style Pottery—A Case Study, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Wien 2005; A. Yasur & Y. Goren, TA 31 (2004), 22–32.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 75–87.
Main publications: R. Amiran & O. Ilan, Arad: Eine 5000 Jahre alte Stadt in der Wüste Negev, Israel (Veröffentlichungen des Hamburger Museums für Archäologie und Geschichte 64), Hamburg 1992; id. (et al.), Early Arad, II: The Chalcolithic and Early Bronze IB Settlements and the Early Bronze II City, Architecture and Town Planning: 6th to 18th Seasons of Excavations, 1971–1978, 1980–1984, Jerusalem 1996; ibid. (Reviews) BAR 24/6 (1998), 56. — BASOR 311 (1998), 90–92. — Orientalia 67 (1998), 546–551; id., Ancient Arad: An Early Bronze Age Community on the Desert Fringe, Tel Aviv 1997 (Eng. abstracts).
Studies: Y. Govrin, EI 21 (1990), 104*–105*; D. Amiran, Erdkunde 45/3 (1991), 153–162; id., EI 25 (1996), 97*; R. Amiran & Z. Herzog, MdB 75 (1992), 28–29; Z. Herzog, ABD, New York 1992, 844–852, 1031–1044; id., ASOR Newsletter 46/2 (1996), 22; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 174–176; id., Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan, Sheffield 2001, 156–178; id., TA 29 (2002), 3–109; 31 (2004), 209–244 (& L. Singer-Avitz); D. W. Manor & G. A. Herion, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 331–336; B. Mazar, Biblical Israel: State and People (ed. S. Aḥituv ), Jerusalem 1992, 67–77; A. H. Joffe, Settlement and Society in the Early Bronze Age I and II, Southern Levant: Complementarity and Contradiction in a Small-Scale Complex Society (Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 4), Sheffield 1993; M. Sebbane, TA 20 (1993), 41–54; 28 (2001), 213–230; U. Hartung, MDAI Kairo 50 (1994), 107–113; A. F. Rainey, Scripture and Other Artifacts, Louisville, KY 1994, 333–354; B. Andelkovic, The Relations Between Early Bronze Age I Canaanites and Upper Egyptians, Beograd 1995; I. Finkelstein & Y. Silberman, The Pitcher is Broken (G. W. Ahlström Fest., JSOT Suppl. Series 190; eds. S. W. Holloway & L. K. Handy), Sheffield 1995, 213–226; id., Levant 28 (1996), 177–187; T. E. Levy et al., BA 58 (1995), 26–36; I. Sharon, Models for Stratigraphic Analysis of Tell Sites (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1995; M. Aharoni, IEJ 46 (1996), 52–54; W. G. Dever, Retrieving the Past, Winona Lake, IN 1996, 37–42; I. Finkelstein, Levant 28 (1996), 177–187; R. Göthert & R. Amiran, EI 25 (1996), 91*; O. Ilan (& M. Saban), EI 25 (1996), 88*; id. (& R. Amiran), OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 169–174; id., Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 317–354; A. Yair & R. Garti, The Mosaic of Israeli Geography (eds. Y. Gradus & G. Liphshitz), Beer Sheva 1996, 355–371; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 644–659; D. Jericke, Die Landnahme im Negev (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 20), Wiesbaden 1997; C. Ühlinger, MdB 110 (1998), 62–63; V. Orel, ZAW 110 (1998), 427–432; D. Barag, EI 26 (1999), 227*–228*; A. Hauptmann et al., BASOR 314 (1999), 1–17; N. Negev, ESI 111 (2000), 108*; R. T. Schaub, The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond, Winona Lake, IN 2000, 444–464; B. A. Saidel, BAIAS 19–20 (2001–2002), 19–27; id., Mitekufat Ha’even 32 (2002), 175–196; P. Beck, Imagery and Representation, Tel Aviv 2002, 260–279; I. Beit-Arieh, Beer-Sheva 15 (2002), 21–28; N. Na’aman, UF 34 (2002), 585–602; W. -D. Niemeier, TA 29 (2002), 328–331; G. Philip, Artefacts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East (Iraq Archaeological Reports 5; ed. J. N. Postgate), Warminster 2002, 207–235; L. Singer-Avitz, TA 29 (2002), 110–214; A. Mazar, BAR 29/2 (2003), 60–61; L. D. Morenz, Herrscherpräsentation und Kulturkontakte Ägypten-Levante-Mesopotamien: Acht Fallstudien (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 304), Münster 2003, 21–47; id., ZDPV 120 (2004), 1–12; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 47–50; A. Karasik et al., TA 32 (2005), 20–31.
P. -E. Dion, RB 99 (1992), 71–97; R. B. Lawton, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 336–337; S. E. Löwenstamm, From Babylon to Canaan: Studies in the Bible and its Oriental Background, Jerusalem 1992, 131–135; J. Naveh, IEJ 42 (1992), 52–54; S. Mittmann, ZDPV 109 (1993), 39–48; S. Aḥituv , Solving Riddles and Untying Knots (J. C. Greenfield Fest.; eds. Z. Zevit et al.), Winona Lake, IN 1995, 379–384; J. Renz, Die Althebräischen Inschriften, 1 (Handbuch der Althebräischen Epigraphik), Darmstadt 1995, 40–46, 67–74, 111–121 , 145–164, 290–305, 347–403, 441; id., Schrift und Schreibertradition: Eine Paläographische Studie zum Kulturgeschichtlichen Verhältnis von Israelitischen Nordreich und Südreich (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 23), Wiesbaden 1997; I. Eph‘al & J. Naveh, Aramaic Ostraca of the 4th Century BC from Idumaea, Jerusalem 1996; A. Lemaire, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 176–177; id., ZDPV 115 (1999), 12–23; P. Boudreuil et al., NEA 61 (1998), 2–13; O. Pedersen, Archives and Libraries in the Ancient Near East: 1500–300 B.C., Bethesda, MD 1998, 229–231; N. Na’aman, Saxa Loquentur, Münster 2003, 201–204.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 87–89.
S. Klein, Beiträge zur Geographie und Geschichte Galilaeas (Ph.D. diss., Heidelberg), Leipzig 1909; G. H. Dalman, ZDPV 29 (1906), 199–200; G. Foerster, The Galilean Synagogues and Their Relation to Hellenistic and Roman Art and Architecture, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1972; D. Chen, LA 36 (1986), 235–240; 39 (1989), 199–206; Z. Ilan, ESI 6 (1987–1988), 110; 7–8 (1988–1989), 8–9; 9 (1989–1990), 17–18; id., Eretz Magazine 4/1 (1988–1989), 60–69; id., IEJ 39 (1989), 100–102; id. (& A. Izdarechet), MdB 57 (1989), 54–57; A. Van der Heyden, Ariel, Eng. ed. 82 (1990), 74–86; Y. Shahar & Y. Tepper, Cathedra 61 (1991), 191; M. Gichon, Historische Interpretationen (G. Walser Fest.; ed. M. Weinmann-Walser), Stuttgart 1995, 61–79; Z. Safrai, Studies in Historical Geography, Leiden 2000, 82–83.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 89–92.
M. Hershkovitz, EI 23 (1992), 156*; D. Ilan, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 211–212; I. Beit-Arieh, Michmanim 12 (1998), 48*; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 660; S. Feldman, BAR 28/1 (2002), 50–54; N. Negev, ESI 114 (2002), 119*.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 112–122.
Main publications: Pilgrim’s Castle (‘Atlit), David’s Tower (Jerusalem) and Qal‘at ar-Rabad (‘Ajlun): Three Middle Eastern Castles from the Time of the Crusades (Variorum Collected Studies Series; eds. C. N. Johns & D. Pringle), Aldershot 1997; ibid. (Reviews) PEQ 131 (1999), 92–93. — IEJ 51 (2001), 110–112; P. Riavez, “Atlit” (1217–1291): Ceramiche Italiane nel Mediterraneo Orientale (Ph.D. diss.), Trieste 1997–1998.
Studies: E. Acquaro, Ocnus 1 (1993), 13–18; A. J. Boas, Domestic Architecture in the Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1995; id., NEA 61 (1998), 138–173; id., Crusader Archaeology: The Material Culture of the Latin East, London 1999; R. Hiestand, Acri 1291: la fine della presenza degli ordini militari in Terra Santa e i nuovi orientamenti nel xiv secolo (ed. F. Tommasi), Perugia 1996, 23–41; R. Merhav, EI 25 (1996), 104*–105*; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 758–777; D. M. Metcalf & R. Kool, ‘Atiqot 37 (1999), 89*–164*; P. Riavez, Graffita arcaica tirrenica e ceramica Port St. Symeon, Padova 1999–2000; id., Il Congresso Nazionale de Archeologia Médiévale, Brescia 2000, 444–450; id., Archeologia Médiévale 28 (2001), 505–532; U. ‘Ad, ESI 112 (2000), 119*; T. Dezso, Near Eastern Helmets of the Iron Age (BAR/IS 992), Oxford 2001.
Maritime ‘Atlit
Main publications: A. Hartman, Landscape and Agriculture of the Carmel Coastal Plain in the PPNC Period: Reconstruction from Plant Macrofossils of Atlit-Yam Well (M.A. thesis), Ramat-Gan 1997; O. Asaf, The Athlit Ram: Classical and Hellenistic Bronze Casting Technology (M.A. thesis), College Station, TX 2001; I. Zohar, Exploitation of Marine Resources by the Neolithic Inhabitants of Atlit-Yam, Israel: A Multivariate Analysis Based on Gray Triggerfish (Balistes Carolinensis) Remains (M.A. thesis), Haifa 2004.
Studies: E. Galili (et al.), ESI 10 (1991), 103; 19 (1997), 96*–101* (& J. Sharvit); 109 (1999), 30*–31* (et al.); id., Actes du XIIe Congrès International des Sciences Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques, 2, Bratislava, 1–7.9.1991 (ed. J. Pavuk), Bratislava 1993, 318–323; id. (& Y. Nir), The Holocene 3 (1993), 265–270; id. (et al.), IJNA 22 (1993), 61–77; 23 (1994), 93–107; id. (et al.), JFA 20 (1993), 133–157; id., Sefunim 8 (1994), 21–28; id. (& J. Sharvit), Thracia Pontica 5 (1994), 269–296; id., AJA 102 (1998), 763; id. (& J. Sharvit), Brunnen der Jungsteinzeit: Internationales Symposium in Erkelenz, 27–29.10.1997 (Materialien zur Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland 11), Köln 1998, 31–44; id. (& J. Sharvit), 5th International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity, Naupla, 1993, 1999, 167–183; id. (et al.), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Israel Prehistoric Society, Jerusalem 2000; id. (et al.), JMA 15 (2002), 167–198; id. (et al.), ‘Atiqot 48 (2004), 1–34; id. (et al.), Neolithic Revolution: New Perspectives on Southwest Asia in Light of Recent Discoveries on Cyprus (Levant Supplementary Series 1; eds. E. Peltenburg & A. Wasse), Oxford 2004, 91–101; id. (et al.), BASOR 339 (2005), 1–19; I. Hershkovitz, L’Anthropologie 95 (1991), 639–650; id. (& E. Galili), Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris 3 (1991), 83–96; H. Frost, IJNA 21 (1992), 179–181 (Review); A. Raban, Michmanim 6 (1992), 41*–42*; 11 (1997), 7*–27*; id., Cyprus and the Sea: Proceedings of the International Symposium (Nicosia, 25–26 Sept. 1993; ed. V. Karageorghis & D. Michaelides), Nicosia 1995, 139–188; id., EI 25 (1996), 107*; id., Mediterranean Peoples in Transition, Jerusalem 1998, 428–438; id., Actas del IV Congrèso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Punicos, Cadiz, 2–6.10.1995 (ed. Manuela Studies: Barthelemy), Cadiz 2000, 1095–1106; M. Sas, The Maritime Holy Land: Mediterranean Civilization in Ancient Israel from the Bronze Age to the Crusaders (ed. N. Kashtan), Haifa 1992, 61–70; id., Sefunim 8 (1994), 63–76; D. I. Owen, JNES 53 (1994), 213–214 (Review); L. Ullmann & E. Galili, SCI 13 (1994), 116–122; A. Varsanyi, Sefunim 8 (1994), 77–79; I. Zohar, Fish Exploitation in the Past: Proceedings of the 7th Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group (Annales du Musèe Royal de L’Afrique Centrale, Sciences Zoologiques 274; ed. W. Van Neer), Tervuren 1994, 231–237; id., HUCMS News 24–25 (1998), 20–22; id. (et al.), JAS 28 (2001), 1041–1053; D. J. Stanley & E. Galili, Marine Geology 130 (1996), 11–17; Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology (ed. J. P. Delgado), London 1997, 43–44; J. R. Steffy, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 234–236; J. Elayi & H. Sayegh, Port, Paris 1998–2000; O. Aurenche & S. K. Kozlowski, La naissance du Néolithique au Proche Orient ou le paradis perdu, Paris 1999, 156–157; R. Barkai, Flint and Stone Axes as Cultural Markers: Socio-Economic Changes as Reflected in Holocene Flint Tool Industries of the Southern Levant (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); id., ibid. (Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 11), Berlin 2005, 182–188; id. (& E. Galili), Eurasian Prehistory 1 (2004), 139–162; T. Dayan & E. Galili, Dogs Through Time: An Archaeological Perspective. Proceedings of the 1st ICAZ (International Council for Archaeozoology) Symposium on the History of the Domestic Dog, Victoria, BC, Canada, 23–29.8.1998 (BAR/IS 889; ed. S. J. Crockford), Oxford 2000, 29–33; V. Eshed, From Foraging to Farming in the Holocene (The Pre-Pottery Neolithic Period 8,300–6,000 B.C.) in the Southern Levant: The Skeletal Evidence (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2001; id. et al., American Journal of Physical Anthropology 123 (2004), 303–315; 124 (2004), 315–329; J. Sharvit (& E. Galili), ESI 114 (2002), 29*; id. (et al.), In Quest of Ancient Settlements and Landscapes, Tel Aviv 2002, 159–166; M. E. Kislev et al., JAS 31 (2004), 1301–1310; G. O. Rollefson, Neo-Lithics 2004/1, 12–13; B. Rosen et al., Michmanim 18 (2004), 9*–18*; A. Haggi, R I.M.S News, Report 31 (2005), 12–14.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 122–123.
D. Ilan, Northeastern Israel in the Iron Age I: Cultural, Socioeconomic and Political Perspectives, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 1999; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 99–100; D. Ben-Ami, TA 31 (2004), 194–208.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 123–124.
Main publication: Z. B. Begin, As We Do Not See Azeqa: In Search of the Lachish Letters, Jerusalem 2000 (Heb.).
Studies: G. Barkay, TA 19 (1992), 124–129; E. Stern, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 537–538; J. A. Blakely, BA 56 (1993), 110–115; N. Na’aman, TA 21 (1994), 245–247; id., PEQ 131 (1999), 65–67; G. Galil, RB 102 (1995), 321–329; Y. Dagan, The Settlement in the Judean Shephelah in the 2nd and 1st Millennium B.C.: A Test-Case of Settlement Processes in a Geographic Region (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev (SBF Collectio Minor 42), Jerusalem 2002, 122–123; Z. B. Begin, VT 52 (2002), 166–174.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 125–129.
A. Ben-Tor, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 540–541; T. & M. Dothan, People of the Sea: The Search for the Philistines, New York 1992; U. Hartung, MDAI Kairo 50 (1994), 107–113; id., Umm el-Qaab, 2 (DAI, Abt. Kairo, Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 92), Mainz am Rhein 2001; A. Golani & E. C. M. van den Brink, ESI 15 (1996), 65; id., ‘Atiqot 38 (1999), 1–49; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 748–757; Y. Rand, ESI 19 (1997), 41*; T. Von der Way, Tell el-Fara‘in-Buto, 1: Ergebnisse zum frühen Kontext Kampagnen der Jahre 1983–1989 (Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 83), Mainz 1997, 106–107; K. Nahmias, ibid. 20 (2000), 54*; I. I. Milevski, ibid. 109 (1999), 65*; E. C. M. van den Brink, ibid. 110 (1999), 43*–44*; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 100; Y. Paz, ESI 111 (2000), 43*–44*; R. T. Schaub, The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond, Winona Lake, IN 2000, 444–464; S. Gudovitz, ESI 113 (2001), 66*–67*; 114 (2002), 55*–56*; Y. Yekutieli, Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 659–688; E. L. Braun, Egypt and the Levant, London 2002, 173–189; E. Angelina Dagot, ESI 114 (2002), 56*–57*; A. Gorzalczany et al., ‘Atiqot 44 (2003), 171–178; D. L. Stein, ibid., 179–181; A. Romano, ESI 116 (2004), 71*.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 147–149.
J. Finegan, The Archaeology of the New Testament: The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church, rev. ed., Princeton, NJ 1992; E. M. Meyers, ABD, 4, New York 1992, 12; D. Chen, Jahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertums Wissenschaft des Heiligen Landes 4 (1995), 76–80; S. Fine, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 274; M. Aviam, ESI 111 (2000), 4*–6*; id., Judaism in Late Antiquity, III/4, Leiden 2001, 155–177; id., Jews, Pagans and Christians in the Galilee: 25 Years of Archaeological Excavations and Surveys—Hellenistic to Byzantine Periods (Land of Galilee 1), Rochester, NY 2004; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee (SBF Collectio Minor 37), Jerusalem 2001, 196–198; J. Naveh, Judaism in Late Antiquity, III/4, Leiden 2001, 179–185.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 152–157.
Main publications: D. C. Maltsberger, Glyptic Remains from Timna: Geopolitical and Socioeconomic Implications for the Shephelah during the Amarna Period (Ph.D. diss.), Fort Worth, TX 1992; G. L. Kelm & A. Mazar, Timnah: A Biblical City in the Sorek Valley, Winona Lake, IN 1995; ibid. (Reviews) BA 59 (1996), 246. — BAR 23/6 (1997), 68, 70. — JAOS 118 (1998), 440. — PEQ 130 (1998), 80–81. — BASOR 313 (1999), 88–91; A. Mazar, Timnah (Tel Batash), I: Stratigraphy and Architecture, 1–2 (Timnah-Tel Batash Final Reports 1; Qedem 37), Jerusalem 1997; ibid. (Reviews) AJA 98 (1994), 569–570. — PEQ 126 (1994), 74–75. — 133 (2001), 67–69. — BAR 25/2 (1999), 59. — JNES 61 (2002), 151–152; id. (& N. Panitz-Cohen), Timnah (Tel Batash), II: The Finds from the First Millennium BCE, 1–2 (Timnah-Tel Batash Final Reports 2; Qedem 42), Jerusalem 2001; ibid. (Reviews) BASOR 330 (2003), 91–93. — IEJ 55 (2005), 241–244; N. Panitz-Cohen, The Pottery Assemblages of Tel Batash-Timnah, Strata IV–III (10th–8th Centuries BCE) (M.A. thesis), Jerusalem 1999; id. (& A. Mazar), Timnah (Tel Batash), III: The Finds from the Second Millennium BCE (Timnah-Tel Batash Final Reports 3; Qedem 45), Jerusalem (in press).
Studies: A. Mazar, EI 20 (1989), 195*–196*; id., BA 56 (1993), 137–139; id., Scripture and Other Artifacts, Louisville, KY 1994, 247–267; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 281–283; id., Mediterranean Peoples in Transition, Jerusalem 1998, 373–377; N. J. Bierling, Giving Goliath His Due, Grand Rapids, MI 1992; W. R. Rotter, ABD, 6, New York 1992, 556–557; P. Daviau, Houses, Sheffield 1993, 317–323; G. Galil, ZDPV 109 (1993), 49–53; S. Gitin, Studies in the Archaeology and History of Ancient Israel, Haifa 1993, 99*–126*; C. S. Ehrlich, The Philistines in Transition: A History from ca. 1000–730 B.C.E. (Studies in the History and Culture of the Ancient Near East 10), Leiden 1996; G. L. Kelm & A. Mazar, Olive Oil in Antiquity, Padova 1996, 243–248; J. C. Waldbaum & J. Magness, AJA 101(1997), 23–40; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 100; Y. Dagan, The Settlement in the Judean Shephelah in the 2nd and 1st Millennium B.C.: A Test-Case of Settlement Processes in a Geographic Region (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); N. Panitz-Cohen, ASOR Newsletter 50/1 (2000), 16; id., ASOR Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Boulder, CO 2001, 27; id., Ägypten und Levante 14 (2004), 319–337; A. Faust, JMA 15 (2002), 53–73; id., BAR 30/2 (2004), 52–53, 62; I. Finkelstein, PEQ 134 (2002), 118–129; H. M. Niemann, Kein Land für sich allein, Freiburg 2002, 70–91; Z. Herzog, Saxa Loquentur, Münster 2003, 85–100.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p. 158.
Y. Dagan, The Settlement in the Judean Shephelah in the 2nd and 1st Millennium B.C.: A Test-Case of Settlement Processes in a Geographic Region (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract).
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 158–160.
W. G. Dever, The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, London 1995, 289–293; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 285–287; id., The Rural Landscape of Ancient Israel (BAR/IS 1121; eds. A. M. Maeir et al.), Oxford 2003, 43–59; M. Haiman, BASOR 303 (1996), 1–32; Y. Goren, ibid., 33–72; T. E. Levy et al., Antiquity 76/292 (2002), 425–437; I. Berelov, SHAJ 8 (2004), 45–58.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 175–177.
Main publication: D. Rosenberg et al., Beisamoun: The Wadi Rabah Occurrence (forthcoming).
Studies: Y. Garfinkel, CAJ 4 (1994), 159–188; Les Dossiers de l’Archéologie 203 (1995); R. Barkai, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 65 (1999), 303–318; id., Flint and Stone Axes as Cultural Markers: Socio Economic Changes as Reflected in Holocene Flint Tool Industries of the Southern Levant (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abtract); id., ibid. (Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 11), Berlin 2005, 155–170; id., Neo-Lithics 2002/1, 3–8; M. Bonogofsky, JAS 28 (2001), 671–690; 29 (2002), 959–964; id., An Osteo-Archaeological Examination of the Ancestor Cult during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Period in the Levant (Ph.D. diss., Berkeley, CA), Ann Arbor, MI 2001; id., Paléorient 27/2 (2001), 141–146; id., Journal of the Association of Graduates in Near Eastern Studies, Berkeley, CA, 9 (2002), 1–7; id., BASOR 331 (2003), 1–10; Y. Goren & A. N. Goring-Morris, JAS 28 (2001), 671–690; D. Schmandt-Besserat, Origini 24 (2002), 95–140 (pp. 116–118); id., Archaeology Odyssey 6/2 (2003), 19–27.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 177–180.
Main publication: S. Ben-Arieh et al., Bronze Age and Iron Age Tombs at Tell Beit Mirsim (IAA Reports 23), Jerusalem 2004.
Studies: G. Barkay, IEJ 40 (1990), 124–129; W. G. Dever, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 648–649; id., EI 27 (2003), 29*–36*; P. Daviau, Houses, Sheffield 1993, 147–164, 399; J. Jeremias, Biblische Welten (M. Metzger Fest.; Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 123; ed. W. Zwickel), Fribourg 1993, 41–59; N. A. Silberman, BA 56 (1993), 8–16; J. G. Van der Land, Bijbel, Geschiedenis en Archeologie 1 (1994), 1–12; J. Renz, Die Althebräischen Epigraphik, Darmstadt 1995, 168–172; J. Bourriau, Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson (ed. P. Der Manuelian), Boston, MA 1996, 101–116; A. Zertal, Michmanim 9 (1996), 73–82; R. Greenberg, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 295–297; O. Zimhoni, Studies in the Iron Age Pottery of Israel: Typological, Archaeological and Chronological Aspects, Tel Aviv 1997, 179–210; A. Faust, TA 26 (1999), 233–252; 29 (2002), 300–301; id., Levant 35 (2003), 123–138; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 101; S. Campbell, Chronologie des pays du Caucase et de l’Euphrate aux IVe–IIIe millénaires, Paris 2000, 54–63; Y. Dagan, The Settlement in the Judean Shephelah in the 2nd and 1st Millennium B.C.: A Test-Case of Settlement Processes in a Geographic Region (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); H. Shanks, BAR 26/6 (2000), 52–63, 71; J. D. Schloen, The House of the Father as Fact and Symbol: Patrimonialism in Ugarit and the Ancient Near East (Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 2; Harvard Semitic Museum Publications), Winona Lake, IN 2001, 136–181; S. L. Cohen, Canaanites, Chronologies, and Connections, Winona Lake, IN 2002 (index); NEA 65/1 (2002) (W. F. Albright Fest.); M. Tadmor & Y. Goren, Culture Through Objects: Ancient Near Eastern Studies (P. R. S. Moorey Fest.; Griffith Institute Publications; eds. T. Potts et al.), Oxford 2003, 189–206; G. Davies, Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions, 2: Corpus and Concordance, Cambridge 2004, 12, 36–38; I. Finkelstein & N. Na’aman, TA 31 (2004), 60–79; W. H. Shea, NEAS Bulletin 50 (2005), 1–14.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 182–186.
A. Boas, NEA 61/3 (1998), 138–173; H. Geva, Archaeological Sites in Israel, 4, Jerusalem 1999, 18–20; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee (SBF Collectio Minor 37), Jerusalem 2001, 245–248; S. Scham, Archaeology 55/5 (2002), 24–31.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 186–187
B. Brandl, ‘Atiqot 10 (1990), 14*; I. Finkelstein, ibid., 13*–14*; A. Oppenheimer, Geschichte-Tradition-Reflexion 1 (M. Hengel Fest.; ed. P. Schäfer), Tübingen 1996, 483–499; I. Ben-David, ESI 109 (1999), 96*; R. Kletter, ibid. 111 (2000), 37*–38*; S. Golan & A. Elenekave, ibid. 114 (2002), 114*–115*; Y. Gadot & Y. Tepper, TA 30 (2003), 130–162.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 188–190.
Y. Tsafrir, Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993, 207–218; A. Kloner et al., Survey of Jerusalem, The Southern Sector (Archaeological Survey of Jerusalem), Jerusalem 2000; J. Magness, The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 109–111; N. Tzameret, JSRS 12 (2003), xix.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 190–192.
J. Gutmann, Bulletin of the Asia Institute 6 (1992), 79–85; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 299–300; M. Bachmann, Neukirchener Theologische Zeitschrift 9 (1994), 168–191; O. Hess, Israel Magazine 58 (1994), 27, 29 , 3–34; M. Bregman, The Sacrifice of Isaac in the Three Monotheistic Religions: Proceedings of a Symposium on the Interpretation of the Scriptures, Jerusalem 16–17.3.1995 (SBF Analecta 41; ed. F. Manns), Jerusalem 1995, 127–145; R. Hachlili, ZDPV 113 (1997), 92–122; L. A. Roussin, Archaeology and the Galilee: Texts and Contexts in the Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Periods (South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism 143; eds. D. R. Edwards & C. T. McCollough), Atlanta, GA 1997, 83–96; id., BAR 27/2 (2001), 52–56; H. Mack, Cathedra 88 (1998), 180–181; G. Stemberger, Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie 13 (1998), 145–170; A. E. Killebrew, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 3/1–2 (1999), 17–32; Y. Englard, Cathedra 98 (2000), 172–173; E. Kessler, From Dura to Sepphoris, Portsmouth, RI 2000, 73–81; J. Magness, Symbiosis, Symbolism and the Power of the Past, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 363–389, 553–554; S. S. Miller, JQR 94 (2004), 27–76.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 192–194.
Main publication: K. Könen, Bethel: Geschichte, Kult und Theologie (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 192), Freiburg 2003; ibid. (Reviews) UF 34 (2002), 947–949. — Bibliotheca Orientalis 62 (2005), 101–102.
Studies: Z. Kallai, Prophetie und geschichtliche Wirklichkeit im alten Israel (S. Herrmann Fest.; eds. R. Liwak & S. Wagner), Stuttgart 1991, 171–188; H. Brodsky, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 710–712; P. Daviau, Houses, Sheffield 1993, 395–398; M. Weinfeld, Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen zwischen Kleinasien, Nordsyrien und dem Alten Testament (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 129; eds. B. Janowski et al.), Freiburg 1993, 455–472; D. P. Livingston, PEQ 126 (1994), 154–159; W. Zwickel, Der Tempelkult in Kanaan und Israel (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 10), Tübingen 1994, 19–20; G. L. Mattingly, BA 58 (1995), 14–25; H. -D. Neef, Ephraim: Studien zur Geschichte des Stammes Ephraim von der Landname bis zur frühen Königszeit (ZAW Beihefte 238), Berlin 1995; C. J. Chang-Ho, Orientalia 66 (1997), 414–425; W. G. Dever, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 300–301; M. Gleis, Die Bamah (ZAW Beihefte 251), Berlin 1997; S. M. Langston, Cultic Sites in the Tribe of Benjamin: Benjaminite Prominence in the Religion of Israel (American University Studies Series 7; Theology and Religion 200), New York 1998; R. Scibona, Bibbia e Oriente 40/196 (1998), 65–98; Y. Amit, Studies in Historical Geography, Leiden 2000, 121–131; W. B. Barrick, Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 14 (2000), 3–16; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 101; P. Gibert, Jacob: commentaire a plusieurs voix de Gen 25–26 (A. De Pury Fest.; eds. J. -D. Macchi & T. Römer), Geneve 2001, 248–256; J. Blenkinsopp, Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period. International Conference, Tel Aviv, May 2001 (eds. O. Lipschitz & J. Blenkinsopp), Winona Lake, IN 2003, 93–107; J. -M. Van Cangh, Quelle Maison pour Dieu? (ed. Camille Focant), Paris 2003, 38–47; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 181–184; A. F. Rainey, ASOR Annual Meeting 2004, .
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 202–203.
Main publication: S. Givon, The Excavation at Bet ha-Emeq 1973, Tel Aviv 1993 (Eng. abstract).
Studies: S. Givon, In Quest of Ancient Settlements and Landscapes, Tel Aviv 2002, 87–106; R. Frankel, DOP 51 (1997), 73–84; id., Cura Aquarum in Israel, Siegburg 2002, 89–92; Y. Goren & S. Zuckermann, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 165–182; M. Peilstöcker, ICAANE, 1, Roma 2000, 1335–1336; C. Delage, Les resources lithiques dans le nord d’Israël: la question des territoires d’approvisionnement Natoufiens confrontée a l’hypothèse de leur sédentarité (Ph.D. diss.), Paris 2001; P. Beck, Imagery and Representation, Tel Aviv 2002, 252–259.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 203–210.
Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 184–186; H. I. Newman, Biblica 86 (2005), 213–228; L. Niesiolowski-Spanò, ibid., 478–493.
The Church of the Nativity
Main publications: G. S. P. Freeman-Grenville, The Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Jerusalem 1993; ibid. (Review) PEQ 128 (1996), 174–175; P. Revault et al., Maisons de Bethléem, Paris 1997; M. T. Petrozzi, Bethlehem (The Holy Places of Palestine), Jerusalem 2000.
Studies: J. Finegan, The Archaeology of the New Testament: The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church, rev. ed., Princeton, NJ 1992; H. Gazelles, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 712–715; G. Kühnel, Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993, 197–203; id., Byzantinische Zeitschrift 86–87 (1993–1994), 86–107; id., The Real and Ideal Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Art (B. Narkiss Fest.; ed. B. Kühnel), Jerusalem 1998, 151–157; id., Knights of the Holy Land: The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (Israel Museum, Catalogue 422; ed. S. Rozenberg), Jerusalem 1999, 206–216; id., The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church From the 5th Century to the Present (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 98; ed. J. Patrich), Leuven 2001, 353–362; D. Pringle, The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: A Corpus, 1, Cambridge 1993, 137–157; J. E. Taylor, Christians and the Holy Places, Oxford 1993; A. T. Jotischky, Levant 25 (1993), 213; 26 (1994), 207–223; I. McDowell, BH 30 (1994), 8–10; D. W. Manor, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 302; H. Goldfus, Tombs and Burials in Churches and Monasteries of Byzantine Palestine (324–628 A. D.), 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1998, 146–152; R. F. Campanati, The Madaba Map Centenary, 1897–1999: Travelling Through the Byzantine Umayyad Period (SBF Collectio Maior 40; eds. M. Piccirillo & E. Alliata), Jerusalem 1999, 173–177; F. Mébarki, MdB 121 (1999), 94; S. Santelli et al., Les Dossiers d’Archéologie 240 (1999), 72–83; L. Bonato & M. Emery, LA 50 (2000), 401–410; In Terrasanta: dalla Crociata alla Custodia dei Luoghi Sandi (Milano, 17.2.–21.3.2000; ed. M. Piccirillo), Firenze 2000, 114–124; S. Mason & J. Murphy-O’Connor, BR 16/1 (2000), 31–45, 50–54; K. Prag, PEQ 132 (2000), 169–181; W. Pullan, Text and Artifact, Waterloo, ONT 2000, 308–321; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev (SBF Collectio Minor 42), Jerusalem 2002; C. Heitz, MdB Hors Série 2005, 44–46; A. Lewin, The Archaeology of Ancient Judea and Palestine, Los Angeles, CA 2005, 138–144; A. Oshri, Archaeology 58/6 (2005), 42–45.
The Aqueduct
M. Dadon & Y. Zelinger, ‘Atiqot 32 (1997), 40*–41*.
Other Remains
I. Yezerski, JSRS 6 (1996), xi; BAR 25/3 (1999), 21; F. de Cree, ZDPV 115 (1999), 59–84; Y. Baruch & I. Sharuch, ESI 111 (2000), 74*–75*; 112 (2000), 89*; F. P. M. Karg, Antike Welt 34 (2003), 285–294.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 210–213.
J. Patrich, Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993, 265–272; J. Renz, Die Althebräischen Inschriften, 1 (Handbuch der Althebräischen Epigraphik), Darmstadt 1995, 242–250; P. Sarkio, ZDPV 113 (1997), 39–60; Z. Zevit, The Religions of Ancient Israel: A Synthesis of Parallactic Approaches, London 2001; J. Magness, The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 109; N. Tzameret, JSRS 12 (2003), xix.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 236–248.
Main publication: Y. & Y. Tepper, Beit She‘arim: The Village and Nearby Burials, Tel Aviv 2004 (Heb.).
Studies: P. W. Van der Horst, BAR 18/5 (1992), 46–57; Z. Weiss, The Galilee in Late Antiquity (ed. L. I. Levine), New York 1992, 357–371; id., EI 25 (1996), 102*; F. Vitto, ‘Atiqot 28 (1996), 115–146; L. I. Levine, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 309–311; R. Sivan, The Conservation of Archaeological Sites in the Mediterranean Region (ed. Marta de la Torre), Los Angeles 1997; M. L. Fischer, Marble Studies, Konstanz 1998; T. Rajak, The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture, 1 (Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum 71; ed. P. Schäfer), Tübingen 1998, 349–366; id., The Jewish Dialogue with Greece and Rome: Studies in Cultural and Social Interaction (Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums 48), Leiden 2001; B. -Z. Rosenfeld, HUCA 69 (1998), 57; id., Cathedra 114 (2004), 177; Z. Safrai, The Missing Century: Palestine in the 5th Century—Growth and Decline (Palestine Antiqua N.S. 9), Leuven 1998, (index); J. Elayi & H. Sayegh, Port, Paris 1998–2000; I. C. Freestone & Y. Gorin-Rosen, Journal of Glass Studies 41 (1999), 105–116; id. (et al.), La route du verre (Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient Mediterraneen 33; ed. M. -D. Nenna), Lyon 2000, 65–84; D. Lipkunsky, ESI 19 (1999), 20*; Y. Argaman, ESI 20 (2000), 27*; S. Fine, BR 16/5 (2000), 32–43; I. Jabur, ESI 112 (2000), 119; R. N. Longenecker, Text and Artifact, Waterloo, ONT 2000, 249–270; M. L. Satlow, World Congress of Jewish Studies, 12/B, Jerusalem 2000, 17–24; Z. Yavor, ESI 20 (2000), 26*–27*; M. Peilstöcker & Y. Lehrer, ibid 113 (2001), 28*–30*; Y. Gorin-Rosen, Michmanim 16 (2002), 7*–18*; H. Misgav, JSRS 11 (2002), xvi; M. Tilly, Antike Welt 34 (2003), 143–150; Artifax 20/2 (2005), 6.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 259–261.
R. Reich, EI 23 (1992), 154*; id., TA 19 (1992), 113–123; W. I. Toews, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 701–702; B. Alpert Nakhai, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 314; A. M. Berlin, BA 60 (1997), 2–51; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 103; M. C. D’Angelo, Actas del IV Congrèso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Punicos, Cadiz, 2–6.10.1995, 1–4 (eds. M. E. Aubet & M. Barthelemy), Cadiz 2000, 1511–1517; H. Shanks, BAR 26/6 (2000), 52–63, 71; W. Thiel, Bibel und Kirche 57 (2002), 95–103.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, 262–263.
E. J. Stern, ESI 15 (1996), 28–30; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 103; Y. Alexandre & E. J. Stern, ‘Atiqot 42 (2001), 183–195.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p. 263.
M. Haiman, IEJ 44 (1994), 36–61; J. Sarel, The Middle-Upper Paleolithic Transition in Israel: Technological Analysis (Ph.D. diss.), Haifa 2002; id., ibid. (BAR/IS 1229), Oxford 2004; D. O. Henry, Neanderthals in the Levant: Behavioral Organization and the Beginnings of Human Modernity (New Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology; ed. D. O. Henry), London 2003, 12–30; K. Monigal, More Than Meets the Eye: Studies on Upper Palaeolithic Diversity in the Near East (eds. A. N. Goring-Morris & A. Belfer-Cohen), Oxford 2003, 118–133.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 266–267.
B. Alpert Nakhai, BAR 20/3 (1994), 20; V. Hurowitz, BR 10/5 (1994), 27; A. Mazar, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 383–384; id., PEQ 131 (1999), 144–148; I. Finkelstein, ibid. 130 (1998), 94–98.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 267–269.
E. Stern, EI 24 (1993), 238*; A. Ofer, Cathedra 90 (1998), 197; J. Patrich, The Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls (eds. L. H. Schiffman & J. C. VanderKam), 1, Oxford 2000, 103–103.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 291–296.
Main publications: H. Blödhorn, Die Kapitelle der Synagoge von Kapernaum: ihre zeitliche und stilistische Einordnung im Rahmen der Kapitellentwicklung in der Dekapolis und Palästina (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Paläsina-Vereins 11), Wiesbaden 1993; S. Loffreda, Recovering Capharnaum, 2nd ed., Jerusalem 1993; id., Kapernaum, Jerusalem 1994; id., Cafarnao, Jerusalem 1995; id., Cafarnaum, Jerusalem 1995; id., Cafarnao V: Documentazione fotografica degli scavi (1968–2003) (SBF Collectio Maior 44), Jerusalem 2005; Entrarono a Cafarnao: lettura interdisciplinare di Marco 1 (V. Ravanelli Fest.; SBF Analecta 44; eds. M. Adinolfi & P. Kasawalder), Jerusalem 1997.
Studies: Y. Stepansky, ESI 10 (1991), 87–90; 12 (1993), 10–11; 112 (2000), 9*–11*; 115 (2003), 9*; V. C. Corbo, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 866–869; id., Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993, 71–76; J. Finegan, The Archaeology of the New Testament: The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church, rev. ed., Princeton, NJ 1992; J. C. H. Laughlin, BAR 19/5 (1993), 54–61, 90; S. Loffreda, Early Christianity in Context: Monuments and Documents (E. Testa Fest.; SBF Collection Maior 38; eds. F. Mann & E. Alliata), Jerusalem 1993, 37–67; id., LA 47 (1997), 223–244; id., The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, 1 (ed. E. M. Meyers), New York 1997, 416–419; J. E. Taylor, Christians and the Holy Places, Oxford 1993; B. Brenk, Byzantine East, Latin West (K. Weitzmann Fest.; eds. C. Moss & K. Kiefer), Princeton, NJ 1995, 15–28; Y. Tsafrir, The Roman and Byzantine Near East, 1, Ann Arbor, MI 1995, 151–161; E. A. Arslan, LA 46 (1996), 307–316; 47 (1997), 245–328; id., Revue Numismatique 159 (2003), 27–39; B. Callegher, ibid., 329–338; K. M. Galor, Domestic Architecture in Galilee and Golan during the Roman and Byzantine Periods (1st Century B.C. to 7th Century A.D.) (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1996; id., Miscellanea Mediterranea (ed. R. R. Holloway), Providence, RI 2000, 109–124; id., NEA 66 (2003), 44–57; J. Magness, JAOS 117 (1997), 307–316, 481–486; id., Cathedra 101 (2001), 204–205; id., Judaism in Late Antiquity III/4, Leiden 2001, 1–48; C. D. Tarbes. MdB 104 (1997), 71; Z. Safrai, The Missing Century: Palestine in the 5th Century—Growth and Decline (Palestine Antiqua N.S. 9), Leuven 1998, (index); Z. U. Ma‘oz, The Roman and Byzantine Near East, 2, Portsmouth, RI 1999, 137–148; M. Nun, BAR 25/4 (1999), 18–31, 64; V. Shalev, Historical Context, Structure and Function in the Churches of Palestine in Late Antiquity (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 1999 (Eng. abstract); F. Manns, Les Dossiers de l’Archéologie 249 (1999–2000), 46–55; Z. Gal & H. Butros, ESI 111 (2000), 11*; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee (SBF Collectio Minor 37), Jerusalem 2001, 76–78; B. D. Chilton, Religious Texts and Material Contexts (Studies in Ancient Judaism; eds. J. Neusner & J. F. Strange), Lanham, MD 2001, 63–71; M. L. Fischer, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 44 (2001), 142–167; LA 51 (2001), 470–471; J. F. Strange, Religious Texts and Material Contexts (op. cit.), Lanham, MD 2001, 43–62; id., Continuity and Renewal: Jews and Judaism in Byzantine-Christian Palestine (ed. L. I. Levine), Jerusalem 2004, 530–543; E. M. Meyers, AJA 106 (2002), 244; P. Richardson, New Testament Studies 48 (2002), 314–331; id., Building Jewish in the Roman East (Suppls. to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 92), Waco, TX 2004, 91–107; A. Runesson, Svensk Exegetisk Arsbok 67 (2002), 121–144; BAR 29/1 (2003), 50–51, 53; LA 53 (2003), 520; R. Reisner, Leben am See Gennesaret, Mainz am Rhein 2003, 173–180; J. Zangenberg, ibid., 99–103; BAR 30/1 (2004), 46–47; K. N. Schoville, NEAS Bulletin 49 (2004), 15–26; F. Comte & B. Pixner, MdB Hors Serie 2005, 20–23; C. A. Evans, The Missions of James, Peter, and Paul: Tensions in Early Christianity (Suppls. to Novum Testamentum 115; eds. B. Chilton & C. A. Evans), Leiden 2005, 211–231; L. I. Levine, The Ancient Synagogue: The First Thousand Years, 2nd ed., New Haven, CT 2005, 51–52; A. Lewin, The Archaeology of Ancient Judea and Palestine, Los Angeles, CA 2005, 66–73.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 297–299.
Y. Hirschfeld, ESI 10 (1991), 36–37; id., The Judean Desert Monasteries in the Byzantine Period, New Haven, CO 1992; id., Early Christianity in Context: Monuments and Documents (E. Testa Fest.; SBF Collection Maior 38; eds. F. Mann & E. Alliata), Jerusalem 1993, 297–311; id., LA 50 (2000), 315–362; id., The Aqueducts of Israel, Portsmouth, RI 2002, 428–437; id., PEQ 136 (2004), 133–149; J. Patrich, Cristianesimo nella Storia 16 (1995), 1–9; id., Michmanim 8 (1995), 9–10*; id., The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church from the 5th Century to the Present (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 98; ed. J. Patrich), Leuven 2001; M. L. Delbridge, Prayer from Alexander to Constantine: A Critical Anthology (eds. M. Kiley et al.), London 1997, 171–175; H. Goldfus, Tombs and Burials in Churches and Monasteries of Byzantine Palestine (324–628 A.D.), 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1998, 176–205.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 301–304.
Main publication: Z. Yeivin et al., The Synagogue at Korazim: The 1962–1964, 1980–1987 Excavations (IAA Reports 10), Jerusalem 2000 (Eng. abstracts).
Studies: R. S. Smith, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 911–912; K. M. Galor, Domestic Architecture in Galilee and Golan during the Roman and Byzantine Periods (1st Century B.C. to 7th Century A.D.) (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1996; id., NEA 66 (2003), 44–57; S. Fine, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, 1 (ed. E. M. Meyers), New York 1997, 490–491; Y. Stepansky, ESI 112 (2000), 9*–11*; N. May, ‘Atiqot 43 (2002), 207–252; E. Yehuda, Jahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes 9 (2003), 9–25; K. N. Schoville, NEAS Bulletin 49 (2004), 15–26; P. Gruson, MdB Hors Serie 2005, 24–25.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 305–314.
Main publications: J. T. Burtchaell, From Synagogue to Church: Public Services and Offices in the Earliest Christian Communities, Cambridge 1992; ibid. (Review) BR 10/2 (1994), 11–12; L. A. Roussin, The Iconography of the Figural Pavements of Early Byzantine Palestine, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University 1985), Ann Arbor, MI 1992; Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993; ibid. (Reviews) LA 44 (1994), 722–725. — Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 89 (1994), 561–564. — PEQ 126 (1994), 174–175. — BASOR 298 (1995), 94–95. — JAOS 115 (1995), 114. — The Roman and Byzantine Near East, 1 (1995), 304–311. — AJA 100 (1996), 194–195. — Bibliotheca Orientalis 53 (1996), 824–827. — JNES 57 (1998), 223–224. —Syria 76 (1999), 315; M. Piccirillo, The Mosaics of Jordan (ACOR Publications 1; eds. P. M. Bikai & T. A. Dailey), Amman 1993; ibid. (Reviews) BASOR 296 (1994), 84–86. — BAR 22/2 (1996), 58–59. — IEJ 46 (1996), 140–142. — JRA 9 (1996), 594–597. — Jordan Antiquity Annual, 1–2 (1997–1998), #22; W. Sanderson, Early Christian Buildings: A Graphic Introduction (300–600), Champlain, NY 1993; D. Pringle, The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: A Corpus, 1–2, Cambridge 1993–1998; ibid. (Reviews) PEQ 126 (1994), 85–86. — ZDPV 110 (1994), 88–90. — 116 (2000), 188–190. — Bibliotheca Orientalis 52 (1995), 816–817. —BAR 22/2 (1996), 68–69. — IEJ 46 (1996), 282–284. — 49 (1999), 286–288. — Levant 28 (1996), 225. — Syria 73 (1996), 226. — 77 (2000), 349. — AJA 103 (1999), 582–584. — BASOR 314 (1999), 91–93. — Antiquity 75/289 (2001), 635–639; id., Secular Buildings in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: An Archaeological Gazetteer, Cambridge 1997; ibid. (Reviews) AJA 103 (1999), 582–584. — BASOR 314 (1999), 89–91. — Antiquity 75/289 (2001), 635–639; Churches Built in Ancient Times: Recent Studies in Early Christian Archaeology (ed. K. S. Painter; Society of Antiquaries Occasional Papers 16), London 1994; ibid. (Review) PEQ 129 (1997), 86–88; L. J. Hoppe, The Synagogues and Churches of Ancient Palestine (A Michael Glazier Book), Collegeville, MN 1994; ibid. (Review) LA 44 (1994), 719–720; S. Schrenk, Typos und Antitypos in der frühchristlichen Kunst (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 21), Münster 1995; Architectural Studies in Memory of Richard Krautheimer (ed. C. L. Striker), Mainz am Rhen 1996; H. Goldfus, Tombs and Burials in Churches and Monasteries of Byzantine Palestine (324–628 A.D.), 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1998; A. M. Schneider, Reticulum: Ausgewählte Aufsätze und Katalog siener Sammlunges (ed. H. R. Seeliger, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 25), Münster 1998; P. Baumann, Spätantike Stifter im Heiligen Land: Darstellung und Inschriften auf Bodenmosaiken in Kirchen, Synagogen und Privathäusern (Spätantike Frühes Christentum Byzanz Kunst in Ersten Jahrtausend B: Studien und Perspektiven 5), Wiesbaden 1999; V. Shalev, Historical Context, Structure and Function in the Churches of Palestine in Late Antiquity (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 1999 (Eng. abstract); A. Strus, Bet Gemal: Pathway to the Tradition of Saints Stephen and Gamaliel, Roma 2000; id. (et al.), Khirbet Fattir-Bet Jemal: Two Ancient Jewish and Christian Sites in Israel, Roma 2003; ibid. (Review) LA 52 (2002), 598–600; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee (SBF Collectio Minor 37), Jerusalem 2001; ibid. (Review) Bibliotheca Orientalis 59 (2002), 618–619; id., Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev (SBF Collectio Minor 42), Jerusalem 2002; id., Ancient Christian Villages of Samaria (SBF Collectio Minor 39), Jerusalem 2002; A. Michel, Les églises d’époque Byzantine et Umayyade de Jordanie (provinces d’Arabie et de Palestine) Ve–VIIIe siècles: typologie architecturale et aménagements liturgiques, avec catalogue des monuments (Bibliothèque de l’Antiquite tardive 2), Turnhout 2001; ibid. (Reviews) LA 51 (2001), 375–378. — CRAIBL 2002/2, 494–495. — JRA 15 (2002), 690–699. — L’Antiquite Classique 72 (2003), 672; J. Wilkinson, From Synagogue to Church–The Traditional Design: Its Beginning, its Definition, its End, London 2002; ibid. (Review) PEQ 136 (2004), 190–193; Les églises de Jordanie et leurs mosaïques: Actes de la journée d’études…, Lyon 4.1989 (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique 168; ed. N. Duval), Beirut 2003; Io Notaio Nicola de Martoni: il pellegrinaggio ai Luogui Santi da Carinola a Gerusalemme 1394–1395 (SBF Collectio Maior 42; ed. M. Piccirillo), Jerusalem 2003; Horvat Karkur ‘Illit: A Byzantine Cemetery Church in the Northern Negev (Final Report of the Excavations 1989–1995) (Beer-Sheva Archaeological Monographs 1; Beer-Sheva 16; ed. P. Figueras), Beer-Sheva 2004; Cyril of Scythopolis, Lives of Monks of the Judaean Desert (introduction & tr. L. Di Segni), Jerusalem 2005 (Heb.); L. Habas, The Figurative Themes of the Mosaic Pavements in the Churches of Provincia Arabia: Origins, Style and Iconography (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem (in prep.).
Studies: J. R. Branham, Art Bulletin 74 (1992), 375–394; A. Chambon & A. Strus, RB 99 (1992), 425–439; P. Figueras, MdB 78 (1992), 60–63; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 5–7; id., Aram 15 (2003), 49–69; J. Patrich, LA 41 (1992), 429–448; 50 (2000), 363–382; id., The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, London 1995, 470–487; id., Near Eastern Archaeology: A Reader (ed. S. Richard), Winona Lake, IN 2003, 479–486; A. Strus, Salesianum 54 (1992), 1–26, 453–478; E. Testa, LA 42 (1992), 109–144; Z. Yeivin, ‘Atiqot 21 (1992), 109–128; B. Kühnel, Jewish Art 19–20 (1993–1994), 113–123; id., Relics in the Art and Culture of the Eastern Christian World: Abstracts of Papers and Material from International Symposium (ed. A. Lidov), Moscow 2000, 33–34; N. Monell, Bibbia e Oriente 35 (1993), 217–233; J. Poulin, MdB 82 (1993), 46–48; A. Strobel, ZDPV 109 (1993), 54–63; Y. Tsafrir, BAR 19/5 (1993), 26–39; id., Antiquite Tardive 8 (2000), 149–164; id., Relics in the Art and Culture of the Eastern Christian World (op. cit.) Moscow 2000, 18; V. Tzaferis, Studies in the Archaeology and History of Ancient Israel, Haifa 1993, 227–249; id., The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church from the 5th Century to the Present (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 98; ed. J. Patrich), Leuven 2001, 317–321; E. G. Van Welie, Boreas 16 (1993), 165–180; G. Anderlini, Bibbia et Oriente 36/179 (1994), 41–61; Christians in the Holy Land (eds. M. Prior & W. Taylor), London 1994; L. Di Segni, SCI 13 (1994), 94–115; id., Dated Greek Inscriptions from Palestine from the Roman and Byzantine Periods (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1997; id., LA 50 (2000), 383–400; id., Aram 15 (2003), 247–267; J. Elsner, Art History 17 (1994), 81–102; Y. Hirschfeld, BA 57 (1994), 122–133; id., RB 106 (1999), 236–249; A. Jotischky, Levant 26 (1994), 207–223; H. -P. Kuhnen, ZDPV 110 (1994), 36–50; W. H. Mare, Aram 6 (1994), 359–379; id., ASOR Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Boulder, CO 2001, 34; id., SHAJ 8 (2004), 301–309; M. Piccirillo, LA 44 (1994), 381–404; 47 (1997), 375–394; id., The Madaba Map Centenary, 1897–1997: Travelling Through the Byzantine Umayyad Period. Proceedings of the International Conference, Amman, 7–9.4.1997 (SBF Collectio Maior 40; eds. M. Piccirillo & E. Alliata), Jerusalem 1999, 218–221; D. Pringle, The Military Orders, 1: Fighting for the Faith and Caring for the Sick (ed. M. Barber), Aldershot 1994, 148–166; C. Dauphin (& S. Gibson), BAIAS 14 (1994–1995), 9–38; id., LA 49 (1999), 397–430; H. Goldfus et al., ibid. 45 (1995), 247–292; P. H. F. Jakobs, ibid., 873–880; V. Lassalle, Pelerinages et Croisades: Actes du 118e Congrès National des Sociétés Historiques et Scientifiques, Pau, Oct 1993, Section Archéologie et Histoire de l’Art, Paris 1995, 321–332; S. Margalit, LA 45 (1995), 357–400; P. Marzolff, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 20 (1995), 1024–1032; A. & N. Monelli, Bibbia e Oriente 37 (1995), 49–59; R. Schick, The Christian Communities of Palestine from Byzantine to Islamic Rule: A Historical and Archaeological Study (Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam 2), Princeton, NJ 1995; id., NEA 61 (1998), 86–88; J. -P. Sodini, The Roman and Byzantine Near East, 1, Ann Arbor, MI 1995, 304–311; F. Vitto, Bosphorus (C. Mango Fest.; Byzantinische Forschungen 21; eds. S. Efthymiadis & C. Rapp), Amsterdam 1995, 283–300; M. Ben-Dov, Yoqne‘am, I: The Late Periods (Qedem Reports 3 by A. Ben-Tor et al.), Jerusalem 1996, 42–46; id., Knights of the Holy Land: The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (Israel Museum, Catalogue 422; ed. S. Rozenberg), Jerusalem 1999, 83–93; R. C. Gregg & D. Urman, Jews, Pagans, and Christians in the Golan Hights: Greek and Other Inscriptions of the Roman and Byzantine Eras (South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism 140), Atlanta, GA 1996; J. E. Zias & P. D. Mitchell, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 101 (1996), 491–502; A. Aronshtam, ‘Atiqot 32 (1997), 49*–50*; P. C. Finney, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 1–5; R. Hachlili, ZDPV 113 (1997), 92–122; Taha Hamdan, LA 47 (1997), 359–374; R. Rubin, Journal of Historical Geography 23 (1997), 267–283; id., Mediterranean Historical Review 1998, 56–74; Y. Baruch, JSRS 8 (1998), xx; S. Gibson & Fanny Vitto, LA 48 (1998), 315–334; B. Z. Kedar et al., Sacred Space, Shrine, City, Land. Proceedings of the International Conference, Jerusalem, 8–13.6.1992. (J. Prawer Fest.; eds. B. Z. Kedar & R. J. Z. Werblowsky), London 1998; W. E. Kleinbauer, The Real and Ideal Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Art (B. Narkiss Fest.; ed. B. Kühnel), Jerusalem 1998, 140–146; M. Aviam, Galilee through the Centuries, Winona Lake, IN 1999, 281–300; id., One Land—Many Cultures, Jerusalem 2003, 41–59; id., Jews, Pagans and Christians in the Galilee: 25 Years of Archaeological Excavations and Surveys—Hellenistic to Byzantine Periods (Land of Galiliee 1), Rochester, NY 2004; H. Eshel et al., JRA 12 (1999), 411–422; L’invention des églises (MdB 121; eds. A. de Preville & J. -P. Caillet), Paris 1999, 12–82; S. T. Parker, NEA 62 (1999), 134–180; D. Bar, Changes in the Rural Population of Palestine and its Distribution from the Bar-Kokhba Revolt to the Arab Conquest (Ph.D. diss), Jerusalem 2000 (Eng. abstract); H. Dudman, Galilee Revisited: With Mary Magdalene and 20 Other Immortals in Search of Jesus, Jerusalem 2000; L. Habas, From Dura to Sepphoris, Portsmouth, RI 2000, 111–130; G. Kühnel, Relics in the Art and Culture of the Christian World (op. cit.), Moscow 2000, 54; R. Talgam, From Dura to Sepphoris, Portsmouth, RI 2000, 93–110; E. Grabiner, Assaph B/6 (2001), 119–138; M. Itah & Y. Baruch, JSRS 10 (2001), xxii; J. F. Strange, Religious Texts and Material Context (Studies in Ancient Judaism; eds. J. Neusner & J. F. Strange), Lanham, MD 2001, 43–62, 89–138; Z. Vseteckova, The Old Testament as Inspiration in Culture: International Academic Symposium, Prague, Sept. 1995 (eds. J. Heller et al.), Trebenice 2001, 96–110; A. Ovadiah, Art and Archaeology in Israel and Neighbouring Countries, London 2002, 104–124, 159–171; M. W. Merrony, BAIAS 21 (2003), 55–64; R. Mkhjian & C. Kanellopoulos, ADAJ 47 (2003), 9–18; Palestinian Christianity 500–1000 A.D. (Aram 15), Oxford 2003; B. Zissu & D. Weiss, JSRS 13 (2004), xv; S. Hoss & S. Ristow, Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 32 (2004), 72–77; D. Milson, PEQ 136 (2004), 45–56; K. J. H. Vriezen, SHAJ 8 (2004), 469–476.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 315–317.
H. Eshel, JSRS 4 (1994), xiii–xiv, 108, 112; G. Garbrecht & Y. Peleg, BA 57 (1994), 161–170; A. Ovadiah, 5th International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Bath, 5–12.9.1987 (JRA Suppl. Series 9; eds. P. Johnson et al.), Ann Arbor, MI 1994, 67–77; K. Fittschen, Judaea and the Greco-Roman World in the Time of Herod in the Light of Archaeological Evidence, Göttingen 1996, 139–161; G. Foerster, ibid., 52–53; O. Guri-Rimon, Cathedra 82 (1996), 191; E. Netzer, Judaea and the Greco-Roman World in the Time of Herod in the Light of Archaeological Evidence, Göttingen 1996, 34; id., Roman Baths and Bathing: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Roman Baths, Bath, 30.3–4.4.1992 (JRA Suppl. Series 37; eds. J. Delaine & D. E. Johnston), Portsmouth, RI 1999, 45–55; P. Richardson, Herod: King of the Jews and Friend of the Romans (Studies on Personalities of the New Testament), Columbia, SC 1996; Z. Meshel, IEJ 47 (1997), 295–297; id., (& D. Amit), The Aqueducts of Israel, Portsmouth, RI 2002, 311–329; id., JSRS 12 (2003), xi; Le opere fortificate de Erode il Grand, Firenze 1997; D. W. Roller, The Building Program of Herod the Great, Berkeley, CA 1998; A. Lichtenberger, Die Baupolitik Herodes des Grossen (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 26), Wiesbaden 1999; P. Donceel-Voûte, La mosaïque gréco-romaine 8: Actes du 8. Colloque International pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique et Médiévale, Lausanne, 6–11.10.1997 (Cahiers d’Archéologie romande 86; eds. D. Paunier & C. Schmidt), 2, Lausanne 2001, 490–509; M. Fischer, & O. Tal, ZDPV 119 (2003), 19–37; E. Netzer & I. Damati, Hasmonean and Herodian Palaces at Jericho: Final Reports of the 1973–1987 Excavations (director E. Netzer), II: Stratigraphy and Architecture, Jerusalem 2004, 233–280; N. Liphschitz, ibid., 281–285.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p. 318.
D. T. Ariel, ‘Atiqot 20 (1991), 74–80; R. C. Gregg & D. Urman, Jews, Pagans, and Christians in the Golan Heights: Greek and Other Inscriptions of the Roman and Byzantine Eras (South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism 140), Atlanta, GA 1996.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 318–320.
Main publication: R. Gophna et al., Excavations at Tel Dalit: An Early Bronze Age Walled Town in Central Israel, Tel Aviv 1996.
Study: R. T. Schaub, The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond, Winona Lake, IN 2000, 444–464.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 320–323.
Main publications: M. J. Winn Leith, Greek and Persian Images in Pre-Alexandrine Samaria: The Wadi ed-Daliyeh Seal Impressions (Ph.D. diss., Cambridge, MA 1990), Ann Arbor, MI 1993; id., Wadi Daliyeh, I: The Wadi Daliyeh Seal Impressions (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 24), Oxford 1997; ibid. (Reviews) BAR 25/4 (1999), 56, 58–59. — Dead Sea Discoveries 9 (2002), 258–262. — JNES 62 (2003), 27–30; D. M. Gropp et al., Wadi Daliyeh, II: The Samaria Papyri from Wadi Daliyeh (Qumran Cave 4/XXVIII: Miscellanea 2; Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 28), Oxford 2001; Surveys and Excavations of Caves in the Northern Judean Desert (CNJD) -1993 (‘Atiqot 41/2), Jerusalem 2002.
Studies: D. M. Gropp, Maarav 5–6 (1990), 165–188; id., ABD, 5, New York 1992, 931–932; id., The Dead Sea Scrolls, 50 Years after Their Discovery: Major Issues and New Approaches. An International Congress, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 20–25 7.1997 (eds. L. H. Schiffman et al.), Jerusalem 2000, 826–835; F. M. Cross, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 3–4; J. Schwartz & Y. Spanier, Cathedra 65 (1992), 190; J. H. McCulloch, BAR 19/4 (1993), 49; H. Eshel, JSRS 4 (1994), 106–107, 117; id., EI 26 (1999), 226*; P. K. McCarter, Jr., Ancient Inscriptions: Voices from the Biblical World, Washington, DC 1996; Y. Spanier, JSRS 5 (1995), xii; 6 (1996), xiii; J. Zsengeller, Zeitschrift für Althebräistik 9 (1996), 182–189; L. Cansdale, Qumran and the Essenes: A Re-Evaluation of the Evidence (Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 60), Tübingen 1997; W. G. Dever, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 101–102; O. Pedersen, Archives and Libraries in the Ancient Near East, 1500–300 B.C., Bethesda, MD 1998, 226–227; R. Zadok, UF 30 (1998), 781–828; H. M. Cotton, ZDPV 115 (1999), 228–247; id., SCI 20 (2001), 118–119; B. A. Levine, EI 26 (1999), 230*; M. J. Winn Leith, The Dead Sea Scrolls, 50 Years after Their Discovery (op. cit.), Jerusalem 2000, 691–707; Y. Peleg & N. Hameiri, ‘Atiqot 41/2 (2002), 1–4; R. Kessler, “Einen Altar von Erde mache mir…” (D. Conrad Fest.; Kleine Arbeiten zum Alten und Neuen Testament 4/5; eds. J. F. Diehl et al.), Waltrop 2003, 169–181.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 334–336.
Main publication: Y. Hirschfeld et al., The Early Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet ed-Deir in the Judean Desert: The Excavations in 1981–1987 (Qedem 38), Jerusalem 1999; ibid. (Reviews) Bonner Jahrbücher 200 (2000), 716–719. — BASOR 322 (2001), 91–94. — Byzantinische Zeitschrift 94 (2001), 312–314. — PEQ 133 (2001), 63. — Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana 77 (2001), 631–633. — AJA 107 (2003), 140–141.
Studies: M. McRoy, Archaeology in the Biblical World 1/1 (1991), 2–3; Y. Hirschfeld, Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993, 244–258; id., BAR 21/5 (1995), 28–37; P. Donceel-Voûte, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 20 (1995), 202.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 343–347.
O. Buchsenschutz, MdB 75 (1992), 16–19; T. Dothan, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 130–133; id., BA 56 (1993), 132–134; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 140–141; id., BAR 24/5 (1998), 24–37, 70 , 72; id., The White Slip Ware of Late Bronze Age Cyprus, Wien 2001, 157–160; J. Yellin, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering 14 (1993), 25–39; A. E. Killebrew, Retrieving the Past, Winona Lake, IN 1996, 135–162; id., Archaeology, History and Culture in Palestine and the Near East, Atlanta, GA 1999, 83–126; id., Egypt, Israel, and the Ancient Mediterranean World (D. B. Redford Fest.; Probleme de Ägyptologie 20; eds. G. N. Knoppers & A. Hirsch), Leiden 2004, 309–344; M. -M. Sadek, Les Dossiers d’Archéologie 240 (1999), 58–59; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 104; P. Blanc, Gaza Mediterranéenne: histoire et archéologie en Palestine (ed. J. -B. Humbert), Paris 2000, 127–135; H. Richter, Die Phönizischen Anthropoiden Sarkophage, 2: Tradition, Rezeption, Wander (Forschungen zur Phönizisch-Punischen und Zyprischen Plastik I/2; ed. Simone Frede), Mainz 2002, 243–271; M. A. S. Martin, Ägypten und Levante 14 (2004), 265–284; id., Aspects of the Egyptian Involvement in Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Canaan: The Egyptian and Egyptian-Style Pottery—A Case Study, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Wien 2005.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 348–349.
D. Syon, ESI 114 (2002), 1*.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 352–356.
Main publication: U. Worschech, Cromlechs, Dolmen und Menhire (Beiträge zur Erforschung der Antiken Moabitis (Ard el-Kerak), 2 (Vergleichende Studien zu Vor-und Frühgeschichtlichen Grabanlagein in Jordanien; Veröffentlischungen des Instituts für Biblische Archäologie an der Theologischen Hochschule Friedensau), Frankfurt am Main 2002; ibid. (Review) ADAJ 46 (2002), 629–631.
Studies: L. Vinitzky, EI 21 (1991), 107*; id., TA 19 (1992), 100–112; D. Bahat, The Architecture of Ancient Israel, Jerusalem 1992, 91–93; Y. Mizrahi, BAR 18/4 (1992), 46–54, 84; id. (et al.), IEJ 46 (1996), 167–196; C. M. Dauphin, Cathedra 73 (1994), 198; M. Zohar, Early Transition Periods in the Archaeology of Syria-Palestine (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1994 (Eng. abstract); K. Prag, The Archaeology of Death, Oxford 1995, 75–84; D. Ilan, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 167–168; C. Nicolle et al., ADAJ 43 (1999), 91–98; J. A. Fernandez-Tresguerres Velasco, SHAJ 7 (2001), 173–178; R. Greenberg, Early Urbanizations in the Levant: A Regional Narrative (New Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology), London 2002; The 1994 Season at Tall al-‘Umayri and Subsequent Studies (Madaba Plains Project 5; eds. L. G. Herr et al.), Berrien Springs, MI 2002.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 372–374.
R. E. Colley & G. D. Pratico, Scripture and Other Artifacts, Louisville, KY 1994, 70–92; id., Preliminary Excavation Reports: Sardis, Bir Umm Fawakhir, Tell el-Umeiri, The Combined Caesarea Expeditions and Tell Dothan (AASOR 52; ed. W. G. Dever), Philadelphia 1995, 147–190; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 171; W. G. Dever, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 226–227; C. L. Cockerham, BASOR 298 (1995), 75–76; H. -D. Neef, Ephraim: Studien zur Geschichte des Stammes Ephraim von der Landname bis zur frühen Königszeit (ZAW Beihefte 238), Berlin 1995; G. Galil, Cathedra 84 (1997), 189; A. Rofe, Ki Baruch hu: Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical and Judaic Studies (B. A. Levine Fest.; eds. R. Chazan et al.), Winona Lake, IN 1999, 345–353; J. S. E. Lev-Tov & E. F. Maher, PEQ 133 (2001), 91–110; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 104–105; O. Sion, Settlement History in the Central Samarian Region in the Byzantine Period, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 2001 (Eng. abstract); R. Kletter, IEJ 52 (2002), 32–35; E. Bloch-Smith, IEJ 54 (2004), 77–91; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 211–215.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 375–377.
Main publications: M. Machlin, Joshua’s Altar: The Dig at Mount Ebal, New York 1991; O. Cohen, Indentation and Incisions on Clay Vessels in the Iron Age I Period in the Central Hill Country of Canaan (M.A. Thesis), Haifa 2005 (Eng. abstract).
Studies: M. Bar-Ilan, JSRS 2 (1992), vii–viii; A. Zertal, The Rise of Ancient Israel: Symposium at the Smithsonian Institution, Oct. 26, 1991, Washington, DC 1992, 76–78; id., ABD, 2, New York 1992, 255–258; ibid., 5, New York 1992, 1186–1187; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 179–180; id., Mediterranean Peoples in Transition, Jerusalem 1998, 238–250; V. Fritz, Das Buch Josua (Handbuch zum Alten Testament I/07), Tübingen 1994; id., “Einen Altar von Erde mache mir…” (D. Conrad Fest.; Kleine Arbeiten zum Alten und Neuen Testament 4/5; eds. J. F. Diehl et al.), Waltrop 2003, 41–55; BAR 22/5 (1996), 22; C. T. Begg, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 73 (1997), 82–83; E. Noort, Deuteronomy and Deuteronomic Literature (C. H. W. Brekelmans Fest.; eds. M. Vervenne & J. Lust), Leuven 1997, 161–180; P. A. Barker, Tyndale Bulletin 49 (1998), 277–303; J. M. Van Cangh, MdB 110 (1998), 36–41; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 105; Y. Meitlis, JSRS 10 (2001), ix; Y. Ziv, ibid. 11 (2002), x–xi; Y. Elitzur & D. Nir-Zevi, PEQ 135 (2003), 30–36; id., BAR 30/3 (2004), 35–39; A. Mazar, Symbiosis, Symbolism and the Power of the Past, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 85–98; D. Nir-Zevi & Y. Elitzur, JSRS 12 (2003), viii–ix; E. Bloch-Smith, IEJ 54 (2004), 77–91.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p. 377.
J. Kaplan, ABD, 3, New York 1992, 643–644; Y. Garfinkel, Neolithic and Chalcolithic Pottery of the Southern Levant (Qedem 39), Jerusalem 1999.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p. 378.
I. Finkelstein, EI 21 (1991), 109*–110*; W. G. Dever, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 184–185; id., OEANE, 1 (ed. E. M. Meyers), New York 1997, 35–36; A. Mazar, ibid. 23 (1992), 152*–153*; id., IEJ 45 (1995), 85–117; Archaeological Survey of the Hill Country of Benjamin (Archaeological Survey of Israel; eds. I. Finkelstein & Y. Magen), Jerusalem 1993; Y. Elitzur, JSRS 3 (1993), viii–ix; A. Mederos Martin, Madrider Mitteilungen 41 (2000), 83–111; B. Zissu, JSRS 10 (2001), xvii–xviii; id., PEQ 133 (2001), 145–158; E. Bloch-Smith, IEJ 54 (2004), 77–91.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 385–389.
Main publications: Emmaus-Qubeibeh: The Results of Excavations at Emmaus-Qubeibeh and Nearby Sites (1873, 1887–1890, 1900–1902, 1940–1944) (SBF Collectio Maior 4), Jerusalem 1993; A. Chouraqui, Abu Gosh: de l’Emmaus des croises au monastère de la resurrection, Ile-d’Yeu 1995; B. Chenu, Disciples d’Emmaüs, Paris 2003; ibid. (Review) MdB 156 (2004), 60; K. -H. Fleckenstein et al., Emmaus in Judäa: Geschichte, Exegese, Archäologie (Biblische Archäologie und Zeitgeschichte), Giessen 2005.
Studies (includes Nicopolis): H. Eshel, INJ 11 (1990–1991), 7–8; E. Dvorjetski, Aram 4 (1992), 425–449; 13–14 (2001–2002), 485–512; id., Medicinal Hot Springs in Eretz-Israel during the Period of the Second Temple, the Mishna and the Talmud (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1993 (Eng. abstract); id., Latomus 56 (1997), 567–581; id., Roman Baths and Bathing: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Roman Baths, Bath, 30. 3–4.4.1992 (JRA Suppl. Series 37; eds. J. Delaine & D. E. Johnston), Portsmouth, RI 1999, 117–129; id. (et al.), Stories from a Heated Earth: Our Geothermal Heritage (eds. R. Cataldi et al.), San Diego, CA 1999, 34–49; id., BAR 30/4 (2004), 16–27, 60; O. Goldwasser, IEJ 42 (1992), 47–51; J. F. Strange, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 497–498; R. Shallev, The Emmaus Region during the Roman-Byzantine Period, Ramat-Gan 1994 (Eng. abstract); R. M. Mackowski, Cities of Jesus: A Study of the “Three Degrees of Importance” of Holy Land Places, Roma 1995; M. Ehrlich, ZDPV 112 (1996), 165–169; I. Roll, EI 25 (1996), 107*–109*; K. -H. Fleckenstein, Jahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes 5 (1997), 71–97; 10 (2004), 196–197; M. Gichon, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 240–241; R. Ellenblum, Frankish Rural Settlements in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Cambridge 1998; S. Wimmer, Jerusalem Studies in Egyptology, Wiesbaden 1998, 87–123; In Terrasanta dalla croiciata alla Custodia dei Luoghi Santi (ed. M. Piccirillo), Fireze 2000, 132; Z. Vseteckova, The Old Testament as Inspiration in Culture: International Academic Symposium, Prague, Sept. 1995 (eds. J. Heller et al.), Trebenice 2001, 96–110; E. Friedheim, RB 109 (2002), 101–108; Y. Hirschfeld, The Aqueducts of Israel, Portsmouth, RI 2002, 187–198; id., PEQ 136 (2004), 133–149; J. Read-Heimerdinger & J. Rius-Camps, Revista Catalana de Teologia 27 (2002), 23–42; E. Villeneuve, MdB 142 (2002), 56–57; N. Tzameret, JSRS 12 (2003), xix; C. P. Thiede, Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 8 (2004), 593–599; P. Gruson, MdB Hors Série 2005, 50–51.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 393–395.
Main publication: R. Gophna et al., Excavations at ‘En Besor, Tel Aviv 1995.
Studies: Y. Israel & D. Nahlieli, ESI 10 (1991), 159; B. Brandl, The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv 1992, 441–477; R. Gophna, EI 23 (1992) 146*–147*; id., The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv 1992, 385–394; id., TA 20 (1993), 29–32; 147–163 (& E. Friedman); 27 (2000), 26–27 (& E. Buzaglo); id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 219–220; N. Porat, The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv 1992, 433–440; A. R. Schulman, ibid., 395–417; id., For his Ka (K. Baer Fest.; Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilisations 55; ed. D. P. Silverman), Chicago, IL 1994, 241–244; A. H. Joffe, Settlement and Society in the Early Bronze Age I and II, Southern Levant: Complementarity and Contradiction in a Small-Scale Complex Society (Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 4), Sheffield 1993; U. Hartung, MDAI Kairo Abteilung 50 (1994), 107–113; id., Umm el Qaab, II (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Kairo, Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 92), Mainz am Rhein 2001; G. W. Van Beek, EI 25 (1996), 1*–8*; D. Gazit, Map of Urim (125) (The Archaeological Survey of Israel), Jerusalem 1996; P. Wapnish, Retrieving the Past, Winona Lake, IN 1996, 285–296; A. N. Goring-Morris, Rock Art Research 15 (1998), 81–88; A. Perez Lagarcha, Annales du Service des Antiquites de l’Égypte 73 (1998), 102–107; L. Watrin, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Egyptologists, Cambridge 3–9.9.1995, Oxford 1998, 1215–1226; L. Kolska Horwitz (& A. N. Goring-Morris), Paléorient 26/1 (2000), 111–128; id. (et al.), In Quest of Ancient Settlements and Landscapes, Tel Aviv 2002, 107–133; Y. Yekutieli, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 129–152; id., Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 659–688; P. Kaplony, Egypt and the Levant, London 2002, 487–498; L. D. Morenz, Herrscherpräsentation und Kulturkontakte Ägypten-Levante-Mesopotamien: Acht Fallstudien (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 304), Münster 2003, 21–47; id., ZDPV 120 (2004), 1–12; Y. Ben Michael et al., ‘Atiqot 48 (2004), 159–160; D. Hakker, ibid., 161.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 395–399.
Main publications: M. Gichon, En Boqeq: Ausgrabungen in einer Oase am Toten Meer, I: Geographie und Geschichte der Oase das Spätrömisch-byzantinische Kastell, Mainz am Rhein 1993; ibid. (Reviews) AfO 40–41 (1993–1994), 187–188. — Mesopotamia 29 (1994), 347–350. — Orientalia 63 (1994), 297–299. — Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 89 (1994), 288–289. — Bonner Jahrbücher 196 (1996), 825–828. — JNES 56 (1997), 138–140. — JRA 10 (1997), 580–586. — Syria 74 (1997), 246–248. — Levant 30 (1998), 203–208. — PEQ 130 (1998), 77–78; M. L. Fischer & M. Gichon, ‘En Boqeq: Excavations in an Oasis on the Dead Sea Shore, 2: The Officina: An Early Roman Building on the Dead Sea Shore, Mainz am Rhein 2000; ibid. (Reviews) AJA 106 (2002), 346–347. — JRA 15 (2002), 646–650. — BASOR 331 (2003), 91–92. — IEJ 53 (2003), 132–133. — SCI 22 (2003), 337–338.
Studies: A. Sheffer, Textile History 22 (1991), 3–46; M. Gichon, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 498–499; id., JSRS 5 (1995), xvi; id., EI 25 (1996), 100*; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 220–221; D. Pringle, Levant 30 (1998), 203–208; J. Magness, The Roman and Byzantine Near East 2 (1999), 189–206; id., The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 115; Y. Yekutieli, ASOR Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Boulder, Col. 2001, 32; id., Ancient Near Eastern Studies 41 (2004), 5–37; M. L. Fischer & T. Shacham, The Aqueducts of Israel, Portsmouth, RI 2002, 402–408; G. Hadas, Irrigation Agriculture in the Oasis of Ein Gedi and its Parallels in the Oases Around the Dead Sea during the Roman-Byzantine Period (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 2003.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 412–414.
D. Milson, LA 41 (1991), 449–454; H. Ben David, ‘Atiqot 34 1998), 5*–6*; Z. Safrai, The Missing Century: Palestine in the 5th Century—Growth and Decline (Palestine Antiqua N.S. 9), Leuven 1998, (index); H. Gitler & D. Weisburd, Les villages dans l’empire byzantin (IVe–XVe siècle) (Réalités Byzantines 11; eds. J. Lefort et al.), Paris 2005, 539–552.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 414–415.
E. Braun, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 504; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 224–225; J. R. Zorn, BASOR 295 (1994), 31–48; Y. Goren & S. Zuckermann, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 165–182.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 416–417.
J. Janai, INJ 13 (1994–1999), 78–82.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 417–422.
J. Connan et al., Molecular Archaeology: Export of Dead Sea Asphalt to Canaan and Egypt in Chalcolithic–Early Bronze Age (4th–3rd Millennium BC) (Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56), Oxford 1992, 2743–2759; W. G. Dever, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 369–370; A. Kempinski, The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv 1992, 419–425; J. D. Seger, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 908–909; U. Hartung, MDAI Kairo Abt. 50 (1994), 107–113; id., Umm el-Qaab, 2 (DAI, Abt. Kairo, Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 92), Mainz am Rhein 2001; B. Brandl, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 256–258; E. L. Braun (& E. C. M. van den Brink), ESI 16 (1997), 124–126; id., Ägypten und Levante 7 (1998), 71–94; id., Encounters with Ancient Egypt, 2000; id., Egypt and the Levant, London 2002, 173–189; T. E. Levy et al., BASOR 307 (1997), 1–51; Arlene Miller Rosen, Third Millennium BC Climate Change and Old World Collapse (NATO ASI Series I: Global Environmental Change 49; eds. N. H. Dalfes et al.), Berlin 1997, 25–38; A. Perez Lagarcha, Annales du Service des Antiquites de l’Égypte 73 (1998), 102–107; W. M. Schniedewind, BASOR 309 (1998), 69–77; Y. Dagan, The Settlement in the Judean Shephelah in the 2nd and 1st Millennium B.C.: A Test-Case of Settlement Processes in a Geographic Region (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); H. Nur el-Din, ICAANE, 1, Roma 2000, 1225–1233; G. Philip & O. Williams-Thorpe, ibid., 1379–1397; K. N. Sowada, ibid., 1527–1540; Y. Yekutieli, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 129–152; id., Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 659–688; J. A. Blakely & J. W. Hardin, BASOR 326 (2002), 1–64; R. Gophna, Beer-Sheva 15 (2002), 129–137; P. Nahshoni & S. Israeli, ibid, 319–324; Y. Paz, TA 29 (2002), 242; M. Cohen, ESI 115 (2003), 73*; L. D. Morenz, ZDPV 120 (2004), 1–12; A. F. Rainey, IEJ 54 (2004), 100–104; J. Yellin & J. M. Cahill, ibid., 191–213; J. Drori, Cathedra 117 (2005), 176; W. H. Shea, NEAS Bulletin 50 (2005), 1–14.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, p. 423.
M. Kochavi, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 609; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 260–261; I. Finkelstein, Living in the Fringe: The Archaeology and History of the Negev, Sinai and Neighbouring Regions in the Bronze and Iron Ages (Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 6), Sheffield 1995; id., ZDPV 118 (2002), 109–135; D. Jericke, Die Landnahme im Negev: Eine archäologische und exegetische Studie (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 20), Wiesbaden 1997; G. London, AASOR 58 (2003), 69–84.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 423–426.
A. Eran, ‘Atiqot 10 (Heb. Series, 1990), 15 *–16 * (Eng. abstract); D. Chen, LA 42 (1992), 297–303; J. L. Peterson, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 617–618; D. Amit, Cathedra 68 (1993), 199; id., Ancient Synagogues, Leiden 1995, 129–132; R. Kletter & Etty Brand, ZDPV 114 (1998), 139–154; B. Zissu, JSRS 11 (2002), xviii–xix; J. Magness, The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 102–103; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 149–151; Z. Yeivin, ‘Atiqot 48 (2004), 155–158.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 428–430.
Y. Hirschfeld, The Judean Desert Monasteries in the Byzantine Period, New Haven CT 1992; id., LA 43 (1993), 339–371; V. Eshed, Paleoanthropological Research on Four Byzantine Populations (M.A. thesis), Tel Aviv 1993; I. Hershkovitz (et al.), LA 43 (1993), 373–385; id. (& R. Yakar), International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5 (1995), 61–77; J. Patrich, Abas, Leader of Palestinian Monasticism: A Comparative Study in Eastern Monasticism, 4th to 7th Centuries (Dumbarton Oaks Studies 32), Washington, D.C. 1995, 162–163; H. Goldfus, Tombs and Burials in Churches and Monasteries of Byzantine Palestine (324–628 A.D.), 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1998, 176–205; S. Santelli et al., Les Dossiers d’Archéologie 240 (1999), 86–87; F. Mébarki, MdB 131 (2000), 60; L. Di Segni, The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church from the 5th Century to the Present (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 98; ed. J. Patrich), Leuven 2001, 31–36; P. Donceel-Voûte, La mosaïque gréco-romaine 9: Actes du 9. Colloque International pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique et Médiévale, Roma, 5–10.11.2001, Paris 2002, 151–170.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 430–431.
The prehistoric site: A. Ronen, Sonderveröffentlichungen Geologisches Institut der Universität zu Köln 82 (1991), 187–212; id., ABD, 2, New York 1992, 679–680; id. (et al.), JHE 44 (2003), 633–639; id., Lower Palaeolithic Small Tools in Europe and the Levant (BAR/IS 1115; eds. J. M. Burdukiewicz & A. Ronen), Oxford 2003, 113–120; E. Tchernov et al., Quaternary Research 42 (1994), 328–339; N. Goren-Inbar, The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, London 1995, 93–109; H. Ron et al., Annual Meeting of the Israel Geological Society (eds. Z. Gvirtzman & R. Amit), Eilat 2001, 97; id., JHE 44 (2003), 633–639.
Other remains: D. Avshalom-Gorni, ESI 109 (1999), 93*; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee (SBF Collectio Minor 37), Jerusalem 2001, 151.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, p. 432.
H. L. Dibble & O. Bar-Yosef, The Definition and Interpretation of Levallois Technology (Monographs in World Archaeology 23; ed. H. L. Dibble), Madison, WI 1995, 79–92; D. O. Henry, Neanderthals in the Levant: Behavioral Organization and the Beginnings of Human Modernity (New Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology; ed. D. O. Henry), London 2003, 12–30.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 433–440.
Main publication: P. Amiet et al., Tell el Far‘ah: histoire, glyptique et céramologie (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series archaeologica 14), Fribourg 1996; ibid (Review) UF 28 (1996), 777.
Studies: Y. Goren, EI 21 (1991), 105*; id. & S. Zuckermann, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 165–182; D. W. Manor, ABD, 6, New York 1992, 573–577; W. Zwickel, Der Tempelkult in Kanaan und Israel (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 10), Tübingen 1994; G. Galil, ZDPV 109 (1993), 49–53; G. M. Schwartz, JNES 52 (1993), 151–153 (Review); N. Na’aman, JSOT 65 (1995), 37–53; E. Braun, Cultural Diversity and Change in the Early Bronze I of Israel and Jordan: Towards an Understanding of the Chronological Progression and Patterns of Regionalism in Early Bronze I Society (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 1996; C. Flucault-Forest, L’Habitat, Oxford 1996; A. H. Joffe, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 303–304; M. Bernett & O. Keel, Mond, Stier und Kult am Stadttor: Die Stele von Betsaida (et-Tell) (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 161), Göttingen 1998, 53–59; T. Haettner Blomquist, Gates and Gods: Cults in the City Gates of Iron Age Palestine: An Investigation of the Archaeological and Biblical Sources (Coniectanea Biblica: Old Testament Series 46), Stockholm 1999, 86–93; J. Mallet, UF 30 (1998), 511–514; 32 (2000), 297–338; id., Orient Express 1999, 55–57; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 105; H. Nur el-Din, ICAANE, 1, Roma 2000, 1225–1233; J. D. Schloen, The House of the Father as Fact and Symbol: Patrimonialism in Ugarit and the Ancient Near East (Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 2; Harvard Semitic Museum Publications), Winona Lake, IN 2001, 147–183; Y. Yekutieli, Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 659–688; P. Beck, Imagery and Representation, Tel Aviv 2002, 228–251; A. Caquot, CRAIBL 2002/3, 995–997; Y. Paz, TA 29 (2002), 240, 242; E. Bloch-Smith, IEJ 54 (2004), 77–91; R. D. Miller, II, BASOR 333 (2004), 55–68.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 441–444.
Main publication: S. L. Braunstein, The Dynamics of Power in an Age of Transition: An Analysis of the Mortuary Remains of Tell el-Far‘ah (South) in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University), New York 1998.
Studies: M. Kapica, Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 4 (1992), 33–40; id., Zeszyty Maukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, Praco Archeogiczne 53 (1992), 33–40; id., Munus Amicitiae: Studia Archeologiczne Poswiecone Pamieci (ed. O. Hirsch-Dyczek), Cracow 1994, 69–81; R. Liwak, ABD, 5, New York 1992, 1163–1165; M. K. Risser & S. P. Harvey, AJA 96 (1992), 344; P. Daviau, Houses, Sheffield 1993, 409–417; A. F. Rainey, EI 24 (1993), 178*–187*; W. A. Ward & W. G. Dever, Scarab Typology and Archaeological Contexts: An Essay on Middle Bronze Age Chronology (Studies on Scarab Seals 3), San Antonio, TX 1994; E. Zilberman et al., Geological Survey of Israel, Current Research 9 (1994), 81–86; D. Gazit, Map of Urim (125) (The Archaeological Survey of Israel), Jerusalem 1996; E. D. Oren, The Hyksos: New Historical and Archaeological Perspectives (University Museum Monograph 96 and Symposium Series 8; ed. E. D. Oren), Philadelphia 1997, 253–283; J. M. Weinstein, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 304–305; O. Goldwasser & S. Wimmer, BASOR 313 (1999), 39–42; E. A. Knauf, UF 31 (1999), 247–254; id., BN 109 (2001), 19–20; G. Lehmann & T. J. Schneider, ibid, 251–254; id., IEJ 50 (2000), 258–261; id., NEA 63 (2000), 113; G. Lehmann, ESI 112 (2000), 114*–115*; T. J. Barako, AJA 104 (2000), 513–530; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 105; R. Becking & J. A. Wagenaar, BN 107–108 (2001), 12–14; I. Sharon, Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 555–609; T. Schneider, ASOR Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Boulder, CO 2001, 16–17; H. Richter, Die Phönizischen Anthropoiden Sarkophage, 2: Tradition, Rezeption, Wander (Forschungen zur Phönizisch-Punischen und Zyprischen Plastik I/2; ed. Simone Frede), Mainz 2002, 243–271; E. Yannai, Beer-Sheva 15 (2002), 368–376; I. Singer, EI 27 (2002), 287*; Z. Herzog, Saxa Loquentur, Münster 2003, 85–96; B. Brandl, Synchronisation, Wien 2004, 249–261; I. Ziffer, TA 32 (2005), 133–167.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 444–445.
J. Kaplan, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 782–783; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 105; S. Paz, TA 27 (2000), 292–294.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 445–448.
P. M. Arnold, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 1007–1009; id., BA 55 (1992), 161 (Review); id., JAOS 112 (1992), 164 (Review); Archaeological Survey of the Hill Country of Benjamin (Archaeological Survey of Israel; eds. I. Finkelstein & Y. Magen), Jerusalem 1993; I. David, Naval Research Logistics 42 (1995), 579–584; Y. Elitzur, JSRS 5 (1995), x–xi; S. Gibson, New Studies on Jerusalem 2 (1996), 9*–24*; id., ASOR Newsletter 47/3 (1997), 14; id., One Land—Many Cultures, Jerusalem 2003, 287–308; S. S. Brooks, BAIAS 15 (1996–1997), 31–40; id., Temple and Worship in Biblical Israel (Library of Hebrew, Bible/Old Testament Studies 422; ed. J. Day), London 2005, 40–59; N. L. Lapp, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 346–347; S. M. Langston, Cultic Sites in the Tribe of Benjamin: Benjaminite Prominence in the Religion of Israel (American University Studies Series 7; Theology and Religion 200), New York 1998; O. Lipschitz, TA 26 (1999), 155–190; M. Miller, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 25 (1999), 61–73; I. Peretz & A. Reem, ESI 110 (1999), 58*; E. Regev, JQR 89 (1999), 351–359; Y. Baruch, ESI 111 (2000), 62*–64*; A. Reem, ESI 114 (2002), 72*–73*; C.E. Carter, Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babyonian Period. International Conference, Tel Aviv, May 2001 (eds. O. Lipschits & J. Blankinsopp), Winona Lake, IN 2003, 301–322.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 4–7.
Prehistory and the Neolithic Site
Main publication: H. Khalaily & O. Marder, The Neolithic Site of Abu Ghosh: The 1995 Excavations (IAA Reports 19), Jerusalem 2003.
Studies: M. Lechevallier, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 46–47; O. Marder et al., Neo-Lithics 1996, 3–4; id., ESI 19 (1997), 70*–71*; id. (& H. Khalaily), AJA 102 (1998), 763; E. B. Banning, NEA 61 (1998), 188–237; 66 (2003), 4–21; O. Bar-Yosef, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the Archaeozoology of Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas (eds. M. Mashkour et al.), Groningen 2000, 189; R. Barkai, Flint and Stone Axes as Cultural Markers: Socio Economic Changes as Reflected in Holocene Flint Tool Industries of the Southern Levant (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); id., ibid. (Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 11), Berlin 2005, 149–154; K. I. Wright, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 66 (2000), 105; S. Yamada, Development of the Neolithic: Lithic Use-Wear Analysis of Major Tool Types in the Southern Levant (Ph.D. diss.), Cambridge, MA 2000; G. Kahila-Bar Gal et al., Ancient Biomolecules 4 (2002), 9–17.
Other Remains
Main publication: A. Chouraqui, Abu Gosh: de l’Emmaus des croises au monastere de la resurrection, Ile-d’Yeu 1995.
Studies: B. Kühnel, Jewish Art 19–20 (1993–1994), 112–123; M. Ehrlich, ZDPV 112 (1996), 165–169; W. Eck, SCI 18 (1999), 109–120; G. Kühnel, Knights of the Holy Land: The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (Israel Museum, Catalogue 422; ed. S. Rozenberg), Jerusalem 1999, 206–216; T. Oshima, N.A.B.U 1999/3, 55–56; E. Villeneuve, MdB 142 (2002), 56–57.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p 15.
O. Ovadiah, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Erganzungsband 18 (1991), 181–191; id. (& C. Gomez de Silva), Bulletin of the Israeli Academic Center in Cairo 20 (1997), 27–30; id., LA 47 (1997), 441–444; id., Art and Archaeology in Israel and Neighbouring Countries, London 2002, 399–426; P. -L. Gatier, Syria 71 (1994), 148–149; M. Vallerin, ibid., 174–180; W. Zwickel, Der Tempelkult in Kanaan und Israel (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 10), Tübingen 1994, 275–276; Farah Mébarki, MdB 105 (1995), 35; H. Shanks, BAR 23/2 (1997), 52–53; M. -M. Sadek, Les Dossiers d’Archéologie 240 (1999), 52–54; J. -B. Humbert, Gaza Méditerranéenne: histoire et archéologie en Palestine, Paris 2000; id. (& M. -M. Sadek), MdB 127 (2000), 7–13; M. -T. Olszewski, La mosaïque gréco-romaine 8: Actes du 8. Colloque International pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique et Médiévale, Lausanne, 6–11.10.1997 (Cahiers d’Archéologie romande 86; eds. D. Paunier & C. Schmidt), 2, Lausanne 2001, 276–301; id., Archeologia (Poland) 53 (2002), 45–61; P. Baumann, What Athens Has to Do with Jerusalem, Leuven 2002, 69–85; id., Antike Welt 34 (2003), 165–170.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 37–39.
U. Zevulun, EI 21 (1990), 107*; M. E. Kislev, Israel—Land & People 7–8/25–26 (1990–1993), 18*; W. G. Dever, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 87–88; A. Raban, ESI 12 (1993), 19–21; Z. Gal (& K. Covello-Paran), ‘Atiqot 30 (1996), 25–67; id. (& H. Butrus), ESI 114 (2002), 27*; Y. Melamed, ‘Atiqot 30 (1996), 69–70; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 100–103; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 97; Y. Goren & S. Zuckermann, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 165–182.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 39–45.
B. Brandl, The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv, 1992, 441–477; J. A. Callaway, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 125–130; Z. H. Erlich, JSRS 2 (1992), v–vii; A. H. Joffe, Settlement and Society in the Early Bronze Age I and II, Southern Levant: Complementarity and Contradiction in a Small-Scale Complex Society (Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 4), Sheffield 1993; V. Fritz, Das Buch Josua (Handbuch zum Alten Testament I/7), Tübingen 1994; D. Livingston, PEQ 126 (1994), 154–159; id., Khirbet Nisya: The Search for Biblical Ai, 1979–2002. Excavation of the Site with Related Studies in Biblical Archaeology, Manheim, PA 2003; G. R. Stone, BH 30/1 (1994), 11–33; T. P. J. Van den Hout, ZA 84 (1994), 60–88; G. L. Mattingly, BA 58 (1995), 14–25; N. L. Lapp, SHAJ 5 (1995), 545–554; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 528–529; A. Sasson, TA 25 (1998), 3–51; S. Wimmer, Jerusalem Studies in Egyptology, Wiesbaden 1998, 87–123; M. Bietak (& K. Kopetzky), Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 97–98; id., Ägypten und Levante 13 (2003), 13–38; O. Ilan, Studies in the Archaeology of Israel (D. L. Esse Fest.), Chicago, IL 2001, 317–354; K. Koenen, ZDPV 119 (2003), 93–105; A. Mazar, Symbiosis, Symbolism and the Power of the Past, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 85–98; A. Rainey, ibid., 547; B. G. Wood, Giving the Sense: Understanding and Using Old Testament Historical Texts (eds. D. M. Howard, Jr. & M. A. Grisanti), Grand Rapids, MI 2003, 256–282; D. Merling, The Future of Biblical Archaeology: Reassessing Methodologies and Assumptions. The Proceedings of a Symposium, 12–14.8.2001 at Trinity International University (eds. J. K. Hoffmeier & A. Millard), Grand Rapids, MI 2004, 29–42.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 53–55.
Y. Garfinkel, The Material Culture in the Central Jordan Valley in the Pottery Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic Periods (M.A. thesis), Jerusalem 1992 (Eng. abstract); id., ESI 12 (1994), 19; id., Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent, Berlin 1994, 543–562; id., Levant 30 (1998), 191–194; id., BASOR 315 (1999), 1–13; id., Neolithic and Chalcolithic Pottery of the Southern Levant (Qedem 39), Jerusalem 1999; M. W. Prausnitz, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 157–158; J. Lev-Tov, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the Archaeozoology of Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas (Center for Archaeological Research and Consultancy Publication 32), Groningen 2000, 208–217; Archaeometry Date List 31 (2000), Oxford 2002, 79–81.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 55–56.
Z. U. Ma‘oz, EI 25 (1996), 104*; E. L. Braun, ‘Atiqot 42 (2001), 237–242; N. C. Vella, Ancient Near Eastern Studies 37 (2000), 27–55.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 56–58.
Main publications: The Amud Man and His Cave Site (eds. H. Suzuki et al.), rev. ed., Tokyo 1999; N. Alperson, Differential Use of Space by Mousterian Hominids: Evidence for Spatial Patterning at Amud Cave, Israel (M.A. thesis), Jerusalem 2001.
Studies: E. Hovers (et al.), Mitekufat Ha’even 24 (1991), 152–157; id., ESI 12 (1993), 11–12; 14 (1994), 27–28 (& Y. Rak); 15 (1996), 22–24 (& Y. Rak); id., Paléorient 21/2 (1995), 47–61; id., Archaeology 49 (1996), 49–51; id., AJA 102 (1998), 761–762; id., Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia (eds. T. Akazawa et al.), New York 1998, 143–163; id. (et al.), JHE 39 (2000), 253–260; id., Archeologia i Paleoecologia Evrazii, Novocibirck 2004, 218–213; A. Belfer-Cohen & E. Hovers, Current Anthropology 33 (1992), 463–471; A. Defleur, Les sepultures Mousteriennes, Paris 1993, 162–171; C. B. Stringer & C. Gamble, In Search of the Neanderthals: Solving the Puzzle of Human Origins, London 1993, 96–98; Y. Rak et al., JHE 26 (1994), 313–324; N. Goren-Inbar, The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, London 1995, 93–109; D. Johanson & B. Edgar, From Lucy to Language, New York 1996, 220–222; M. H. Wolpoff, Human Evolution, rev. ed. (College Custom Series), New York 1996, 601–603, 606–608; id., Paleoanthropology, 2nd ed., Boston, MA 1999, 610–612, 615–616; id. (& S. -H. Lee), Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris 13 (2001), 291–310; O. Bar-Yosef, The Last Neanderthals, The First Anatomically Modern Humans: A Tale about the Human Diversity: Cultural Change and Human Evolution—The Crisis at 40 KA BP (eds. E. Carbonell & M. Vaquero), Catalunya 1996, 79–94; id., (& J. Callander), PEQ 129 (1997), 2–18; id., The Geography of Neandertals and Modern Humans in Europe and the Greater Mediterranean (Peabody Museum Bulletin 8; eds. O. Bar-Yosef & D. Pilbeam), Cambridge, MA 2000, 107–156; id. (& A. Belfer-Cohen), Quaternary International 75 (2001), 19–28; J. Brainard. Science News 154/5 (1998), 72–74; H. Valladas et al., Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia (eds. T. Akazawa et al.), New York 1998, 69–75; id., JAS 26 (1999), 259–268; R. H. Gargett, JHE 37 (1999), 27–90; 39 (2000), 261–266; Toward Modern Humans: The Yabrudian and Micoquian 400–50 K-Years Ago. Proceedings of a Congress, Haifa, 3.9.1996 (BAR/IS 850; eds. A. Ronen & M. Weinstein-Evron), Oxford 2000; V. Zeitoun, Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’anthropologie de Paris 12 (2000), 509; C. Delage, Les resources lithiques dans le nord d’Israël: la question des territoires d’approvisionnement Natoufiens confrontée a l’hypothèse de leur sédentarité (Ph.D. diss.), Paris 2001; K. A. Hallin et al., JHE 40 (2001), A8; W. Rink et al., Geoarchaeology 16 (2001), 701–717; J. J. Shea, NEA 64 (2001), 38–64; id., Journal of World Prehistory 17 (2003), 313–394; M. Madella et al., JAS 29 (2002), 703–719; D. O. Henry, Neanderthals in the Levant: Behavioral Organization and the Beginnings of Human Modernity (New Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology; ed. D. O. Henry), London 2003, 12–30; N. Mercier & H. Valladas, Echanges de diffusion dans la préhistoire méditerranéenne. Actes des Congrès Nationaux des Sociétés Historiques et Scientifiques, 121e, Nice 1996 (ed. B. Vandermeersch), Paris 2003, 29–39; R. Rabinovich & E. Hovers, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 14 (2004), 287–306.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 58–61.
Main publications: S. C. Herbert et al., Tel Anafa I: Final Report on Ten Years of Excavation at a Hellenistic and Roman Settlement in Northern Israel, 1–2 (JRA Suppl. Series 10/1; Kelsey Museum Fieldwork Series), Ann Arbor, MI 1994; ibid. (Reviews) ZDPV 113 (1997), 140–144. — AJA 102 (1998), 444–445. — BASOR 315 (1999), 88–90; A. M. Berlin et al., Tel Anafa II/1: The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery (JRA Suppl. Series 10/2; Kelsey Museum Fieldwork Series), Ann Arbor, MI 1997; ibid. (Reviews) ZDPV 113 (1997), 140–144. — AJA 102 (1998), 444–445. — BASOR 315 (1999), 88–90. — PEQ 132 (2000), 79.
Studies: Y. Israeli, Roman Glass: Two Centuries of Art and Invention (Society of Antiquaries Occasional Papers 13; eds. M. Newby & K. Painter), London 1991, 46–55; S. C. Herbert, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 219–221; id., BAT II, Jerusalem 1993, 118–125; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 117–118; S. S. Weinberg, Muse 26 (1992), 12–20; A. M. Berlin, IEJ 43 (1993), 35–44; id., BA 60 (1997), 2–51; id., BAR 25/6 (1999), 46–55, 62; id., Near Eastern Archaeology: A Reader (ed. S. Richard), Winona Lake, IN 2003, 418–433; K. W. Slane et al., AJA 97 (1993), 325–326; id., JAS 21 (1994), 51–64; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 640–643; D. Ilan, Northeastern Israel in the Iron Age I: Cultural, Socioeconomic and Political Perspectives, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 1999; N. Vogeikoff-Brogan, Hesperia 69 (2000), 293–333; M. J. Ponting, Current Archaeology 15/7 (175) (2001), 302; id., IAMS 22 (2002), 3–6; R. Talgam, Michmanim 16 (2002), 39*; A. Erlich, The Art of the Hellenistic Age in the Land of Israel (Ph.D. diss.), Ramat-Gan 2003 (Eng. abstract); M. Fischer & O. Tal, ZDPV 119 (2003), 19–37; Testament of Time: Selected Objects from the Collection of Palestinian Antiquities in the Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri-Columbia (eds. J. C. Biers & J. Terry), Rutherford, NJ 2004; B. Kidd, Muse 33–35 (1999–2001), 4–13.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p. 62.
Main publication: D. Amit, The Synagogues of Hurbat Ma’on and Hurbat ‘Anim and the Jewish Settlement in Southern Hebron Hills (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 2003 (Eng. abstract).
Studies: Y. Lender, ESI 10 (1991), 42; D. Amit, Cathedra 68 (1993), 199; id., Ancient Synagogues, Leiden 1995, 135–140; D. Chen & D. Milson, LA 45 (1995), 351–356; I. Yezerski, JSRS 6 (1996), xi; id. (& Y. Lender), ‘Atiqot 43 (2002), 256; Y. Baruch, JSRS 8 (1998), xx–xxi; D. Varga, ESI 114 (2002), 118*; J. Magness, The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 103–105; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 143–148.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 62–72.
Main publications: Aphek-Antipatris I: Excavation of Areas A and B, The 1972–1976 Seasons (The Emery & Claire Yass Publications in Archaeology; Tel Aviv University Sonia & Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology Monograph Series 19; ed. M. Kochavi), Tel Aviv 2000; ibid. (Reviews), BASOR 327 (2002), 84–85. — IEJ 53 (2003), 136–139; Y. Gadot, Continuity and Change: Cultural Processes in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Israel’s Central Coastal Plain, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2003.
Studies: J. Briend, Transeuphratène 2 (1990), 109–123; A. Kindler, INJ 11 (1990–1991), 61–71; M. Kochavi, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 272–274; id. (& I. Beit-Arieh), Map of Rosh ha-‘Ayin (78) (Archaeological Survey of Israel), Jerusalem 1994; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 147–151; id. (& Y. Gadot), TA 28 (2001), 310; id. (& E. Yadin), The Middle Bronze Age in the Levant, Wien 2002, 189–225; id. (& Y. Gadot), ESI 115 (2003), 40*–41*; P. Beck, Aspects of Art and Iconography (Nimet Özgüc Fest.; eds. M. J. Mellink et al.), Ankara 1993, 671–673; id., Imagery and Representation, Tel Aviv 2002, 288–292, 390–485; P. Daviau, Houses, Sheffield 1993, 421–422; O. Margalith, VT 44 (1994), 109–113; Y. Meshorer, INJ 13 (1994–1999), 86–89; L. Nigro, Contributi e materiali di archeologia orientale 5 (1995); 6 (1996), 1–69; A. Zertal, Michmanim 9 (1996), 73–82; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 78–99; S. Wimmer, Jerusalem Studies in Egyptology, Wiesbaden 1998, 87–123; I. Accos, ESI 112 (2000), 55*–56*; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 98; R. T. Schaub, The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond, Winona Lake, IN 2000, 444–464; R. Kletter, Levant 33 (2001), 95–104; S. L. Cohen, Canaanites, Chronologies, and Connections, Winona Lake, IN 2002 (index); S. Feldman, BAR 28/5 (2002), 52–59; S. Shoval & M. Gaft, Imagery and Representation, Tel Aviv 2002, 291; W. Dietrich & S. Munger, Saxa Loquentur, Münster 2003, 39–59; Z. Herzog, ibid., 85–100; W. Horowitz et al., JAOS 122 (2002), 755; A. Cohen-Weinberger & Y. Goren, Ägypten und Levante 14 (2004), 69–100; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 124–126; Y. Gadot, ASOR Annual Meeting 2004, ; M. Gichon, JSRS 13 (2004), xviii; M. A. S. Martin, Ägypten und Levante 14 (2004), 265–284; id., Aspects of the Egyptian Involvement in Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Canaan: The Egyptian and Egyptian-Style Pottery—A Case Study, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Wien 2005; A. Yasur & Y. Goren, TA 31 (2004), 22–32.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 75–87.
Main publications: R. Amiran & O. Ilan, Arad: Eine 5000 Jahre alte Stadt in der Wüste Negev, Israel (Veröffentlichungen des Hamburger Museums für Archäologie und Geschichte 64), Hamburg 1992; id. (et al.), Early Arad, II: The Chalcolithic and Early Bronze IB Settlements and the Early Bronze II City, Architecture and Town Planning: 6th to 18th Seasons of Excavations, 1971–1978, 1980–1984, Jerusalem 1996; ibid. (Reviews) BAR 24/6 (1998), 56. — BASOR 311 (1998), 90–92. — Orientalia 67 (1998), 546–551; id., Ancient Arad: An Early Bronze Age Community on the Desert Fringe, Tel Aviv 1997 (Eng. abstracts).
Studies: Y. Govrin, EI 21 (1990), 104*–105*; D. Amiran, Erdkunde 45/3 (1991), 153–162; id., EI 25 (1996), 97*; R. Amiran & Z. Herzog, MdB 75 (1992), 28–29; Z. Herzog, ABD, New York 1992, 844–852, 1031–1044; id., ASOR Newsletter 46/2 (1996), 22; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 174–176; id., Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan, Sheffield 2001, 156–178; id., TA 29 (2002), 3–109; 31 (2004), 209–244 (& L. Singer-Avitz); D. W. Manor & G. A. Herion, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 331–336; B. Mazar, Biblical Israel: State and People (ed. S. Aḥituv ), Jerusalem 1992, 67–77; A. H. Joffe, Settlement and Society in the Early Bronze Age I and II, Southern Levant: Complementarity and Contradiction in a Small-Scale Complex Society (Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 4), Sheffield 1993; M. Sebbane, TA 20 (1993), 41–54; 28 (2001), 213–230; U. Hartung, MDAI Kairo 50 (1994), 107–113; A. F. Rainey, Scripture and Other Artifacts, Louisville, KY 1994, 333–354; B. Andelkovic, The Relations Between Early Bronze Age I Canaanites and Upper Egyptians, Beograd 1995; I. Finkelstein & Y. Silberman, The Pitcher is Broken (G. W. Ahlström Fest., JSOT Suppl. Series 190; eds. S. W. Holloway & L. K. Handy), Sheffield 1995, 213–226; id., Levant 28 (1996), 177–187; T. E. Levy et al., BA 58 (1995), 26–36; I. Sharon, Models for Stratigraphic Analysis of Tell Sites (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1995; M. Aharoni, IEJ 46 (1996), 52–54; W. G. Dever, Retrieving the Past, Winona Lake, IN 1996, 37–42; I. Finkelstein, Levant 28 (1996), 177–187; R. Göthert & R. Amiran, EI 25 (1996), 91*; O. Ilan (& M. Saban), EI 25 (1996), 88*; id. (& R. Amiran), OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 169–174; id., Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 317–354; A. Yair & R. Garti, The Mosaic of Israeli Geography (eds. Y. Gradus & G. Liphshitz), Beer Sheva 1996, 355–371; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 644–659; D. Jericke, Die Landnahme im Negev (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 20), Wiesbaden 1997; C. Ühlinger, MdB 110 (1998), 62–63; V. Orel, ZAW 110 (1998), 427–432; D. Barag, EI 26 (1999), 227*–228*; A. Hauptmann et al., BASOR 314 (1999), 1–17; N. Negev, ESI 111 (2000), 108*; R. T. Schaub, The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond, Winona Lake, IN 2000, 444–464; B. A. Saidel, BAIAS 19–20 (2001–2002), 19–27; id., Mitekufat Ha’even 32 (2002), 175–196; P. Beck, Imagery and Representation, Tel Aviv 2002, 260–279; I. Beit-Arieh, Beer-Sheva 15 (2002), 21–28; N. Na’aman, UF 34 (2002), 585–602; W. -D. Niemeier, TA 29 (2002), 328–331; G. Philip, Artefacts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East (Iraq Archaeological Reports 5; ed. J. N. Postgate), Warminster 2002, 207–235; L. Singer-Avitz, TA 29 (2002), 110–214; A. Mazar, BAR 29/2 (2003), 60–61; L. D. Morenz, Herrscherpräsentation und Kulturkontakte Ägypten-Levante-Mesopotamien: Acht Fallstudien (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 304), Münster 2003, 21–47; id., ZDPV 120 (2004), 1–12; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 47–50; A. Karasik et al., TA 32 (2005), 20–31.
P. -E. Dion, RB 99 (1992), 71–97; R. B. Lawton, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 336–337; S. E. Löwenstamm, From Babylon to Canaan: Studies in the Bible and its Oriental Background, Jerusalem 1992, 131–135; J. Naveh, IEJ 42 (1992), 52–54; S. Mittmann, ZDPV 109 (1993), 39–48; S. Aḥituv , Solving Riddles and Untying Knots (J. C. Greenfield Fest.; eds. Z. Zevit et al.), Winona Lake, IN 1995, 379–384; J. Renz, Die Althebräischen Inschriften, 1 (Handbuch der Althebräischen Epigraphik), Darmstadt 1995, 40–46, 67–74, 111–121 , 145–164, 290–305, 347–403, 441; id., Schrift und Schreibertradition: Eine Paläographische Studie zum Kulturgeschichtlichen Verhältnis von Israelitischen Nordreich und Südreich (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 23), Wiesbaden 1997; I. Eph‘al & J. Naveh, Aramaic Ostraca of the 4th Century BC from Idumaea, Jerusalem 1996; A. Lemaire, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 176–177; id., ZDPV 115 (1999), 12–23; P. Boudreuil et al., NEA 61 (1998), 2–13; O. Pedersen, Archives and Libraries in the Ancient Near East: 1500–300 B.C., Bethesda, MD 1998, 229–231; N. Na’aman, Saxa Loquentur, Münster 2003, 201–204.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 87–89.
S. Klein, Beiträge zur Geographie und Geschichte Galilaeas (Ph.D. diss., Heidelberg), Leipzig 1909; G. H. Dalman, ZDPV 29 (1906), 199–200; G. Foerster, The Galilean Synagogues and Their Relation to Hellenistic and Roman Art and Architecture, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1972; D. Chen, LA 36 (1986), 235–240; 39 (1989), 199–206; Z. Ilan, ESI 6 (1987–1988), 110; 7–8 (1988–1989), 8–9; 9 (1989–1990), 17–18; id., Eretz Magazine 4/1 (1988–1989), 60–69; id., IEJ 39 (1989), 100–102; id. (& A. Izdarechet), MdB 57 (1989), 54–57; A. Van der Heyden, Ariel, Eng. ed. 82 (1990), 74–86; Y. Shahar & Y. Tepper, Cathedra 61 (1991), 191; M. Gichon, Historische Interpretationen (G. Walser Fest.; ed. M. Weinmann-Walser), Stuttgart 1995, 61–79; Z. Safrai, Studies in Historical Geography, Leiden 2000, 82–83.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 89–92.
M. Hershkovitz, EI 23 (1992), 156*; D. Ilan, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 211–212; I. Beit-Arieh, Michmanim 12 (1998), 48*; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 660; S. Feldman, BAR 28/1 (2002), 50–54; N. Negev, ESI 114 (2002), 119*.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 112–122.
Main publications: Pilgrim’s Castle (‘Atlit), David’s Tower (Jerusalem) and Qal‘at ar-Rabad (‘Ajlun): Three Middle Eastern Castles from the Time of the Crusades (Variorum Collected Studies Series; eds. C. N. Johns & D. Pringle), Aldershot 1997; ibid. (Reviews) PEQ 131 (1999), 92–93. — IEJ 51 (2001), 110–112; P. Riavez, “Atlit” (1217–1291): Ceramiche Italiane nel Mediterraneo Orientale (Ph.D. diss.), Trieste 1997–1998.
Studies: E. Acquaro, Ocnus 1 (1993), 13–18; A. J. Boas, Domestic Architecture in the Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1995; id., NEA 61 (1998), 138–173; id., Crusader Archaeology: The Material Culture of the Latin East, London 1999; R. Hiestand, Acri 1291: la fine della presenza degli ordini militari in Terra Santa e i nuovi orientamenti nel xiv secolo (ed. F. Tommasi), Perugia 1996, 23–41; R. Merhav, EI 25 (1996), 104*–105*; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 758–777; D. M. Metcalf & R. Kool, ‘Atiqot 37 (1999), 89*–164*; P. Riavez, Graffita arcaica tirrenica e ceramica Port St. Symeon, Padova 1999–2000; id., Il Congresso Nazionale de Archeologia Médiévale, Brescia 2000, 444–450; id., Archeologia Médiévale 28 (2001), 505–532; U. ‘Ad, ESI 112 (2000), 119*; T. Dezso, Near Eastern Helmets of the Iron Age (BAR/IS 992), Oxford 2001.
Maritime ‘Atlit
Main publications: A. Hartman, Landscape and Agriculture of the Carmel Coastal Plain in the PPNC Period: Reconstruction from Plant Macrofossils of Atlit-Yam Well (M.A. thesis), Ramat-Gan 1997; O. Asaf, The Athlit Ram: Classical and Hellenistic Bronze Casting Technology (M.A. thesis), College Station, TX 2001; I. Zohar, Exploitation of Marine Resources by the Neolithic Inhabitants of Atlit-Yam, Israel: A Multivariate Analysis Based on Gray Triggerfish (Balistes Carolinensis) Remains (M.A. thesis), Haifa 2004.
Studies: E. Galili (et al.), ESI 10 (1991), 103; 19 (1997), 96*–101* (& J. Sharvit); 109 (1999), 30*–31* (et al.); id., Actes du XIIe Congrès International des Sciences Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques, 2, Bratislava, 1–7.9.1991 (ed. J. Pavuk), Bratislava 1993, 318–323; id. (& Y. Nir), The Holocene 3 (1993), 265–270; id. (et al.), IJNA 22 (1993), 61–77; 23 (1994), 93–107; id. (et al.), JFA 20 (1993), 133–157; id., Sefunim 8 (1994), 21–28; id. (& J. Sharvit), Thracia Pontica 5 (1994), 269–296; id., AJA 102 (1998), 763; id. (& J. Sharvit), Brunnen der Jungsteinzeit: Internationales Symposium in Erkelenz, 27–29.10.1997 (Materialien zur Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland 11), Köln 1998, 31–44; id. (& J. Sharvit), 5th International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity, Naupla, 1993, 1999, 167–183; id. (et al.), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Israel Prehistoric Society, Jerusalem 2000; id. (et al.), JMA 15 (2002), 167–198; id. (et al.), ‘Atiqot 48 (2004), 1–34; id. (et al.), Neolithic Revolution: New Perspectives on Southwest Asia in Light of Recent Discoveries on Cyprus (Levant Supplementary Series 1; eds. E. Peltenburg & A. Wasse), Oxford 2004, 91–101; id. (et al.), BASOR 339 (2005), 1–19; I. Hershkovitz, L’Anthropologie 95 (1991), 639–650; id. (& E. Galili), Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris 3 (1991), 83–96; H. Frost, IJNA 21 (1992), 179–181 (Review); A. Raban, Michmanim 6 (1992), 41*–42*; 11 (1997), 7*–27*; id., Cyprus and the Sea: Proceedings of the International Symposium (Nicosia, 25–26 Sept. 1993; ed. V. Karageorghis & D. Michaelides), Nicosia 1995, 139–188; id., EI 25 (1996), 107*; id., Mediterranean Peoples in Transition, Jerusalem 1998, 428–438; id., Actas del IV Congrèso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Punicos, Cadiz, 2–6.10.1995 (ed. Manuela Studies: Barthelemy), Cadiz 2000, 1095–1106; M. Sas, The Maritime Holy Land: Mediterranean Civilization in Ancient Israel from the Bronze Age to the Crusaders (ed. N. Kashtan), Haifa 1992, 61–70; id., Sefunim 8 (1994), 63–76; D. I. Owen, JNES 53 (1994), 213–214 (Review); L. Ullmann & E. Galili, SCI 13 (1994), 116–122; A. Varsanyi, Sefunim 8 (1994), 77–79; I. Zohar, Fish Exploitation in the Past: Proceedings of the 7th Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group (Annales du Musèe Royal de L’Afrique Centrale, Sciences Zoologiques 274; ed. W. Van Neer), Tervuren 1994, 231–237; id., HUCMS News 24–25 (1998), 20–22; id. (et al.), JAS 28 (2001), 1041–1053; D. J. Stanley & E. Galili, Marine Geology 130 (1996), 11–17; Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology (ed. J. P. Delgado), London 1997, 43–44; J. R. Steffy, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 234–236; J. Elayi & H. Sayegh, Port, Paris 1998–2000; O. Aurenche & S. K. Kozlowski, La naissance du Néolithique au Proche Orient ou le paradis perdu, Paris 1999, 156–157; R. Barkai, Flint and Stone Axes as Cultural Markers: Socio-Economic Changes as Reflected in Holocene Flint Tool Industries of the Southern Levant (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); id., ibid. (Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 11), Berlin 2005, 182–188; id. (& E. Galili), Eurasian Prehistory 1 (2004), 139–162; T. Dayan & E. Galili, Dogs Through Time: An Archaeological Perspective. Proceedings of the 1st ICAZ (International Council for Archaeozoology) Symposium on the History of the Domestic Dog, Victoria, BC, Canada, 23–29.8.1998 (BAR/IS 889; ed. S. J. Crockford), Oxford 2000, 29–33; V. Eshed, From Foraging to Farming in the Holocene (The Pre-Pottery Neolithic Period 8,300–6,000 B.C.) in the Southern Levant: The Skeletal Evidence (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2001; id. et al., American Journal of Physical Anthropology 123 (2004), 303–315; 124 (2004), 315–329; J. Sharvit (& E. Galili), ESI 114 (2002), 29*; id. (et al.), In Quest of Ancient Settlements and Landscapes, Tel Aviv 2002, 159–166; M. E. Kislev et al., JAS 31 (2004), 1301–1310; G. O. Rollefson, Neo-Lithics 2004/1, 12–13; B. Rosen et al., Michmanim 18 (2004), 9*–18*; A. Haggi, R I.M.S News, Report 31 (2005), 12–14.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 122–123.
D. Ilan, Northeastern Israel in the Iron Age I: Cultural, Socioeconomic and Political Perspectives, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 1999; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 99–100; D. Ben-Ami, TA 31 (2004), 194–208.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 123–124.
Main publication: Z. B. Begin, As We Do Not See Azeqa: In Search of the Lachish Letters, Jerusalem 2000 (Heb.).
Studies: G. Barkay, TA 19 (1992), 124–129; E. Stern, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 537–538; J. A. Blakely, BA 56 (1993), 110–115; N. Na’aman, TA 21 (1994), 245–247; id., PEQ 131 (1999), 65–67; G. Galil, RB 102 (1995), 321–329; Y. Dagan, The Settlement in the Judean Shephelah in the 2nd and 1st Millennium B.C.: A Test-Case of Settlement Processes in a Geographic Region (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev (SBF Collectio Minor 42), Jerusalem 2002, 122–123; Z. B. Begin, VT 52 (2002), 166–174.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 125–129.
A. Ben-Tor, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 540–541; T. & M. Dothan, People of the Sea: The Search for the Philistines, New York 1992; U. Hartung, MDAI Kairo 50 (1994), 107–113; id., Umm el-Qaab, 2 (DAI, Abt. Kairo, Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 92), Mainz am Rhein 2001; A. Golani & E. C. M. van den Brink, ESI 15 (1996), 65; id., ‘Atiqot 38 (1999), 1–49; Corpus, 1 (O. Keel), Göttingen 1997, 748–757; Y. Rand, ESI 19 (1997), 41*; T. Von der Way, Tell el-Fara‘in-Buto, 1: Ergebnisse zum frühen Kontext Kampagnen der Jahre 1983–1989 (Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 83), Mainz 1997, 106–107; K. Nahmias, ibid. 20 (2000), 54*; I. I. Milevski, ibid. 109 (1999), 65*; E. C. M. van den Brink, ibid. 110 (1999), 43*–44*; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 100; Y. Paz, ESI 111 (2000), 43*–44*; R. T. Schaub, The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond, Winona Lake, IN 2000, 444–464; S. Gudovitz, ESI 113 (2001), 66*–67*; 114 (2002), 55*–56*; Y. Yekutieli, Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 659–688; E. L. Braun, Egypt and the Levant, London 2002, 173–189; E. Angelina Dagot, ESI 114 (2002), 56*–57*; A. Gorzalczany et al., ‘Atiqot 44 (2003), 171–178; D. L. Stein, ibid., 179–181; A. Romano, ESI 116 (2004), 71*.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 147–149.
J. Finegan, The Archaeology of the New Testament: The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church, rev. ed., Princeton, NJ 1992; E. M. Meyers, ABD, 4, New York 1992, 12; D. Chen, Jahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertums Wissenschaft des Heiligen Landes 4 (1995), 76–80; S. Fine, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 274; M. Aviam, ESI 111 (2000), 4*–6*; id., Judaism in Late Antiquity, III/4, Leiden 2001, 155–177; id., Jews, Pagans and Christians in the Galilee: 25 Years of Archaeological Excavations and Surveys—Hellenistic to Byzantine Periods (Land of Galilee 1), Rochester, NY 2004; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee (SBF Collectio Minor 37), Jerusalem 2001, 196–198; J. Naveh, Judaism in Late Antiquity, III/4, Leiden 2001, 179–185.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 152–157.
Main publications: D. C. Maltsberger, Glyptic Remains from Timna: Geopolitical and Socioeconomic Implications for the Shephelah during the Amarna Period (Ph.D. diss.), Fort Worth, TX 1992; G. L. Kelm & A. Mazar, Timnah: A Biblical City in the Sorek Valley, Winona Lake, IN 1995; ibid. (Reviews) BA 59 (1996), 246. — BAR 23/6 (1997), 68, 70. — JAOS 118 (1998), 440. — PEQ 130 (1998), 80–81. — BASOR 313 (1999), 88–91; A. Mazar, Timnah (Tel Batash), I: Stratigraphy and Architecture, 1–2 (Timnah-Tel Batash Final Reports 1; Qedem 37), Jerusalem 1997; ibid. (Reviews) AJA 98 (1994), 569–570. — PEQ 126 (1994), 74–75. — 133 (2001), 67–69. — BAR 25/2 (1999), 59. — JNES 61 (2002), 151–152; id. (& N. Panitz-Cohen), Timnah (Tel Batash), II: The Finds from the First Millennium BCE, 1–2 (Timnah-Tel Batash Final Reports 2; Qedem 42), Jerusalem 2001; ibid. (Reviews) BASOR 330 (2003), 91–93. — IEJ 55 (2005), 241–244; N. Panitz-Cohen, The Pottery Assemblages of Tel Batash-Timnah, Strata IV–III (10th–8th Centuries BCE) (M.A. thesis), Jerusalem 1999; id. (& A. Mazar), Timnah (Tel Batash), III: The Finds from the Second Millennium BCE (Timnah-Tel Batash Final Reports 3; Qedem 45), Jerusalem (in press).
Studies: A. Mazar, EI 20 (1989), 195*–196*; id., BA 56 (1993), 137–139; id., Scripture and Other Artifacts, Louisville, KY 1994, 247–267; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 281–283; id., Mediterranean Peoples in Transition, Jerusalem 1998, 373–377; N. J. Bierling, Giving Goliath His Due, Grand Rapids, MI 1992; W. R. Rotter, ABD, 6, New York 1992, 556–557; P. Daviau, Houses, Sheffield 1993, 317–323; G. Galil, ZDPV 109 (1993), 49–53; S. Gitin, Studies in the Archaeology and History of Ancient Israel, Haifa 1993, 99*–126*; C. S. Ehrlich, The Philistines in Transition: A History from ca. 1000–730 B.C.E. (Studies in the History and Culture of the Ancient Near East 10), Leiden 1996; G. L. Kelm & A. Mazar, Olive Oil in Antiquity, Padova 1996, 243–248; J. C. Waldbaum & J. Magness, AJA 101(1997), 23–40; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 100; Y. Dagan, The Settlement in the Judean Shephelah in the 2nd and 1st Millennium B.C.: A Test-Case of Settlement Processes in a Geographic Region (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); N. Panitz-Cohen, ASOR Newsletter 50/1 (2000), 16; id., ASOR Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Boulder, CO 2001, 27; id., Ägypten und Levante 14 (2004), 319–337; A. Faust, JMA 15 (2002), 53–73; id., BAR 30/2 (2004), 52–53, 62; I. Finkelstein, PEQ 134 (2002), 118–129; H. M. Niemann, Kein Land für sich allein, Freiburg 2002, 70–91; Z. Herzog, Saxa Loquentur, Münster 2003, 85–100.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p. 158.
Y. Dagan, The Settlement in the Judean Shephelah in the 2nd and 1st Millennium B.C.: A Test-Case of Settlement Processes in a Geographic Region (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract).
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 158–160.
W. G. Dever, The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, London 1995, 289–293; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 285–287; id., The Rural Landscape of Ancient Israel (BAR/IS 1121; eds. A. M. Maeir et al.), Oxford 2003, 43–59; M. Haiman, BASOR 303 (1996), 1–32; Y. Goren, ibid., 33–72; T. E. Levy et al., Antiquity 76/292 (2002), 425–437; I. Berelov, SHAJ 8 (2004), 45–58.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 175–177.
Main publication: D. Rosenberg et al., Beisamoun: The Wadi Rabah Occurrence (forthcoming).
Studies: Y. Garfinkel, CAJ 4 (1994), 159–188; Les Dossiers de l’Archéologie 203 (1995); R. Barkai, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 65 (1999), 303–318; id., Flint and Stone Axes as Cultural Markers: Socio Economic Changes as Reflected in Holocene Flint Tool Industries of the Southern Levant (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abtract); id., ibid. (Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 11), Berlin 2005, 155–170; id., Neo-Lithics 2002/1, 3–8; M. Bonogofsky, JAS 28 (2001), 671–690; 29 (2002), 959–964; id., An Osteo-Archaeological Examination of the Ancestor Cult during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Period in the Levant (Ph.D. diss., Berkeley, CA), Ann Arbor, MI 2001; id., Paléorient 27/2 (2001), 141–146; id., Journal of the Association of Graduates in Near Eastern Studies, Berkeley, CA, 9 (2002), 1–7; id., BASOR 331 (2003), 1–10; Y. Goren & A. N. Goring-Morris, JAS 28 (2001), 671–690; D. Schmandt-Besserat, Origini 24 (2002), 95–140 (pp. 116–118); id., Archaeology Odyssey 6/2 (2003), 19–27.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 177–180.
Main publication: S. Ben-Arieh et al., Bronze Age and Iron Age Tombs at Tell Beit Mirsim (IAA Reports 23), Jerusalem 2004.
Studies: G. Barkay, IEJ 40 (1990), 124–129; W. G. Dever, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 648–649; id., EI 27 (2003), 29*–36*; P. Daviau, Houses, Sheffield 1993, 147–164, 399; J. Jeremias, Biblische Welten (M. Metzger Fest.; Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 123; ed. W. Zwickel), Fribourg 1993, 41–59; N. A. Silberman, BA 56 (1993), 8–16; J. G. Van der Land, Bijbel, Geschiedenis en Archeologie 1 (1994), 1–12; J. Renz, Die Althebräischen Epigraphik, Darmstadt 1995, 168–172; J. Bourriau, Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson (ed. P. Der Manuelian), Boston, MA 1996, 101–116; A. Zertal, Michmanim 9 (1996), 73–82; R. Greenberg, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 295–297; O. Zimhoni, Studies in the Iron Age Pottery of Israel: Typological, Archaeological and Chronological Aspects, Tel Aviv 1997, 179–210; A. Faust, TA 26 (1999), 233–252; 29 (2002), 300–301; id., Levant 35 (2003), 123–138; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 101; S. Campbell, Chronologie des pays du Caucase et de l’Euphrate aux IVe–IIIe millénaires, Paris 2000, 54–63; Y. Dagan, The Settlement in the Judean Shephelah in the 2nd and 1st Millennium B.C.: A Test-Case of Settlement Processes in a Geographic Region (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); H. Shanks, BAR 26/6 (2000), 52–63, 71; J. D. Schloen, The House of the Father as Fact and Symbol: Patrimonialism in Ugarit and the Ancient Near East (Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 2; Harvard Semitic Museum Publications), Winona Lake, IN 2001, 136–181; S. L. Cohen, Canaanites, Chronologies, and Connections, Winona Lake, IN 2002 (index); NEA 65/1 (2002) (W. F. Albright Fest.); M. Tadmor & Y. Goren, Culture Through Objects: Ancient Near Eastern Studies (P. R. S. Moorey Fest.; Griffith Institute Publications; eds. T. Potts et al.), Oxford 2003, 189–206; G. Davies, Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions, 2: Corpus and Concordance, Cambridge 2004, 12, 36–38; I. Finkelstein & N. Na’aman, TA 31 (2004), 60–79; W. H. Shea, NEAS Bulletin 50 (2005), 1–14.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 182–186.
A. Boas, NEA 61/3 (1998), 138–173; H. Geva, Archaeological Sites in Israel, 4, Jerusalem 1999, 18–20; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee (SBF Collectio Minor 37), Jerusalem 2001, 245–248; S. Scham, Archaeology 55/5 (2002), 24–31.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 186–187
B. Brandl, ‘Atiqot 10 (1990), 14*; I. Finkelstein, ibid., 13*–14*; A. Oppenheimer, Geschichte-Tradition-Reflexion 1 (M. Hengel Fest.; ed. P. Schäfer), Tübingen 1996, 483–499; I. Ben-David, ESI 109 (1999), 96*; R. Kletter, ibid. 111 (2000), 37*–38*; S. Golan & A. Elenekave, ibid. 114 (2002), 114*–115*; Y. Gadot & Y. Tepper, TA 30 (2003), 130–162.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 188–190.
Y. Tsafrir, Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993, 207–218; A. Kloner et al., Survey of Jerusalem, The Southern Sector (Archaeological Survey of Jerusalem), Jerusalem 2000; J. Magness, The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 109–111; N. Tzameret, JSRS 12 (2003), xix.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 190–192.
J. Gutmann, Bulletin of the Asia Institute 6 (1992), 79–85; id., OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 299–300; M. Bachmann, Neukirchener Theologische Zeitschrift 9 (1994), 168–191; O. Hess, Israel Magazine 58 (1994), 27, 29 , 3–34; M. Bregman, The Sacrifice of Isaac in the Three Monotheistic Religions: Proceedings of a Symposium on the Interpretation of the Scriptures, Jerusalem 16–17.3.1995 (SBF Analecta 41; ed. F. Manns), Jerusalem 1995, 127–145; R. Hachlili, ZDPV 113 (1997), 92–122; L. A. Roussin, Archaeology and the Galilee: Texts and Contexts in the Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Periods (South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism 143; eds. D. R. Edwards & C. T. McCollough), Atlanta, GA 1997, 83–96; id., BAR 27/2 (2001), 52–56; H. Mack, Cathedra 88 (1998), 180–181; G. Stemberger, Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie 13 (1998), 145–170; A. E. Killebrew, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 3/1–2 (1999), 17–32; Y. Englard, Cathedra 98 (2000), 172–173; E. Kessler, From Dura to Sepphoris, Portsmouth, RI 2000, 73–81; J. Magness, Symbiosis, Symbolism and the Power of the Past, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 363–389, 553–554; S. S. Miller, JQR 94 (2004), 27–76.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 192–194.
Main publication: K. Könen, Bethel: Geschichte, Kult und Theologie (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 192), Freiburg 2003; ibid. (Reviews) UF 34 (2002), 947–949. — Bibliotheca Orientalis 62 (2005), 101–102.
Studies: Z. Kallai, Prophetie und geschichtliche Wirklichkeit im alten Israel (S. Herrmann Fest.; eds. R. Liwak & S. Wagner), Stuttgart 1991, 171–188; H. Brodsky, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 710–712; P. Daviau, Houses, Sheffield 1993, 395–398; M. Weinfeld, Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen zwischen Kleinasien, Nordsyrien und dem Alten Testament (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 129; eds. B. Janowski et al.), Freiburg 1993, 455–472; D. P. Livingston, PEQ 126 (1994), 154–159; W. Zwickel, Der Tempelkult in Kanaan und Israel (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 10), Tübingen 1994, 19–20; G. L. Mattingly, BA 58 (1995), 14–25; H. -D. Neef, Ephraim: Studien zur Geschichte des Stammes Ephraim von der Landname bis zur frühen Königszeit (ZAW Beihefte 238), Berlin 1995; C. J. Chang-Ho, Orientalia 66 (1997), 414–425; W. G. Dever, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 300–301; M. Gleis, Die Bamah (ZAW Beihefte 251), Berlin 1997; S. M. Langston, Cultic Sites in the Tribe of Benjamin: Benjaminite Prominence in the Religion of Israel (American University Studies Series 7; Theology and Religion 200), New York 1998; R. Scibona, Bibbia e Oriente 40/196 (1998), 65–98; Y. Amit, Studies in Historical Geography, Leiden 2000, 121–131; W. B. Barrick, Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 14 (2000), 3–16; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 101; P. Gibert, Jacob: commentaire a plusieurs voix de Gen 25–26 (A. De Pury Fest.; eds. J. -D. Macchi & T. Römer), Geneve 2001, 248–256; J. Blenkinsopp, Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period. International Conference, Tel Aviv, May 2001 (eds. O. Lipschitz & J. Blenkinsopp), Winona Lake, IN 2003, 93–107; J. -M. Van Cangh, Quelle Maison pour Dieu? (ed. Camille Focant), Paris 2003, 38–47; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 181–184; A. F. Rainey, ASOR Annual Meeting 2004, .
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 202–203.
Main publication: S. Givon, The Excavation at Bet ha-Emeq 1973, Tel Aviv 1993 (Eng. abstract).
Studies: S. Givon, In Quest of Ancient Settlements and Landscapes, Tel Aviv 2002, 87–106; R. Frankel, DOP 51 (1997), 73–84; id., Cura Aquarum in Israel, Siegburg 2002, 89–92; Y. Goren & S. Zuckermann, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 165–182; M. Peilstöcker, ICAANE, 1, Roma 2000, 1335–1336; C. Delage, Les resources lithiques dans le nord d’Israël: la question des territoires d’approvisionnement Natoufiens confrontée a l’hypothèse de leur sédentarité (Ph.D. diss.), Paris 2001; P. Beck, Imagery and Representation, Tel Aviv 2002, 252–259.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 203–210.
Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 184–186; H. I. Newman, Biblica 86 (2005), 213–228; L. Niesiolowski-Spanò, ibid., 478–493.
The Church of the Nativity
Main publications: G. S. P. Freeman-Grenville, The Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Jerusalem 1993; ibid. (Review) PEQ 128 (1996), 174–175; P. Revault et al., Maisons de Bethléem, Paris 1997; M. T. Petrozzi, Bethlehem (The Holy Places of Palestine), Jerusalem 2000.
Studies: J. Finegan, The Archaeology of the New Testament: The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church, rev. ed., Princeton, NJ 1992; H. Gazelles, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 712–715; G. Kühnel, Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993, 197–203; id., Byzantinische Zeitschrift 86–87 (1993–1994), 86–107; id., The Real and Ideal Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Art (B. Narkiss Fest.; ed. B. Kühnel), Jerusalem 1998, 151–157; id., Knights of the Holy Land: The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (Israel Museum, Catalogue 422; ed. S. Rozenberg), Jerusalem 1999, 206–216; id., The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church From the 5th Century to the Present (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 98; ed. J. Patrich), Leuven 2001, 353–362; D. Pringle, The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: A Corpus, 1, Cambridge 1993, 137–157; J. E. Taylor, Christians and the Holy Places, Oxford 1993; A. T. Jotischky, Levant 25 (1993), 213; 26 (1994), 207–223; I. McDowell, BH 30 (1994), 8–10; D. W. Manor, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 302; H. Goldfus, Tombs and Burials in Churches and Monasteries of Byzantine Palestine (324–628 A. D.), 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1998, 146–152; R. F. Campanati, The Madaba Map Centenary, 1897–1999: Travelling Through the Byzantine Umayyad Period (SBF Collectio Maior 40; eds. M. Piccirillo & E. Alliata), Jerusalem 1999, 173–177; F. Mébarki, MdB 121 (1999), 94; S. Santelli et al., Les Dossiers d’Archéologie 240 (1999), 72–83; L. Bonato & M. Emery, LA 50 (2000), 401–410; In Terrasanta: dalla Crociata alla Custodia dei Luoghi Sandi (Milano, 17.2.–21.3.2000; ed. M. Piccirillo), Firenze 2000, 114–124; S. Mason & J. Murphy-O’Connor, BR 16/1 (2000), 31–45, 50–54; K. Prag, PEQ 132 (2000), 169–181; W. Pullan, Text and Artifact, Waterloo, ONT 2000, 308–321; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev (SBF Collectio Minor 42), Jerusalem 2002; C. Heitz, MdB Hors Série 2005, 44–46; A. Lewin, The Archaeology of Ancient Judea and Palestine, Los Angeles, CA 2005, 138–144; A. Oshri, Archaeology 58/6 (2005), 42–45.
The Aqueduct
M. Dadon & Y. Zelinger, ‘Atiqot 32 (1997), 40*–41*.
Other Remains
I. Yezerski, JSRS 6 (1996), xi; BAR 25/3 (1999), 21; F. de Cree, ZDPV 115 (1999), 59–84; Y. Baruch & I. Sharuch, ESI 111 (2000), 74*–75*; 112 (2000), 89*; F. P. M. Karg, Antike Welt 34 (2003), 285–294.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 210–213.
J. Patrich, Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993, 265–272; J. Renz, Die Althebräischen Inschriften, 1 (Handbuch der Althebräischen Epigraphik), Darmstadt 1995, 242–250; P. Sarkio, ZDPV 113 (1997), 39–60; Z. Zevit, The Religions of Ancient Israel: A Synthesis of Parallactic Approaches, London 2001; J. Magness, The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 109; N. Tzameret, JSRS 12 (2003), xix.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 236–248.
Main publication: Y. & Y. Tepper, Beit She‘arim: The Village and Nearby Burials, Tel Aviv 2004 (Heb.).
Studies: P. W. Van der Horst, BAR 18/5 (1992), 46–57; Z. Weiss, The Galilee in Late Antiquity (ed. L. I. Levine), New York 1992, 357–371; id., EI 25 (1996), 102*; F. Vitto, ‘Atiqot 28 (1996), 115–146; L. I. Levine, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 309–311; R. Sivan, The Conservation of Archaeological Sites in the Mediterranean Region (ed. Marta de la Torre), Los Angeles 1997; M. L. Fischer, Marble Studies, Konstanz 1998; T. Rajak, The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture, 1 (Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum 71; ed. P. Schäfer), Tübingen 1998, 349–366; id., The Jewish Dialogue with Greece and Rome: Studies in Cultural and Social Interaction (Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums 48), Leiden 2001; B. -Z. Rosenfeld, HUCA 69 (1998), 57; id., Cathedra 114 (2004), 177; Z. Safrai, The Missing Century: Palestine in the 5th Century—Growth and Decline (Palestine Antiqua N.S. 9), Leuven 1998, (index); J. Elayi & H. Sayegh, Port, Paris 1998–2000; I. C. Freestone & Y. Gorin-Rosen, Journal of Glass Studies 41 (1999), 105–116; id. (et al.), La route du verre (Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient Mediterraneen 33; ed. M. -D. Nenna), Lyon 2000, 65–84; D. Lipkunsky, ESI 19 (1999), 20*; Y. Argaman, ESI 20 (2000), 27*; S. Fine, BR 16/5 (2000), 32–43; I. Jabur, ESI 112 (2000), 119; R. N. Longenecker, Text and Artifact, Waterloo, ONT 2000, 249–270; M. L. Satlow, World Congress of Jewish Studies, 12/B, Jerusalem 2000, 17–24; Z. Yavor, ESI 20 (2000), 26*–27*; M. Peilstöcker & Y. Lehrer, ibid 113 (2001), 28*–30*; Y. Gorin-Rosen, Michmanim 16 (2002), 7*–18*; H. Misgav, JSRS 11 (2002), xvi; M. Tilly, Antike Welt 34 (2003), 143–150; Artifax 20/2 (2005), 6.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 259–261.
R. Reich, EI 23 (1992), 154*; id., TA 19 (1992), 113–123; W. I. Toews, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 701–702; B. Alpert Nakhai, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 314; A. M. Berlin, BA 60 (1997), 2–51; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 103; M. C. D’Angelo, Actas del IV Congrèso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Punicos, Cadiz, 2–6.10.1995, 1–4 (eds. M. E. Aubet & M. Barthelemy), Cadiz 2000, 1511–1517; H. Shanks, BAR 26/6 (2000), 52–63, 71; W. Thiel, Bibel und Kirche 57 (2002), 95–103.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, 262–263.
E. J. Stern, ESI 15 (1996), 28–30; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 103; Y. Alexandre & E. J. Stern, ‘Atiqot 42 (2001), 183–195.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p. 263.
M. Haiman, IEJ 44 (1994), 36–61; J. Sarel, The Middle-Upper Paleolithic Transition in Israel: Technological Analysis (Ph.D. diss.), Haifa 2002; id., ibid. (BAR/IS 1229), Oxford 2004; D. O. Henry, Neanderthals in the Levant: Behavioral Organization and the Beginnings of Human Modernity (New Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology; ed. D. O. Henry), London 2003, 12–30; K. Monigal, More Than Meets the Eye: Studies on Upper Palaeolithic Diversity in the Near East (eds. A. N. Goring-Morris & A. Belfer-Cohen), Oxford 2003, 118–133.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 266–267.
B. Alpert Nakhai, BAR 20/3 (1994), 20; V. Hurowitz, BR 10/5 (1994), 27; A. Mazar, OEANE, 1, New York 1997, 383–384; id., PEQ 131 (1999), 144–148; I. Finkelstein, ibid. 130 (1998), 94–98.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 267–269.
E. Stern, EI 24 (1993), 238*; A. Ofer, Cathedra 90 (1998), 197; J. Patrich, The Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls (eds. L. H. Schiffman & J. C. VanderKam), 1, Oxford 2000, 103–103.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 291–296.
Main publications: H. Blödhorn, Die Kapitelle der Synagoge von Kapernaum: ihre zeitliche und stilistische Einordnung im Rahmen der Kapitellentwicklung in der Dekapolis und Palästina (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Paläsina-Vereins 11), Wiesbaden 1993; S. Loffreda, Recovering Capharnaum, 2nd ed., Jerusalem 1993; id., Kapernaum, Jerusalem 1994; id., Cafarnao, Jerusalem 1995; id., Cafarnaum, Jerusalem 1995; id., Cafarnao V: Documentazione fotografica degli scavi (1968–2003) (SBF Collectio Maior 44), Jerusalem 2005; Entrarono a Cafarnao: lettura interdisciplinare di Marco 1 (V. Ravanelli Fest.; SBF Analecta 44; eds. M. Adinolfi & P. Kasawalder), Jerusalem 1997.
Studies: Y. Stepansky, ESI 10 (1991), 87–90; 12 (1993), 10–11; 112 (2000), 9*–11*; 115 (2003), 9*; V. C. Corbo, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 866–869; id., Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993, 71–76; J. Finegan, The Archaeology of the New Testament: The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church, rev. ed., Princeton, NJ 1992; J. C. H. Laughlin, BAR 19/5 (1993), 54–61, 90; S. Loffreda, Early Christianity in Context: Monuments and Documents (E. Testa Fest.; SBF Collection Maior 38; eds. F. Mann & E. Alliata), Jerusalem 1993, 37–67; id., LA 47 (1997), 223–244; id., The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, 1 (ed. E. M. Meyers), New York 1997, 416–419; J. E. Taylor, Christians and the Holy Places, Oxford 1993; B. Brenk, Byzantine East, Latin West (K. Weitzmann Fest.; eds. C. Moss & K. Kiefer), Princeton, NJ 1995, 15–28; Y. Tsafrir, The Roman and Byzantine Near East, 1, Ann Arbor, MI 1995, 151–161; E. A. Arslan, LA 46 (1996), 307–316; 47 (1997), 245–328; id., Revue Numismatique 159 (2003), 27–39; B. Callegher, ibid., 329–338; K. M. Galor, Domestic Architecture in Galilee and Golan during the Roman and Byzantine Periods (1st Century B.C. to 7th Century A.D.) (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1996; id., Miscellanea Mediterranea (ed. R. R. Holloway), Providence, RI 2000, 109–124; id., NEA 66 (2003), 44–57; J. Magness, JAOS 117 (1997), 307–316, 481–486; id., Cathedra 101 (2001), 204–205; id., Judaism in Late Antiquity III/4, Leiden 2001, 1–48; C. D. Tarbes. MdB 104 (1997), 71; Z. Safrai, The Missing Century: Palestine in the 5th Century—Growth and Decline (Palestine Antiqua N.S. 9), Leuven 1998, (index); Z. U. Ma‘oz, The Roman and Byzantine Near East, 2, Portsmouth, RI 1999, 137–148; M. Nun, BAR 25/4 (1999), 18–31, 64; V. Shalev, Historical Context, Structure and Function in the Churches of Palestine in Late Antiquity (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 1999 (Eng. abstract); F. Manns, Les Dossiers de l’Archéologie 249 (1999–2000), 46–55; Z. Gal & H. Butros, ESI 111 (2000), 11*; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee (SBF Collectio Minor 37), Jerusalem 2001, 76–78; B. D. Chilton, Religious Texts and Material Contexts (Studies in Ancient Judaism; eds. J. Neusner & J. F. Strange), Lanham, MD 2001, 63–71; M. L. Fischer, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 44 (2001), 142–167; LA 51 (2001), 470–471; J. F. Strange, Religious Texts and Material Contexts (op. cit.), Lanham, MD 2001, 43–62; id., Continuity and Renewal: Jews and Judaism in Byzantine-Christian Palestine (ed. L. I. Levine), Jerusalem 2004, 530–543; E. M. Meyers, AJA 106 (2002), 244; P. Richardson, New Testament Studies 48 (2002), 314–331; id., Building Jewish in the Roman East (Suppls. to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 92), Waco, TX 2004, 91–107; A. Runesson, Svensk Exegetisk Arsbok 67 (2002), 121–144; BAR 29/1 (2003), 50–51, 53; LA 53 (2003), 520; R. Reisner, Leben am See Gennesaret, Mainz am Rhein 2003, 173–180; J. Zangenberg, ibid., 99–103; BAR 30/1 (2004), 46–47; K. N. Schoville, NEAS Bulletin 49 (2004), 15–26; F. Comte & B. Pixner, MdB Hors Serie 2005, 20–23; C. A. Evans, The Missions of James, Peter, and Paul: Tensions in Early Christianity (Suppls. to Novum Testamentum 115; eds. B. Chilton & C. A. Evans), Leiden 2005, 211–231; L. I. Levine, The Ancient Synagogue: The First Thousand Years, 2nd ed., New Haven, CT 2005, 51–52; A. Lewin, The Archaeology of Ancient Judea and Palestine, Los Angeles, CA 2005, 66–73.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 297–299.
Y. Hirschfeld, ESI 10 (1991), 36–37; id., The Judean Desert Monasteries in the Byzantine Period, New Haven, CO 1992; id., Early Christianity in Context: Monuments and Documents (E. Testa Fest.; SBF Collection Maior 38; eds. F. Mann & E. Alliata), Jerusalem 1993, 297–311; id., LA 50 (2000), 315–362; id., The Aqueducts of Israel, Portsmouth, RI 2002, 428–437; id., PEQ 136 (2004), 133–149; J. Patrich, Cristianesimo nella Storia 16 (1995), 1–9; id., Michmanim 8 (1995), 9–10*; id., The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church from the 5th Century to the Present (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 98; ed. J. Patrich), Leuven 2001; M. L. Delbridge, Prayer from Alexander to Constantine: A Critical Anthology (eds. M. Kiley et al.), London 1997, 171–175; H. Goldfus, Tombs and Burials in Churches and Monasteries of Byzantine Palestine (324–628 A.D.), 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1998, 176–205.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 301–304.
Main publication: Z. Yeivin et al., The Synagogue at Korazim: The 1962–1964, 1980–1987 Excavations (IAA Reports 10), Jerusalem 2000 (Eng. abstracts).
Studies: R. S. Smith, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 911–912; K. M. Galor, Domestic Architecture in Galilee and Golan during the Roman and Byzantine Periods (1st Century B.C. to 7th Century A.D.) (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1996; id., NEA 66 (2003), 44–57; S. Fine, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, 1 (ed. E. M. Meyers), New York 1997, 490–491; Y. Stepansky, ESI 112 (2000), 9*–11*; N. May, ‘Atiqot 43 (2002), 207–252; E. Yehuda, Jahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes 9 (2003), 9–25; K. N. Schoville, NEAS Bulletin 49 (2004), 15–26; P. Gruson, MdB Hors Serie 2005, 24–25.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 305–314.
Main publications: J. T. Burtchaell, From Synagogue to Church: Public Services and Offices in the Earliest Christian Communities, Cambridge 1992; ibid. (Review) BR 10/2 (1994), 11–12; L. A. Roussin, The Iconography of the Figural Pavements of Early Byzantine Palestine, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University 1985), Ann Arbor, MI 1992; Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993; ibid. (Reviews) LA 44 (1994), 722–725. — Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 89 (1994), 561–564. — PEQ 126 (1994), 174–175. — BASOR 298 (1995), 94–95. — JAOS 115 (1995), 114. — The Roman and Byzantine Near East, 1 (1995), 304–311. — AJA 100 (1996), 194–195. — Bibliotheca Orientalis 53 (1996), 824–827. — JNES 57 (1998), 223–224. —Syria 76 (1999), 315; M. Piccirillo, The Mosaics of Jordan (ACOR Publications 1; eds. P. M. Bikai & T. A. Dailey), Amman 1993; ibid. (Reviews) BASOR 296 (1994), 84–86. — BAR 22/2 (1996), 58–59. — IEJ 46 (1996), 140–142. — JRA 9 (1996), 594–597. — Jordan Antiquity Annual, 1–2 (1997–1998), #22; W. Sanderson, Early Christian Buildings: A Graphic Introduction (300–600), Champlain, NY 1993; D. Pringle, The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: A Corpus, 1–2, Cambridge 1993–1998; ibid. (Reviews) PEQ 126 (1994), 85–86. — ZDPV 110 (1994), 88–90. — 116 (2000), 188–190. — Bibliotheca Orientalis 52 (1995), 816–817. —BAR 22/2 (1996), 68–69. — IEJ 46 (1996), 282–284. — 49 (1999), 286–288. — Levant 28 (1996), 225. — Syria 73 (1996), 226. — 77 (2000), 349. — AJA 103 (1999), 582–584. — BASOR 314 (1999), 91–93. — Antiquity 75/289 (2001), 635–639; id., Secular Buildings in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: An Archaeological Gazetteer, Cambridge 1997; ibid. (Reviews) AJA 103 (1999), 582–584. — BASOR 314 (1999), 89–91. — Antiquity 75/289 (2001), 635–639; Churches Built in Ancient Times: Recent Studies in Early Christian Archaeology (ed. K. S. Painter; Society of Antiquaries Occasional Papers 16), London 1994; ibid. (Review) PEQ 129 (1997), 86–88; L. J. Hoppe, The Synagogues and Churches of Ancient Palestine (A Michael Glazier Book), Collegeville, MN 1994; ibid. (Review) LA 44 (1994), 719–720; S. Schrenk, Typos und Antitypos in der frühchristlichen Kunst (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 21), Münster 1995; Architectural Studies in Memory of Richard Krautheimer (ed. C. L. Striker), Mainz am Rhen 1996; H. Goldfus, Tombs and Burials in Churches and Monasteries of Byzantine Palestine (324–628 A.D.), 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1998; A. M. Schneider, Reticulum: Ausgewählte Aufsätze und Katalog siener Sammlunges (ed. H. R. Seeliger, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 25), Münster 1998; P. Baumann, Spätantike Stifter im Heiligen Land: Darstellung und Inschriften auf Bodenmosaiken in Kirchen, Synagogen und Privathäusern (Spätantike Frühes Christentum Byzanz Kunst in Ersten Jahrtausend B: Studien und Perspektiven 5), Wiesbaden 1999; V. Shalev, Historical Context, Structure and Function in the Churches of Palestine in Late Antiquity (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 1999 (Eng. abstract); A. Strus, Bet Gemal: Pathway to the Tradition of Saints Stephen and Gamaliel, Roma 2000; id. (et al.), Khirbet Fattir-Bet Jemal: Two Ancient Jewish and Christian Sites in Israel, Roma 2003; ibid. (Review) LA 52 (2002), 598–600; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee (SBF Collectio Minor 37), Jerusalem 2001; ibid. (Review) Bibliotheca Orientalis 59 (2002), 618–619; id., Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev (SBF Collectio Minor 42), Jerusalem 2002; id., Ancient Christian Villages of Samaria (SBF Collectio Minor 39), Jerusalem 2002; A. Michel, Les églises d’époque Byzantine et Umayyade de Jordanie (provinces d’Arabie et de Palestine) Ve–VIIIe siècles: typologie architecturale et aménagements liturgiques, avec catalogue des monuments (Bibliothèque de l’Antiquite tardive 2), Turnhout 2001; ibid. (Reviews) LA 51 (2001), 375–378. — CRAIBL 2002/2, 494–495. — JRA 15 (2002), 690–699. — L’Antiquite Classique 72 (2003), 672; J. Wilkinson, From Synagogue to Church–The Traditional Design: Its Beginning, its Definition, its End, London 2002; ibid. (Review) PEQ 136 (2004), 190–193; Les églises de Jordanie et leurs mosaïques: Actes de la journée d’études…, Lyon 4.1989 (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique 168; ed. N. Duval), Beirut 2003; Io Notaio Nicola de Martoni: il pellegrinaggio ai Luogui Santi da Carinola a Gerusalemme 1394–1395 (SBF Collectio Maior 42; ed. M. Piccirillo), Jerusalem 2003; Horvat Karkur ‘Illit: A Byzantine Cemetery Church in the Northern Negev (Final Report of the Excavations 1989–1995) (Beer-Sheva Archaeological Monographs 1; Beer-Sheva 16; ed. P. Figueras), Beer-Sheva 2004; Cyril of Scythopolis, Lives of Monks of the Judaean Desert (introduction & tr. L. Di Segni), Jerusalem 2005 (Heb.); L. Habas, The Figurative Themes of the Mosaic Pavements in the Churches of Provincia Arabia: Origins, Style and Iconography (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem (in prep.).
Studies: J. R. Branham, Art Bulletin 74 (1992), 375–394; A. Chambon & A. Strus, RB 99 (1992), 425–439; P. Figueras, MdB 78 (1992), 60–63; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 5–7; id., Aram 15 (2003), 49–69; J. Patrich, LA 41 (1992), 429–448; 50 (2000), 363–382; id., The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, London 1995, 470–487; id., Near Eastern Archaeology: A Reader (ed. S. Richard), Winona Lake, IN 2003, 479–486; A. Strus, Salesianum 54 (1992), 1–26, 453–478; E. Testa, LA 42 (1992), 109–144; Z. Yeivin, ‘Atiqot 21 (1992), 109–128; B. Kühnel, Jewish Art 19–20 (1993–1994), 113–123; id., Relics in the Art and Culture of the Eastern Christian World: Abstracts of Papers and Material from International Symposium (ed. A. Lidov), Moscow 2000, 33–34; N. Monell, Bibbia e Oriente 35 (1993), 217–233; J. Poulin, MdB 82 (1993), 46–48; A. Strobel, ZDPV 109 (1993), 54–63; Y. Tsafrir, BAR 19/5 (1993), 26–39; id., Antiquite Tardive 8 (2000), 149–164; id., Relics in the Art and Culture of the Eastern Christian World (op. cit.) Moscow 2000, 18; V. Tzaferis, Studies in the Archaeology and History of Ancient Israel, Haifa 1993, 227–249; id., The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church from the 5th Century to the Present (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 98; ed. J. Patrich), Leuven 2001, 317–321; E. G. Van Welie, Boreas 16 (1993), 165–180; G. Anderlini, Bibbia et Oriente 36/179 (1994), 41–61; Christians in the Holy Land (eds. M. Prior & W. Taylor), London 1994; L. Di Segni, SCI 13 (1994), 94–115; id., Dated Greek Inscriptions from Palestine from the Roman and Byzantine Periods (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1997; id., LA 50 (2000), 383–400; id., Aram 15 (2003), 247–267; J. Elsner, Art History 17 (1994), 81–102; Y. Hirschfeld, BA 57 (1994), 122–133; id., RB 106 (1999), 236–249; A. Jotischky, Levant 26 (1994), 207–223; H. -P. Kuhnen, ZDPV 110 (1994), 36–50; W. H. Mare, Aram 6 (1994), 359–379; id., ASOR Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Boulder, CO 2001, 34; id., SHAJ 8 (2004), 301–309; M. Piccirillo, LA 44 (1994), 381–404; 47 (1997), 375–394; id., The Madaba Map Centenary, 1897–1997: Travelling Through the Byzantine Umayyad Period. Proceedings of the International Conference, Amman, 7–9.4.1997 (SBF Collectio Maior 40; eds. M. Piccirillo & E. Alliata), Jerusalem 1999, 218–221; D. Pringle, The Military Orders, 1: Fighting for the Faith and Caring for the Sick (ed. M. Barber), Aldershot 1994, 148–166; C. Dauphin (& S. Gibson), BAIAS 14 (1994–1995), 9–38; id., LA 49 (1999), 397–430; H. Goldfus et al., ibid. 45 (1995), 247–292; P. H. F. Jakobs, ibid., 873–880; V. Lassalle, Pelerinages et Croisades: Actes du 118e Congrès National des Sociétés Historiques et Scientifiques, Pau, Oct 1993, Section Archéologie et Histoire de l’Art, Paris 1995, 321–332; S. Margalit, LA 45 (1995), 357–400; P. Marzolff, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 20 (1995), 1024–1032; A. & N. Monelli, Bibbia e Oriente 37 (1995), 49–59; R. Schick, The Christian Communities of Palestine from Byzantine to Islamic Rule: A Historical and Archaeological Study (Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam 2), Princeton, NJ 1995; id., NEA 61 (1998), 86–88; J. -P. Sodini, The Roman and Byzantine Near East, 1, Ann Arbor, MI 1995, 304–311; F. Vitto, Bosphorus (C. Mango Fest.; Byzantinische Forschungen 21; eds. S. Efthymiadis & C. Rapp), Amsterdam 1995, 283–300; M. Ben-Dov, Yoqne‘am, I: The Late Periods (Qedem Reports 3 by A. Ben-Tor et al.), Jerusalem 1996, 42–46; id., Knights of the Holy Land: The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (Israel Museum, Catalogue 422; ed. S. Rozenberg), Jerusalem 1999, 83–93; R. C. Gregg & D. Urman, Jews, Pagans, and Christians in the Golan Hights: Greek and Other Inscriptions of the Roman and Byzantine Eras (South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism 140), Atlanta, GA 1996; J. E. Zias & P. D. Mitchell, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 101 (1996), 491–502; A. Aronshtam, ‘Atiqot 32 (1997), 49*–50*; P. C. Finney, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 1–5; R. Hachlili, ZDPV 113 (1997), 92–122; Taha Hamdan, LA 47 (1997), 359–374; R. Rubin, Journal of Historical Geography 23 (1997), 267–283; id., Mediterranean Historical Review 1998, 56–74; Y. Baruch, JSRS 8 (1998), xx; S. Gibson & Fanny Vitto, LA 48 (1998), 315–334; B. Z. Kedar et al., Sacred Space, Shrine, City, Land. Proceedings of the International Conference, Jerusalem, 8–13.6.1992. (J. Prawer Fest.; eds. B. Z. Kedar & R. J. Z. Werblowsky), London 1998; W. E. Kleinbauer, The Real and Ideal Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Art (B. Narkiss Fest.; ed. B. Kühnel), Jerusalem 1998, 140–146; M. Aviam, Galilee through the Centuries, Winona Lake, IN 1999, 281–300; id., One Land—Many Cultures, Jerusalem 2003, 41–59; id., Jews, Pagans and Christians in the Galilee: 25 Years of Archaeological Excavations and Surveys—Hellenistic to Byzantine Periods (Land of Galiliee 1), Rochester, NY 2004; H. Eshel et al., JRA 12 (1999), 411–422; L’invention des églises (MdB 121; eds. A. de Preville & J. -P. Caillet), Paris 1999, 12–82; S. T. Parker, NEA 62 (1999), 134–180; D. Bar, Changes in the Rural Population of Palestine and its Distribution from the Bar-Kokhba Revolt to the Arab Conquest (Ph.D. diss), Jerusalem 2000 (Eng. abstract); H. Dudman, Galilee Revisited: With Mary Magdalene and 20 Other Immortals in Search of Jesus, Jerusalem 2000; L. Habas, From Dura to Sepphoris, Portsmouth, RI 2000, 111–130; G. Kühnel, Relics in the Art and Culture of the Christian World (op. cit.), Moscow 2000, 54; R. Talgam, From Dura to Sepphoris, Portsmouth, RI 2000, 93–110; E. Grabiner, Assaph B/6 (2001), 119–138; M. Itah & Y. Baruch, JSRS 10 (2001), xxii; J. F. Strange, Religious Texts and Material Context (Studies in Ancient Judaism; eds. J. Neusner & J. F. Strange), Lanham, MD 2001, 43–62, 89–138; Z. Vseteckova, The Old Testament as Inspiration in Culture: International Academic Symposium, Prague, Sept. 1995 (eds. J. Heller et al.), Trebenice 2001, 96–110; A. Ovadiah, Art and Archaeology in Israel and Neighbouring Countries, London 2002, 104–124, 159–171; M. W. Merrony, BAIAS 21 (2003), 55–64; R. Mkhjian & C. Kanellopoulos, ADAJ 47 (2003), 9–18; Palestinian Christianity 500–1000 A.D. (Aram 15), Oxford 2003; B. Zissu & D. Weiss, JSRS 13 (2004), xv; S. Hoss & S. Ristow, Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 32 (2004), 72–77; D. Milson, PEQ 136 (2004), 45–56; K. J. H. Vriezen, SHAJ 8 (2004), 469–476.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 315–317.
H. Eshel, JSRS 4 (1994), xiii–xiv, 108, 112; G. Garbrecht & Y. Peleg, BA 57 (1994), 161–170; A. Ovadiah, 5th International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Bath, 5–12.9.1987 (JRA Suppl. Series 9; eds. P. Johnson et al.), Ann Arbor, MI 1994, 67–77; K. Fittschen, Judaea and the Greco-Roman World in the Time of Herod in the Light of Archaeological Evidence, Göttingen 1996, 139–161; G. Foerster, ibid., 52–53; O. Guri-Rimon, Cathedra 82 (1996), 191; E. Netzer, Judaea and the Greco-Roman World in the Time of Herod in the Light of Archaeological Evidence, Göttingen 1996, 34; id., Roman Baths and Bathing: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Roman Baths, Bath, 30.3–4.4.1992 (JRA Suppl. Series 37; eds. J. Delaine & D. E. Johnston), Portsmouth, RI 1999, 45–55; P. Richardson, Herod: King of the Jews and Friend of the Romans (Studies on Personalities of the New Testament), Columbia, SC 1996; Z. Meshel, IEJ 47 (1997), 295–297; id., (& D. Amit), The Aqueducts of Israel, Portsmouth, RI 2002, 311–329; id., JSRS 12 (2003), xi; Le opere fortificate de Erode il Grand, Firenze 1997; D. W. Roller, The Building Program of Herod the Great, Berkeley, CA 1998; A. Lichtenberger, Die Baupolitik Herodes des Grossen (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 26), Wiesbaden 1999; P. Donceel-Voûte, La mosaïque gréco-romaine 8: Actes du 8. Colloque International pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique et Médiévale, Lausanne, 6–11.10.1997 (Cahiers d’Archéologie romande 86; eds. D. Paunier & C. Schmidt), 2, Lausanne 2001, 490–509; M. Fischer, & O. Tal, ZDPV 119 (2003), 19–37; E. Netzer & I. Damati, Hasmonean and Herodian Palaces at Jericho: Final Reports of the 1973–1987 Excavations (director E. Netzer), II: Stratigraphy and Architecture, Jerusalem 2004, 233–280; N. Liphschitz, ibid., 281–285.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p. 318.
D. T. Ariel, ‘Atiqot 20 (1991), 74–80; R. C. Gregg & D. Urman, Jews, Pagans, and Christians in the Golan Heights: Greek and Other Inscriptions of the Roman and Byzantine Eras (South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism 140), Atlanta, GA 1996.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 318–320.
Main publication: R. Gophna et al., Excavations at Tel Dalit: An Early Bronze Age Walled Town in Central Israel, Tel Aviv 1996.
Study: R. T. Schaub, The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond, Winona Lake, IN 2000, 444–464.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 320–323.
Main publications: M. J. Winn Leith, Greek and Persian Images in Pre-Alexandrine Samaria: The Wadi ed-Daliyeh Seal Impressions (Ph.D. diss., Cambridge, MA 1990), Ann Arbor, MI 1993; id., Wadi Daliyeh, I: The Wadi Daliyeh Seal Impressions (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 24), Oxford 1997; ibid. (Reviews) BAR 25/4 (1999), 56, 58–59. — Dead Sea Discoveries 9 (2002), 258–262. — JNES 62 (2003), 27–30; D. M. Gropp et al., Wadi Daliyeh, II: The Samaria Papyri from Wadi Daliyeh (Qumran Cave 4/XXVIII: Miscellanea 2; Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 28), Oxford 2001; Surveys and Excavations of Caves in the Northern Judean Desert (CNJD) -1993 (‘Atiqot 41/2), Jerusalem 2002.
Studies: D. M. Gropp, Maarav 5–6 (1990), 165–188; id., ABD, 5, New York 1992, 931–932; id., The Dead Sea Scrolls, 50 Years after Their Discovery: Major Issues and New Approaches. An International Congress, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 20–25 7.1997 (eds. L. H. Schiffman et al.), Jerusalem 2000, 826–835; F. M. Cross, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 3–4; J. Schwartz & Y. Spanier, Cathedra 65 (1992), 190; J. H. McCulloch, BAR 19/4 (1993), 49; H. Eshel, JSRS 4 (1994), 106–107, 117; id., EI 26 (1999), 226*; P. K. McCarter, Jr., Ancient Inscriptions: Voices from the Biblical World, Washington, DC 1996; Y. Spanier, JSRS 5 (1995), xii; 6 (1996), xiii; J. Zsengeller, Zeitschrift für Althebräistik 9 (1996), 182–189; L. Cansdale, Qumran and the Essenes: A Re-Evaluation of the Evidence (Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 60), Tübingen 1997; W. G. Dever, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 101–102; O. Pedersen, Archives and Libraries in the Ancient Near East, 1500–300 B.C., Bethesda, MD 1998, 226–227; R. Zadok, UF 30 (1998), 781–828; H. M. Cotton, ZDPV 115 (1999), 228–247; id., SCI 20 (2001), 118–119; B. A. Levine, EI 26 (1999), 230*; M. J. Winn Leith, The Dead Sea Scrolls, 50 Years after Their Discovery (op. cit.), Jerusalem 2000, 691–707; Y. Peleg & N. Hameiri, ‘Atiqot 41/2 (2002), 1–4; R. Kessler, “Einen Altar von Erde mache mir…” (D. Conrad Fest.; Kleine Arbeiten zum Alten und Neuen Testament 4/5; eds. J. F. Diehl et al.), Waltrop 2003, 169–181.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 334–336.
Main publication: Y. Hirschfeld et al., The Early Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet ed-Deir in the Judean Desert: The Excavations in 1981–1987 (Qedem 38), Jerusalem 1999; ibid. (Reviews) Bonner Jahrbücher 200 (2000), 716–719. — BASOR 322 (2001), 91–94. — Byzantinische Zeitschrift 94 (2001), 312–314. — PEQ 133 (2001), 63. — Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana 77 (2001), 631–633. — AJA 107 (2003), 140–141.
Studies: M. McRoy, Archaeology in the Biblical World 1/1 (1991), 2–3; Y. Hirschfeld, Ancient Churches Revealed (ed. Y. Tsafrir), Jerusalem 1993, 244–258; id., BAR 21/5 (1995), 28–37; P. Donceel-Voûte, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 20 (1995), 202.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 343–347.
O. Buchsenschutz, MdB 75 (1992), 16–19; T. Dothan, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 130–133; id., BA 56 (1993), 132–134; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 140–141; id., BAR 24/5 (1998), 24–37, 70 , 72; id., The White Slip Ware of Late Bronze Age Cyprus, Wien 2001, 157–160; J. Yellin, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering 14 (1993), 25–39; A. E. Killebrew, Retrieving the Past, Winona Lake, IN 1996, 135–162; id., Archaeology, History and Culture in Palestine and the Near East, Atlanta, GA 1999, 83–126; id., Egypt, Israel, and the Ancient Mediterranean World (D. B. Redford Fest.; Probleme de Ägyptologie 20; eds. G. N. Knoppers & A. Hirsch), Leiden 2004, 309–344; M. -M. Sadek, Les Dossiers d’Archéologie 240 (1999), 58–59; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 104; P. Blanc, Gaza Mediterranéenne: histoire et archéologie en Palestine (ed. J. -B. Humbert), Paris 2000, 127–135; H. Richter, Die Phönizischen Anthropoiden Sarkophage, 2: Tradition, Rezeption, Wander (Forschungen zur Phönizisch-Punischen und Zyprischen Plastik I/2; ed. Simone Frede), Mainz 2002, 243–271; M. A. S. Martin, Ägypten und Levante 14 (2004), 265–284; id., Aspects of the Egyptian Involvement in Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Canaan: The Egyptian and Egyptian-Style Pottery—A Case Study, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Wien 2005.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 348–349.
D. Syon, ESI 114 (2002), 1*.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 352–356.
Main publication: U. Worschech, Cromlechs, Dolmen und Menhire (Beiträge zur Erforschung der Antiken Moabitis (Ard el-Kerak), 2 (Vergleichende Studien zu Vor-und Frühgeschichtlichen Grabanlagein in Jordanien; Veröffentlischungen des Instituts für Biblische Archäologie an der Theologischen Hochschule Friedensau), Frankfurt am Main 2002; ibid. (Review) ADAJ 46 (2002), 629–631.
Studies: L. Vinitzky, EI 21 (1991), 107*; id., TA 19 (1992), 100–112; D. Bahat, The Architecture of Ancient Israel, Jerusalem 1992, 91–93; Y. Mizrahi, BAR 18/4 (1992), 46–54, 84; id. (et al.), IEJ 46 (1996), 167–196; C. M. Dauphin, Cathedra 73 (1994), 198; M. Zohar, Early Transition Periods in the Archaeology of Syria-Palestine (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1994 (Eng. abstract); K. Prag, The Archaeology of Death, Oxford 1995, 75–84; D. Ilan, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 167–168; C. Nicolle et al., ADAJ 43 (1999), 91–98; J. A. Fernandez-Tresguerres Velasco, SHAJ 7 (2001), 173–178; R. Greenberg, Early Urbanizations in the Levant: A Regional Narrative (New Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology), London 2002; The 1994 Season at Tall al-‘Umayri and Subsequent Studies (Madaba Plains Project 5; eds. L. G. Herr et al.), Berrien Springs, MI 2002.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 372–374.
R. E. Colley & G. D. Pratico, Scripture and Other Artifacts, Louisville, KY 1994, 70–92; id., Preliminary Excavation Reports: Sardis, Bir Umm Fawakhir, Tell el-Umeiri, The Combined Caesarea Expeditions and Tell Dothan (AASOR 52; ed. W. G. Dever), Philadelphia 1995, 147–190; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 171; W. G. Dever, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 226–227; C. L. Cockerham, BASOR 298 (1995), 75–76; H. -D. Neef, Ephraim: Studien zur Geschichte des Stammes Ephraim von der Landname bis zur frühen Königszeit (ZAW Beihefte 238), Berlin 1995; G. Galil, Cathedra 84 (1997), 189; A. Rofe, Ki Baruch hu: Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical and Judaic Studies (B. A. Levine Fest.; eds. R. Chazan et al.), Winona Lake, IN 1999, 345–353; J. S. E. Lev-Tov & E. F. Maher, PEQ 133 (2001), 91–110; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 104–105; O. Sion, Settlement History in the Central Samarian Region in the Byzantine Period, 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 2001 (Eng. abstract); R. Kletter, IEJ 52 (2002), 32–35; E. Bloch-Smith, IEJ 54 (2004), 77–91; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 211–215.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, pp. 375–377.
Main publications: M. Machlin, Joshua’s Altar: The Dig at Mount Ebal, New York 1991; O. Cohen, Indentation and Incisions on Clay Vessels in the Iron Age I Period in the Central Hill Country of Canaan (M.A. Thesis), Haifa 2005 (Eng. abstract).
Studies: M. Bar-Ilan, JSRS 2 (1992), vii–viii; A. Zertal, The Rise of Ancient Israel: Symposium at the Smithsonian Institution, Oct. 26, 1991, Washington, DC 1992, 76–78; id., ABD, 2, New York 1992, 255–258; ibid., 5, New York 1992, 1186–1187; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 179–180; id., Mediterranean Peoples in Transition, Jerusalem 1998, 238–250; V. Fritz, Das Buch Josua (Handbuch zum Alten Testament I/07), Tübingen 1994; id., “Einen Altar von Erde mache mir…” (D. Conrad Fest.; Kleine Arbeiten zum Alten und Neuen Testament 4/5; eds. J. F. Diehl et al.), Waltrop 2003, 41–55; BAR 22/5 (1996), 22; C. T. Begg, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 73 (1997), 82–83; E. Noort, Deuteronomy and Deuteronomic Literature (C. H. W. Brekelmans Fest.; eds. M. Vervenne & J. Lust), Leuven 1997, 161–180; P. A. Barker, Tyndale Bulletin 49 (1998), 277–303; J. M. Van Cangh, MdB 110 (1998), 36–41; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 105; Y. Meitlis, JSRS 10 (2001), ix; Y. Ziv, ibid. 11 (2002), x–xi; Y. Elitzur & D. Nir-Zevi, PEQ 135 (2003), 30–36; id., BAR 30/3 (2004), 35–39; A. Mazar, Symbiosis, Symbolism and the Power of the Past, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 85–98; D. Nir-Zevi & Y. Elitzur, JSRS 12 (2003), viii–ix; E. Bloch-Smith, IEJ 54 (2004), 77–91.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 1, p. 377.
J. Kaplan, ABD, 3, New York 1992, 643–644; Y. Garfinkel, Neolithic and Chalcolithic Pottery of the Southern Levant (Qedem 39), Jerusalem 1999.
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I. Finkelstein, EI 21 (1991), 109*–110*; W. G. Dever, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 184–185; id., OEANE, 1 (ed. E. M. Meyers), New York 1997, 35–36; A. Mazar, ibid. 23 (1992), 152*–153*; id., IEJ 45 (1995), 85–117; Archaeological Survey of the Hill Country of Benjamin (Archaeological Survey of Israel; eds. I. Finkelstein & Y. Magen), Jerusalem 1993; Y. Elitzur, JSRS 3 (1993), viii–ix; A. Mederos Martin, Madrider Mitteilungen 41 (2000), 83–111; B. Zissu, JSRS 10 (2001), xvii–xviii; id., PEQ 133 (2001), 145–158; E. Bloch-Smith, IEJ 54 (2004), 77–91.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 385–389.
Main publications: Emmaus-Qubeibeh: The Results of Excavations at Emmaus-Qubeibeh and Nearby Sites (1873, 1887–1890, 1900–1902, 1940–1944) (SBF Collectio Maior 4), Jerusalem 1993; A. Chouraqui, Abu Gosh: de l’Emmaus des croises au monastère de la resurrection, Ile-d’Yeu 1995; B. Chenu, Disciples d’Emmaüs, Paris 2003; ibid. (Review) MdB 156 (2004), 60; K. -H. Fleckenstein et al., Emmaus in Judäa: Geschichte, Exegese, Archäologie (Biblische Archäologie und Zeitgeschichte), Giessen 2005.
Studies (includes Nicopolis): H. Eshel, INJ 11 (1990–1991), 7–8; E. Dvorjetski, Aram 4 (1992), 425–449; 13–14 (2001–2002), 485–512; id., Medicinal Hot Springs in Eretz-Israel during the Period of the Second Temple, the Mishna and the Talmud (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1993 (Eng. abstract); id., Latomus 56 (1997), 567–581; id., Roman Baths and Bathing: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Roman Baths, Bath, 30. 3–4.4.1992 (JRA Suppl. Series 37; eds. J. Delaine & D. E. Johnston), Portsmouth, RI 1999, 117–129; id. (et al.), Stories from a Heated Earth: Our Geothermal Heritage (eds. R. Cataldi et al.), San Diego, CA 1999, 34–49; id., BAR 30/4 (2004), 16–27, 60; O. Goldwasser, IEJ 42 (1992), 47–51; J. F. Strange, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 497–498; R. Shallev, The Emmaus Region during the Roman-Byzantine Period, Ramat-Gan 1994 (Eng. abstract); R. M. Mackowski, Cities of Jesus: A Study of the “Three Degrees of Importance” of Holy Land Places, Roma 1995; M. Ehrlich, ZDPV 112 (1996), 165–169; I. Roll, EI 25 (1996), 107*–109*; K. -H. Fleckenstein, Jahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes 5 (1997), 71–97; 10 (2004), 196–197; M. Gichon, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 240–241; R. Ellenblum, Frankish Rural Settlements in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Cambridge 1998; S. Wimmer, Jerusalem Studies in Egyptology, Wiesbaden 1998, 87–123; In Terrasanta dalla croiciata alla Custodia dei Luoghi Santi (ed. M. Piccirillo), Fireze 2000, 132; Z. Vseteckova, The Old Testament as Inspiration in Culture: International Academic Symposium, Prague, Sept. 1995 (eds. J. Heller et al.), Trebenice 2001, 96–110; E. Friedheim, RB 109 (2002), 101–108; Y. Hirschfeld, The Aqueducts of Israel, Portsmouth, RI 2002, 187–198; id., PEQ 136 (2004), 133–149; J. Read-Heimerdinger & J. Rius-Camps, Revista Catalana de Teologia 27 (2002), 23–42; E. Villeneuve, MdB 142 (2002), 56–57; N. Tzameret, JSRS 12 (2003), xix; C. P. Thiede, Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 8 (2004), 593–599; P. Gruson, MdB Hors Série 2005, 50–51.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 393–395.
Main publication: R. Gophna et al., Excavations at ‘En Besor, Tel Aviv 1995.
Studies: Y. Israel & D. Nahlieli, ESI 10 (1991), 159; B. Brandl, The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv 1992, 441–477; R. Gophna, EI 23 (1992) 146*–147*; id., The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv 1992, 385–394; id., TA 20 (1993), 29–32; 147–163 (& E. Friedman); 27 (2000), 26–27 (& E. Buzaglo); id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 219–220; N. Porat, The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv 1992, 433–440; A. R. Schulman, ibid., 395–417; id., For his Ka (K. Baer Fest.; Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilisations 55; ed. D. P. Silverman), Chicago, IL 1994, 241–244; A. H. Joffe, Settlement and Society in the Early Bronze Age I and II, Southern Levant: Complementarity and Contradiction in a Small-Scale Complex Society (Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 4), Sheffield 1993; U. Hartung, MDAI Kairo Abteilung 50 (1994), 107–113; id., Umm el Qaab, II (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Kairo, Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 92), Mainz am Rhein 2001; G. W. Van Beek, EI 25 (1996), 1*–8*; D. Gazit, Map of Urim (125) (The Archaeological Survey of Israel), Jerusalem 1996; P. Wapnish, Retrieving the Past, Winona Lake, IN 1996, 285–296; A. N. Goring-Morris, Rock Art Research 15 (1998), 81–88; A. Perez Lagarcha, Annales du Service des Antiquites de l’Égypte 73 (1998), 102–107; L. Watrin, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Egyptologists, Cambridge 3–9.9.1995, Oxford 1998, 1215–1226; L. Kolska Horwitz (& A. N. Goring-Morris), Paléorient 26/1 (2000), 111–128; id. (et al.), In Quest of Ancient Settlements and Landscapes, Tel Aviv 2002, 107–133; Y. Yekutieli, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 129–152; id., Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 659–688; P. Kaplony, Egypt and the Levant, London 2002, 487–498; L. D. Morenz, Herrscherpräsentation und Kulturkontakte Ägypten-Levante-Mesopotamien: Acht Fallstudien (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 304), Münster 2003, 21–47; id., ZDPV 120 (2004), 1–12; Y. Ben Michael et al., ‘Atiqot 48 (2004), 159–160; D. Hakker, ibid., 161.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 395–399.
Main publications: M. Gichon, En Boqeq: Ausgrabungen in einer Oase am Toten Meer, I: Geographie und Geschichte der Oase das Spätrömisch-byzantinische Kastell, Mainz am Rhein 1993; ibid. (Reviews) AfO 40–41 (1993–1994), 187–188. — Mesopotamia 29 (1994), 347–350. — Orientalia 63 (1994), 297–299. — Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 89 (1994), 288–289. — Bonner Jahrbücher 196 (1996), 825–828. — JNES 56 (1997), 138–140. — JRA 10 (1997), 580–586. — Syria 74 (1997), 246–248. — Levant 30 (1998), 203–208. — PEQ 130 (1998), 77–78; M. L. Fischer & M. Gichon, ‘En Boqeq: Excavations in an Oasis on the Dead Sea Shore, 2: The Officina: An Early Roman Building on the Dead Sea Shore, Mainz am Rhein 2000; ibid. (Reviews) AJA 106 (2002), 346–347. — JRA 15 (2002), 646–650. — BASOR 331 (2003), 91–92. — IEJ 53 (2003), 132–133. — SCI 22 (2003), 337–338.
Studies: A. Sheffer, Textile History 22 (1991), 3–46; M. Gichon, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 498–499; id., JSRS 5 (1995), xvi; id., EI 25 (1996), 100*; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 220–221; D. Pringle, Levant 30 (1998), 203–208; J. Magness, The Roman and Byzantine Near East 2 (1999), 189–206; id., The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 115; Y. Yekutieli, ASOR Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Boulder, Col. 2001, 32; id., Ancient Near Eastern Studies 41 (2004), 5–37; M. L. Fischer & T. Shacham, The Aqueducts of Israel, Portsmouth, RI 2002, 402–408; G. Hadas, Irrigation Agriculture in the Oasis of Ein Gedi and its Parallels in the Oases Around the Dead Sea during the Roman-Byzantine Period (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 2003.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 412–414.
D. Milson, LA 41 (1991), 449–454; H. Ben David, ‘Atiqot 34 1998), 5*–6*; Z. Safrai, The Missing Century: Palestine in the 5th Century—Growth and Decline (Palestine Antiqua N.S. 9), Leuven 1998, (index); H. Gitler & D. Weisburd, Les villages dans l’empire byzantin (IVe–XVe siècle) (Réalités Byzantines 11; eds. J. Lefort et al.), Paris 2005, 539–552.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 414–415.
E. Braun, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 504; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 224–225; J. R. Zorn, BASOR 295 (1994), 31–48; Y. Goren & S. Zuckermann, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 165–182.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 416–417.
J. Janai, INJ 13 (1994–1999), 78–82.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 417–422.
J. Connan et al., Molecular Archaeology: Export of Dead Sea Asphalt to Canaan and Egypt in Chalcolithic–Early Bronze Age (4th–3rd Millennium BC) (Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56), Oxford 1992, 2743–2759; W. G. Dever, ABD, 1, New York 1992, 369–370; A. Kempinski, The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv 1992, 419–425; J. D. Seger, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 908–909; U. Hartung, MDAI Kairo Abt. 50 (1994), 107–113; id., Umm el-Qaab, 2 (DAI, Abt. Kairo, Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 92), Mainz am Rhein 2001; B. Brandl, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 256–258; E. L. Braun (& E. C. M. van den Brink), ESI 16 (1997), 124–126; id., Ägypten und Levante 7 (1998), 71–94; id., Encounters with Ancient Egypt, 2000; id., Egypt and the Levant, London 2002, 173–189; T. E. Levy et al., BASOR 307 (1997), 1–51; Arlene Miller Rosen, Third Millennium BC Climate Change and Old World Collapse (NATO ASI Series I: Global Environmental Change 49; eds. N. H. Dalfes et al.), Berlin 1997, 25–38; A. Perez Lagarcha, Annales du Service des Antiquites de l’Égypte 73 (1998), 102–107; W. M. Schniedewind, BASOR 309 (1998), 69–77; Y. Dagan, The Settlement in the Judean Shephelah in the 2nd and 1st Millennium B.C.: A Test-Case of Settlement Processes in a Geographic Region (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 2000 (Eng. abstract); H. Nur el-Din, ICAANE, 1, Roma 2000, 1225–1233; G. Philip & O. Williams-Thorpe, ibid., 1379–1397; K. N. Sowada, ibid., 1527–1540; Y. Yekutieli, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 129–152; id., Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 659–688; J. A. Blakely & J. W. Hardin, BASOR 326 (2002), 1–64; R. Gophna, Beer-Sheva 15 (2002), 129–137; P. Nahshoni & S. Israeli, ibid, 319–324; Y. Paz, TA 29 (2002), 242; M. Cohen, ESI 115 (2003), 73*; L. D. Morenz, ZDPV 120 (2004), 1–12; A. F. Rainey, IEJ 54 (2004), 100–104; J. Yellin & J. M. Cahill, ibid., 191–213; J. Drori, Cathedra 117 (2005), 176; W. H. Shea, NEAS Bulletin 50 (2005), 1–14.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, p. 423.
M. Kochavi, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 609; id., OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 260–261; I. Finkelstein, Living in the Fringe: The Archaeology and History of the Negev, Sinai and Neighbouring Regions in the Bronze and Iron Ages (Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 6), Sheffield 1995; id., ZDPV 118 (2002), 109–135; D. Jericke, Die Landnahme im Negev: Eine archäologische und exegetische Studie (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 20), Wiesbaden 1997; G. London, AASOR 58 (2003), 69–84.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 423–426.
A. Eran, ‘Atiqot 10 (Heb. Series, 1990), 15 *–16 * (Eng. abstract); D. Chen, LA 42 (1992), 297–303; J. L. Peterson, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 617–618; D. Amit, Cathedra 68 (1993), 199; id., Ancient Synagogues, Leiden 1995, 129–132; R. Kletter & Etty Brand, ZDPV 114 (1998), 139–154; B. Zissu, JSRS 11 (2002), xviii–xix; J. Magness, The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine, Winona Lake, IN 2003, 102–103; Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Jerusalem 2004, 149–151; Z. Yeivin, ‘Atiqot 48 (2004), 155–158.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 428–430.
Y. Hirschfeld, The Judean Desert Monasteries in the Byzantine Period, New Haven CT 1992; id., LA 43 (1993), 339–371; V. Eshed, Paleoanthropological Research on Four Byzantine Populations (M.A. thesis), Tel Aviv 1993; I. Hershkovitz (et al.), LA 43 (1993), 373–385; id. (& R. Yakar), International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5 (1995), 61–77; J. Patrich, Abas, Leader of Palestinian Monasticism: A Comparative Study in Eastern Monasticism, 4th to 7th Centuries (Dumbarton Oaks Studies 32), Washington, D.C. 1995, 162–163; H. Goldfus, Tombs and Burials in Churches and Monasteries of Byzantine Palestine (324–628 A.D.), 1–2 (Ph.D. diss.), Ann Arbor, MI 1998, 176–205; S. Santelli et al., Les Dossiers d’Archéologie 240 (1999), 86–87; F. Mébarki, MdB 131 (2000), 60; L. Di Segni, The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church from the 5th Century to the Present (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 98; ed. J. Patrich), Leuven 2001, 31–36; P. Donceel-Voûte, La mosaïque gréco-romaine 9: Actes du 9. Colloque International pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique et Médiévale, Roma, 5–10.11.2001, Paris 2002, 151–170.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 430–431.
The prehistoric site: A. Ronen, Sonderveröffentlichungen Geologisches Institut der Universität zu Köln 82 (1991), 187–212; id., ABD, 2, New York 1992, 679–680; id. (et al.), JHE 44 (2003), 633–639; id., Lower Palaeolithic Small Tools in Europe and the Levant (BAR/IS 1115; eds. J. M. Burdukiewicz & A. Ronen), Oxford 2003, 113–120; E. Tchernov et al., Quaternary Research 42 (1994), 328–339; N. Goren-Inbar, The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, London 1995, 93–109; H. Ron et al., Annual Meeting of the Israel Geological Society (eds. Z. Gvirtzman & R. Amit), Eilat 2001, 97; id., JHE 44 (2003), 633–639.
Other remains: D. Avshalom-Gorni, ESI 109 (1999), 93*; B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee (SBF Collectio Minor 37), Jerusalem 2001, 151.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, p. 432.
H. L. Dibble & O. Bar-Yosef, The Definition and Interpretation of Levallois Technology (Monographs in World Archaeology 23; ed. H. L. Dibble), Madison, WI 1995, 79–92; D. O. Henry, Neanderthals in the Levant: Behavioral Organization and the Beginnings of Human Modernity (New Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology; ed. D. O. Henry), London 2003, 12–30.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 433–440.
Main publication: P. Amiet et al., Tell el Far‘ah: histoire, glyptique et céramologie (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series archaeologica 14), Fribourg 1996; ibid (Review) UF 28 (1996), 777.
Studies: Y. Goren, EI 21 (1991), 105*; id. & S. Zuckermann, Ceramics and Change, Sheffield 2000, 165–182; D. W. Manor, ABD, 6, New York 1992, 573–577; W. Zwickel, Der Tempelkult in Kanaan und Israel (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 10), Tübingen 1994; G. Galil, ZDPV 109 (1993), 49–53; G. M. Schwartz, JNES 52 (1993), 151–153 (Review); N. Na’aman, JSOT 65 (1995), 37–53; E. Braun, Cultural Diversity and Change in the Early Bronze I of Israel and Jordan: Towards an Understanding of the Chronological Progression and Patterns of Regionalism in Early Bronze I Society (Ph.D. diss.), Tel Aviv 1996; C. Flucault-Forest, L’Habitat, Oxford 1996; A. H. Joffe, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 303–304; M. Bernett & O. Keel, Mond, Stier und Kult am Stadttor: Die Stele von Betsaida (et-Tell) (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 161), Göttingen 1998, 53–59; T. Haettner Blomquist, Gates and Gods: Cults in the City Gates of Iron Age Palestine: An Investigation of the Archaeological and Biblical Sources (Coniectanea Biblica: Old Testament Series 46), Stockholm 1999, 86–93; J. Mallet, UF 30 (1998), 511–514; 32 (2000), 297–338; id., Orient Express 1999, 55–57; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 105; H. Nur el-Din, ICAANE, 1, Roma 2000, 1225–1233; J. D. Schloen, The House of the Father as Fact and Symbol: Patrimonialism in Ugarit and the Ancient Near East (Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 2; Harvard Semitic Museum Publications), Winona Lake, IN 2001, 147–183; Y. Yekutieli, Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 659–688; P. Beck, Imagery and Representation, Tel Aviv 2002, 228–251; A. Caquot, CRAIBL 2002/3, 995–997; Y. Paz, TA 29 (2002), 240, 242; E. Bloch-Smith, IEJ 54 (2004), 77–91; R. D. Miller, II, BASOR 333 (2004), 55–68.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 441–444.
Main publication: S. L. Braunstein, The Dynamics of Power in an Age of Transition: An Analysis of the Mortuary Remains of Tell el-Far‘ah (South) in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University), New York 1998.
Studies: M. Kapica, Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 4 (1992), 33–40; id., Zeszyty Maukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, Praco Archeogiczne 53 (1992), 33–40; id., Munus Amicitiae: Studia Archeologiczne Poswiecone Pamieci (ed. O. Hirsch-Dyczek), Cracow 1994, 69–81; R. Liwak, ABD, 5, New York 1992, 1163–1165; M. K. Risser & S. P. Harvey, AJA 96 (1992), 344; P. Daviau, Houses, Sheffield 1993, 409–417; A. F. Rainey, EI 24 (1993), 178*–187*; W. A. Ward & W. G. Dever, Scarab Typology and Archaeological Contexts: An Essay on Middle Bronze Age Chronology (Studies on Scarab Seals 3), San Antonio, TX 1994; E. Zilberman et al., Geological Survey of Israel, Current Research 9 (1994), 81–86; D. Gazit, Map of Urim (125) (The Archaeological Survey of Israel), Jerusalem 1996; E. D. Oren, The Hyksos: New Historical and Archaeological Perspectives (University Museum Monograph 96 and Symposium Series 8; ed. E. D. Oren), Philadelphia 1997, 253–283; J. M. Weinstein, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 304–305; O. Goldwasser & S. Wimmer, BASOR 313 (1999), 39–42; E. A. Knauf, UF 31 (1999), 247–254; id., BN 109 (2001), 19–20; G. Lehmann & T. J. Schneider, ibid, 251–254; id., IEJ 50 (2000), 258–261; id., NEA 63 (2000), 113; G. Lehmann, ESI 112 (2000), 114*–115*; T. J. Barako, AJA 104 (2000), 513–530; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 105; R. Becking & J. A. Wagenaar, BN 107–108 (2001), 12–14; I. Sharon, Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands, Chicago, IL 2001, 555–609; T. Schneider, ASOR Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Boulder, CO 2001, 16–17; H. Richter, Die Phönizischen Anthropoiden Sarkophage, 2: Tradition, Rezeption, Wander (Forschungen zur Phönizisch-Punischen und Zyprischen Plastik I/2; ed. Simone Frede), Mainz 2002, 243–271; E. Yannai, Beer-Sheva 15 (2002), 368–376; I. Singer, EI 27 (2002), 287*; Z. Herzog, Saxa Loquentur, Münster 2003, 85–96; B. Brandl, Synchronisation, Wien 2004, 249–261; I. Ziffer, TA 32 (2005), 133–167.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 444–445.
J. Kaplan, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 782–783; M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien 2000, 105; S. Paz, TA 27 (2000), 292–294.
A bibliographic update to Vol. 2, pp. 445–448.
P. M. Arnold, ABD, 2, New York 1992, 1007–1009; id., BA 55 (1992), 161 (Review); id., JAOS 112 (1992), 164 (Review); Archaeological Survey of the Hill Country of Benjamin (Archaeological Survey of Israel; eds. I. Finkelstein & Y. Magen), Jerusalem 1993; I. David, Naval Research Logistics 42 (1995), 579–584; Y. Elitzur, JSRS 5 (1995), x–xi; S. Gibson, New Studies on Jerusalem 2 (1996), 9*–24*; id., ASOR Newsletter 47/3 (1997), 14; id., One Land—Many Cultures, Jerusalem 2003, 287–308; S. S. Brooks, BAIAS 15 (1996–1997), 31–40; id., Temple and Worship in Biblical Israel (Library of Hebrew, Bible/Old Testament Studies 422; ed. J. Day), London 2005, 40–59; N. L. Lapp, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 346–347; S. M. Langston, Cultic Sites in the Tribe of Benjamin: Benjaminite Prominence in the Religion of Israel (American University Studies Series 7; Theology and Religion 200), New York 1998; O. Lipschitz, TA 26 (1999), 155–190; M. Miller, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 25 (1999), 61–73; I. Peretz & A. Reem, ESI 110 (1999), 58*; E. Regev, JQR 89 (1999), 351–359; Y. Baruch, ESI 111 (2000), 62*–64*; A. Reem, ESI 114 (2002), 72*–73*; C.E. Carter, Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babyonian Period. International Conference, Tel Aviv, May 2001 (eds. O. Lipschits & J. Blankinsopp), Winona Lake, IN 2003, 301–322.
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