Nami, Tel
Excavations were conducted at Tel Nami in 1992 and in a shorter season in 1997, both under the direction of M. Artzy. It became clear in 1992 that Nami East, 100 m east of the tell, was mainly a Middle Bronze Age IIA site, into which Late Bronze Age IIB graves had penetrated. The graves reused stones from the Middle Bronze Age buildings, some of which were of monumental size, their walls standing to a height of well over 1 m. A built grave of the Middle Bronze Age IIA was uncovered in this area; in it were found various ceramics including an Amuq/Cilician jug and Levantine painted wares. Additional graves from the Late Bronze Age IIB were encountered but partially disturbed by modern military activity. One, a new type of built tomb, included collared-rim jar burials. Unfortunately, the roof was destroyed, but a hollow stone on its southern wall could well have been used for the pouring of libations. Among the finds from the tomb were a large bronze lamp, bronze knives, and gold and silver jewelry, including fragments of silver and gold diadems. The ceramics included an imported Mycenean IIIB stirrup jar. In 1997, it was established that there were at least two phases of the Middle Bronze Age IIA at Nami East, similar to those in area D on the tell; a ground-penetrating radar survey carried out in the area of Nami East indicated that the site extends at least 100 m from north to south.

In the 1992 excavation of area G directed by R. Stidsing on the summit of the tell, a number of finds apparently belonging to a metal recycling industry were found in the cultic precinct. In 1997, an effort was made to ascertain the stratification in this area; two main Late Bronze Age IIB strata were defined in the cultic area and its surroundings. Uncovered in area D, on the southeastern side of the tell, was the southern segment of a previously identified Middle Bronze Age IIA alleyway running north–south.

Severe damage was caused by motor vehicle tracks that cut into the Late Bronze Age IIB glacis on the southern and northeastern slopes of the tell. This damage continued until the construction of a fence on the land side of Tel Nami. Large sections of the interior stone bracing in the upper part of the glacis were exposed on the northeastern slope, and were recorded before their complete destruction. The stone bracing, located at an elevation of 6.13–5.94 m above sea level, is oriented northwest–southeast, following the contour of the northern side of the tell. The stones, medium to large in size, were set into the dense dark gray clay used also to coat the surface of the rampart.

Excavations were conducted at Tel Nami in 1992 and in a shorter season in 1997, both under the direction of M. Artzy. It became clear in 1992 that Nami East, 100 m east of the tell, was mainly a Middle Bronze Age IIA site, into which Late Bronze Age IIB graves had penetrated. The graves reused stones from the Middle Bronze Age buildings, some of which were of monumental size, their walls standing to a height of well over 1 m. A built grave of the Middle Bronze Age IIA was uncovered in this area; in it were found various ceramics including an Amuq/Cilician jug and Levantine painted wares. Additional graves from the Late Bronze Age IIB were encountered but partially disturbed by modern military activity. One, a new type of built tomb, included collared-rim jar burials. Unfortunately, the roof was destroyed, but a hollow stone on its southern wall could well have been used for the pouring of libations. Among the finds from the tomb were a large bronze lamp, bronze knives, and gold and silver jewelry, including fragments of silver and gold diadems. The ceramics included an imported Mycenean IIIB stirrup jar. In 1997, it was established that there were at least two phases of the Middle Bronze Age IIA at Nami East, similar to those in area D on the tell; a ground-penetrating radar survey carried out in the area of Nami East indicated that the site extends at least 100 m from north to south.