
Eldad and Medad

Of the 0 elders who advised Moses, why are these two the only ones mentioned by name?

Friedman’s Thesis: An Overview

Bible scholar Richard Elliott Friedman claims to have found the world’s first prose masterpiece embedded in the Bible. This hidden book, he claims, opens with the Creation and ends with the death of David. Our two-part coverage begins with an article by BR editor Hershel Shanks, who details Friedman’s unconventional theory. In part two, Friedman’s book serves as a springboard for a spirited discussion among three leading scholars on how the Bible came to be.

Bible Critics Respond: An Interview

Hershel Shanks: Do you agree or disagree, or don’t you know whether you agree, with Dick Friedman’s contention that J, as we have it in the Tetrateuch, is also the author of the passages he identifies in Deuteronomy and the rest of the Deuteronomistic History through Kings? P. Kyle McCarter: In one word? Ronald S. Hendel: Scholars can’t use just one word.

Parallel Lives
The trials and traumas of Isaac and Ishmael By Curt Leviant

Although the Bible emphasizes the differences between Isaac and Ishmael, the half brothers suffer at least one strikingly similar life (or should we say near-death) experience. Do they have more in common than we thought?

Who Is the Teacher of Righteousness?

Dead Sea Scroll scholars have long debated the identity of the shadowy figure described in the scrolls as the Teacher of Righteousness. But was he a historical figure or someone expected at the end of time?

Laying Down the Law
A response to John Gager By Ben Witherington III

Did Paul preach the gospel of Jesus Christ for Christians alone—as John Gager recently proposed in BR? Or was his message intended for both Jews and Christians?


Our Bodies, Our Bibles
Our bodies and our biblical interpretations seem to be involved in a long-running, secret affair. The implications may be both liberating and scandalous. By Ronald S. Hendel
Paul’s Challenge to Caesar
The promise of resurrection for all God’s people in Christ carries a strongly political edge. By N. T. Wright
Doubting Thomas