To the Editor:
Congratulations on a fine issue. I read it with interest and I believe that you have achieved your purpose. However, that is for a more general reader to judge.
To the Editor:
I have been reading the first issue of your Biblical Archaeology Review and I must say I find it fascinating. It hits my level precisely, both in topic and content. I have heard of all the places you write about and have seen some of them (such as Hazor), and found your accounts of them informative, readable, and critical. I look forward to other issues.
To the Editor:
I am very pleased with the BAR. Let’s hope that this virginal effort—not at all feeble—will grow and develop into a lusty wench. It makes delightful reading.
To the Editor:
I have just received your first issue and like it very much.
You mention a number of books in your articles, but you do not tell how to get these books. Are you in the near future going to have a book department where we can get these books?
To the Editor:
I have heard that archaeologists have found a mummy of an Egyptian pharaoh who might be identified with the pharaoh of the Exodus, and that salt crystals were in his lungs, leading to the supposition that he might have died by drowning in salt water.
Is there any truth to this story? Can you give me some expert information on this report?
To the Editor:
Your first issue was good, but the second was great. I especially enjoyed the article “When Was the Age of the Patriarchs?” It was clear and quite readable. Please don’t be afraid to include another “technical” article.
To the Editor:
Congratulations on an excellent magazine. Perhaps, since it is a quarterly, a thicker version of the BAR might be considered. Certainly the quality of your presentation merits this.
To the Editor:
I have an ancient lamp and what I call a medallion with a bust on it in relief that I purchased from an Arab lad’s cigar box of miscellaneous items while visiting Jordan and Israel in 1957. I have long been eager to get an expert’s judgment on these items as to their age and pedigree. I could have close-up photos taken of these or would attempt to get them sent by some means to someone who could give me the expert evaluation that I desire. Could you suggest how and who may be able to help me in this matter?
To the Editor:
Two in a row and better than ever! Congratulations on a very fine publication.