A Complex Migration
Did the Philistines get to Canaan by land or by sea? The debate continues.
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Lionel Casson, “Merchant Galleys,” in R. Gardiner and John Morrison, eds., The Age of the Galley: Mediterranean Oared Vessels since Pre-Classical Times (Conway’s History of the Ship) (London: Naval Institute Press, 1995), pp. 117–126.
See J. Hoftijzer and W.H. van Soldt, Texts from Ugarit Pertaining to Seafaring, in Shelley Wachsmann, ed., Seagoing Ships and Seamanship in the Bronze Age Levant (College Station, Texas and London: Texas A&M Univ. Press and Chatham Press, 1998), pp. 333–344.
William Kelly Simpson, ed., The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, and Poetry (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1972), p. 153.
J. Chadwick, “The Muster of the Pylian Fleet,” in P.H. Ilievski and L. Crepajac, eds., Tractata Mycenaea (Proceedings of the Eighth International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies) (Skopje, Yugoslavia, 1987), pp. 75–84.
Shelley Wachsmann, “To the Sea of the Philistines,” in Eliezer D. Oren, ed., The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment (University Museum Monograph 108, Philadelphia: University Museum, 2000), pp. 103–143.
John Boardman, The Greeks Overseas: Their Early Colonies and Trade, 4th ed. (Baltimore: Thames & Hudson, 1999).