A First Look at Key Scrolls - The BAS Library



See, for example, “The ‘Pierced Messiah’ Text—An Interpretation Evaporates,” BAR 18:04; James D. Tabor, “A Pierced or Piercing Messiah?—The Verdict Is Still Out,” BAR 18:06; and Eisenman’s letter in this issue (see “Bits & Pieces”).


See Michael O. Wise and James D. Tabor, “The Messiah at Qumran,” BAR 18:06.


Merkabah, Hebrew for chariot, refers to the body of Jewish mystical speculation focused on Ezekiel’s vision of the heavenly chariot.


Pseudepigrapha refers to texts that claimed to have been written by some ancient figure such as Adam, Enoch or Moses, for example.


On the Essene or Sadducee origins of the Dead Sea Scroll group, see Lawrence H. Schiffman, “The Significance of the Scrolls,” BR 06:05, October 1990, and James C. VanderKam, “The People of the Scrolls Essenes or Sadducees?” BR 07:02, April 1991.