Archaeological Views: In the Cave of the Skulls—Again
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Yohanan Aharoni, “Expedition B,” Israel Exploration Journal 11 (1961), pp. 11–24; Baruch Lifshitz, “The Greek Documents from Naḥal Ṣeelim and Naḥal Mishmar,” Israel Exploration Journal 11 (1961), pp. 53–62.
Esther Eshel, Hanan Eshel and Ada Yardeni, “A Document from ‘Year Four of the Destruction of the House of Israel,’ ” Cathedra 132 (2009), pp. 5–24 [Hebrew].
Eitan Klein, “A Remark on Roman Provincial Coins Found in Refuge Caves in the Judean Desert,” Israel Numismatic Journal 18 (2014), pp. 168–172.
We would like to thank Israel Hasson, Director-General of the Israel Antiquities Authority, and Reuven Pinsky, Head of the National Heritage Department in the Prime Minister’s Office, for funding the project, as well as the Southern District and Cultural Heritage District of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority that contributed to the excavation’s successful results.