McCarter, Muhly, and Strange Join BAR Editorial Advisory Board
Three distinguished scholars, P. Kyle McCarter, James D. Muhly and James F. Strange, have joined BAR’s Editorial Advisory Board.
McCarter is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia. He is the author of the Anchor Bible volumes on the books of Samuel and of The Antiquity of the Greek Alphabet and the Early Phoenician Scripts (Scholars Press, 1975). McCarter has conducted extensive research on Hebrew and Phoenician inscriptions and is currently working on a study of Israelite religion during the monarchy period.
During the past two summers, Dr. McCarter has served on the faculty of Vacation Seminars sponsored by the Biblical Archaeology Society. This year he will be one of the leaders of the first BAS Advanced Vacation Seminar, which is designed for people who have already attended Vacation Seminars or who would like more than an introduction to Biblical archaeology.
James Muhly, Professor of Ancient Near East History and Chairman of the Ancient History Program at the University of Pennsylvania, has directed excavations at Tel Michal and Tel Gerisa in Israel. After years of research into ancient technology, Muhly co-edited a popular volume entitled The Coming of the Age of Iron (Yale University Press, 1980).
James Strange is Dean of the College of Arts and Letters and Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of South Florida. For 11 years he has been Associate Director of the Meiron Excavation Project in the Upper Galilee. In 1983 he directed the first season of excavations at Sepphoris, a city Josephus called “the ornament of all Galilee” (Antiquities XVIII, ii,1). For the past six years Strange has been Chairman of the Committee for Computer Archaeology of the American Schools of Oriental Research.
Distinguished Archaeological Lecture Series at Rockefeller Museum
The Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem has long been known as the location for outstanding monthly public lectures on archaeology in English. This year is no exception. Planned on an academic year calendar, the lectures still to be given this season include: “The Ancient Harbors of Caesarea” by Avner Raban, January 8; “From Hunter to Farmer” by Ofer Bar-Yosef, February 12; “Hammat Gader” by Izhar Hirschfeld, March 11; “Heshbon” by Lawrence Geraty, April 15; “Chorazim” by Ze’ev Yeivin, May 13.
The lectures are sponsored by the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology at Hebrew Union College and the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research.
McCarter, Muhly, and Strange Join BAR Editorial Advisory Board
Three distinguished scholars, P. Kyle McCarter, James D. Muhly and James F. Strange, have joined BAR’s Editorial Advisory Board.
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