Biblical Views: Left-Handed Sons of Right-Handers - The BAS Library



Apparently hiding the weapon on the side from which a left-hander would naturally draw it helped the plan succeed, perhaps because the Moabite guards may only have checked the other side.


For further discussion on the texts referenced here, as well as additional information on the organization, weaponry and tactics used by various ancient Near Eastern nations in warfare at the time of the Old Testament, see Boyd Seevers, Old Testament Warfare (Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, forthcoming).


Genetic information and analysis courtesy of Joanna Klein, Ph.D., associate professor of genetics and biology at Northwestern College, St. Paul, MN.


S.E. Medland, D.L. Duffy, M.J. Wright, G.M. Geffen, D.A. Hay, F. Levy, C.E. van-Beijsterveldt, G. Willemsen, G.C. Townsend, V. White, A.W. Hewitt, D.A. Mackey, J.M. Bailey, W.S. Slutske, D.R. Nyholt, S.A. Treloar, N.G. Martin, D.I. Boomsma, “Genetic Influences on Handedness: Data from 25,732 Australian and Dutch Twin Families,” Neuropsychologia 47 (2009), pp. 330–337. Published online September 9, 2008.


E. Vuoksimaa, M. Koskenvuo, R.J. Rose, J. Kaprio, “Origins of Handedness: A Nationwide Study of 30,161 Adults,” Neuropsychologia 47 (2009), pp. 1294–1301. Published online January 16, 2009.


P.G. Hepper, G.R. McCartney, E.A. Shannon, “Lateralised Behaviour in First Trimester Human Foetuses,” Neuropsychologia 36 (1998), pp. 531–534.


I.C. McManus, M.P. Bryden, “The Genetics of Handedness, Cerebral Dominance, and Lateralization,” in I. Rapin, S.J. Segalowitz, eds., Handbook of Neuropsychology (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992), pp. 115–144.


LRRTM1, 2p12, 12p21-23 and 10q26. C. Francks, S. Maegawa, J. Lauren, B.S. Abrahams, A. Velayos-Baeza, S.E. Medland, et al., “LRRTM1 on Chromosome 2p12 Is a Maternally Suppressed Gene That Is Associated Paternally with Handedness and Schizophrenia,” Molecular Psychiatry 12 (2007), pp. 1129–1139. 1057. D.M. Warren, M. Stern, R. Duggirala, T.D. Dyer, L. Almasy, “Heritability and Linkage Analysis of Hand, Foot, and Eye Preference in Mexican Americans,” Laterality 11 (2006), pp. 508–524. T. Van Agtmael, S.M. Forrest, R. Williamson, “Parametric and Non-parametric Linkage Analysis of Several Candidate Regions for Genes for Human Handedness,” European Journal of Human Genetics 10 (2002), pp. 623–630.


See Baruch Halpern, The First Historians: The Hebrew Bible and History (Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1996), p. 41, who notes that the Maori of New Zealand did this. Also note discussion in Daniel Block, Judges, Ruth (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1999), pp. 160–161.


See Halpern, First Historians, pp. 40–43; and K. Lawson Younger, Judges and Ruth (NIVAC; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002), pp. 113–114.


A version of this article appeared in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, September 2012.