Genesis and Exodus
Everett Fox
(Schocken, 1991)
New English translation expresses the poetry of the Hebrew texts by taking into account their oral character and by emphasizing their use of word plays and stylistic repetitions. Combines In the Beginning and Now These Are the Names, previously issued as separate volumes, in one well-bound paperback.
3:16 Bible Texts Illuminated
Donald Knuth
(A–R Editions, 1991; dist. by Spring Arbor Distributors)
Links commentary and art by taking chapter 3, verse 16 of 59 books of the Bible, and illustrating that verse in color or black and white. Each illustration is by a different calligrapher. An unusual homage to the Bible.
The Women of Genesis: From Sarah to Potiphar’s Wife
Sharon Pace Jeansonne
(Fortress, 1990)
By focusing on the women in Genesis, the author enriches our understanding of the entire book. These women were wives and mothers, but also they were individuals with important roles in the events that shaped Israel’s destiny, that revealed God’s involvement in history and that portrayed human failure, freedom and strength.
Mercer Dictionary of the Bible
ed. Watson E. Mills
(Mercer University Press, 1990)
Winner of 1990 Literary Market Place award as a scholarly reference work. Encyclopedic in scope, covers all books of Bible, including deutero-canonical, and most of the apocryphal, pseudepigraphical, archaeological and theological background. Widely used as an undergraduate text, it is also helpful to the general reader.