The Dorot Foundation recently announced its sponsorship of a prize to honor Joseph Aviram of the Israel Exploration Society (IES). Dorot president Ernest Frerichs said the prize recognizes Aviram’s “staunch advocacy” of archaeology in Israel throughout his 70-year career at the IES.
The $2,500 prize will be administered by the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) through a committee of judges; it will be awarded for the best paper given during the ASOR annual meeting by a scholar who received his or her Ph.D. within the past five years. The Dorot Foundation distributes grants to support the transmission of Jewish heritage through the generations in the areas of education, cultural institutions, social change in Israel and community fund.
The Dorot Foundation recently announced its sponsorship of a prize to honor Joseph Aviram of the Israel Exploration Society (IES). Dorot president Ernest Frerichs said the prize recognizes Aviram’s “staunch advocacy” of archaeology in Israel throughout his 70-year career at the IES. The $2,500 prize will be administered by the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) through a committee of judges; it will be awarded for the best paper given during the ASOR annual meeting by a scholar who received his or her Ph.D. within the past five years. The Dorot Foundation distributes grants to support the transmission of […]
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