First Person: In Praise of Published Excavation Reports - The BAS Library



See Hershel Shanks, ed., Archaeology’s Publication Problem, vols. 1 and 2 (Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1996, 1999). See also Hershel Shanks, “Archaeology’s Dirty Secret,BAR 20:05.


See Eilat Mazar, “Hadrian’s Legion: Encamped on the Temple Mount,BAR 32:06.


For more about the Tel Dan finds, see “‘David’ Found at Dan,BAR 20:02; BAR Interview: Avraham Biran, “Twenty Years of Digging at Tel Dan,BAR 13:04; Avraham Biran, “Tel Dan Scepter Head,BAR 15:01; John C. H. Laughlin, “The Remarkable Discoveries at Tel Dan,BAR 07:05.


See Thomas E. Levy and Mohammad Najjar, “Condemned to the Mines,BAR 37:06 and “Edom and Copper,BAR 32:04.


Avraham Biran, “‘And David Sent Spoils … to the Elders of Aroer,’BAR 09:02.



Eilat Mazar, The Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem 1968–1978 Directed by Benjamin Mazar, Final Reports, Qedem 43, 46 (Jerusalem: The Hebrew Univ., 2003, 2007).


Eilat Mazar, The Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem 1968–1978 Directed by Benjamin Mazar, Final Reports, Volume IV: The Tenth Legion in Aelia Capitolina, Qedem 52 (Jerusalem: The Hebrew Univ., 2011).


Lawrence E. Stager, Daniel M. Master and J. David Schloen, Ashkelon 3—The Seventh Century B.C. (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2011).


Rachel Ben-Dov, Dan III—Avraham Biran Excavations 1966–1999. The Late Bronze Age (Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College, 2011).


Yifat Thareani with the participation of Itamar Taxel, Tel `Aroer: The Iron Age II Caravan Town and the Hellenistic-Early Roman Settlement (Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College, 2011). This report covers not only the years 1975–1982, when Biran led the excavation, but also 1975–1976, when Rudolph Cohen led the excavation.


Other supporters include the Morningstar Foundation (in the case if Aroer) and Les Amis Belgique de l’Universite Hebraique de Jerusalem, Roger and Susan Hertog and The Herbert W. Armstrong College, Edmond, Oklahoma (in the case of Jerusalem).