For many months now readers have been asking us, “Are you on the Web yet?” or “Do you have a home page?” Sheepishly, we’ve had to reply, “Not yet, but we’re working on it.” At last we can proudly say, “Yes, as a matter of fact, we are on the Web!”
Thanks to the talents of many people on our staff (and some dedicated outsiders!), we can unveil the Biblical Archaeology Society Web site. Visit our home page—er, excuse me, point your browser to (as we say in cyber-lingo):
As soon as you get there, “bookmark” it so you can return to it frequently and easily.
Here’s a little taste of what you’ll find: Excerpts from our latest issue, and from the current issues of our sister publications, Bible Review and Archaeology Odyssey. Updated news stories—items that just missed making it into the latest issue and previews of items going into the next issue. Information on upcoming Travel/Study programs (sign up now for an exciting trip to Oxford or one of our other tours). Marketplace—one-stop-shopping for videos, slide sets, books and back issues. Information on joining an archaeological dig this year (time is running out fast!) and links to related Web sites. Plus you’ll be able to contact our subscription service directly to straighten out any problems (heavens forfend) you might have.
As good as all that may be, there’s even more good stuff that will be coming down the pipeline in the future. We plan to add an updated index and to post pictures from our extensive photo collection. And, of course, our Web site will continue to improve as we become more polished at running it.
Beyond the excitement of a Web launch, there’s an important question that many of you may be thinking and that deserves to be addressed: Why continue to subscribe if BAR is going to be on the Web? There are many reasons. Foremost, our Web page will provide only a sampling of what’s in an issue. Even if we post an entire article on the Web, it won’t be able to compete with the stunning photography available only in the print version. And let’s face it—reading from a computer screen is not the most comfortable way to enjoy an article.
No, the Web will never replace print. There is no substitute for the tactile pleasure of holding the latest BAR in your hands, smelling the still-fresh ink, gazing at the lovely photos and curling up in your favorite reading spot, the prospect of a whole new issue still awaiting you. Our Web site will complement our magazines, it will not make them obsolete. But for a quick tour of what’s new in our magazines and throughout our organization, our new Web site can’t be beat.
I cannot conclude without thanking the Society of Biblical Literature, especially executive director Kent Richards and associate executive director Gregory Glover, for providing us with space on their computer server and for the general encouragement, prodding and technical assistance without which our Web site would not have become a reality.
See you in cyberspace!
For many months now readers have been asking us, “Are you on the Web yet?” or “Do you have a home page?” Sheepishly, we’ve had to reply, “Not yet, but we’re working on it.” At last we can proudly say, “Yes, as a matter of fact, we are on the Web!” Thanks to the talents of many people on our staff (and some dedicated outsiders!), we can unveil the Biblical Archaeology Society Web site. Visit our home page—er, excuse me, point your browser to (as we say in cyber-lingo): As soon as you get there, “bookmark” it so […]
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