

Note that the kamats katan and the kamats look alike but have different pronunciations. Kamats has the short, “o” sound when it appears in a closed (consonant-vowel-consonant), unaccented syllable (as in, lK;). Otherwise it has the sound of “ah,” as in bt’K;.


The Hebrew consonants yod [y] and vov [w] sound somewhat vowel-like even though they are technically consonants. (Similarly, in English the y in baby is a vowel, but in ye it is a consonant. And the w in way is a consonant, but in bow it is a vowel.) Yod and vov are sometimes joined with vowel signs and pronounced as a part of the vowel rather than as a consonant.


Shuruk sounds like kubbuts, but shuruk is considered a long vowel because it is written with vov