Endnote 1 – Hideouts in the Judean Wilderness
This research has been conducted on behalf of the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Professor Yigael Yadin collaborated on this research until his untimely death in 1984. Since then a steering committee composed of Professors Benjamin Mazar, Nahman Avigad and Joseph Naveh has assisted the chief investigator, Joseph Patrich. The survey team included Beny Arubas, Shmuel Grasiani, Eyal Naor, Hanina Kali and Beny Agur. Our thanks to the Dead Sea Works; to Micha Bar-On, director of Hebrew University’s Institute of Archaeology; and for financial support to Israel Ministry of Sciences, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, Fellner Foundation and Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture.