Endnote 1 – How to Break a Scholarly Monopoly: The Case of the Gospel of Thomas
Latin: Gerhard Garitte and Lucien Cerfaux, “Les paraboles du royaume dans l’Evangile de Thomas,” Le Museon 70 (1957), pp. 307–327; German: Johannes Liepoldt, “Ein neues Evangelium? Das kapotische Thomas—evangelium” Theologische Literatur-Zeitung (83) 1958, columns 481–496 French: Jean Doresse, Les livres secrets-des gnostiques d’Egypt, Vol. II, Evangile selon Thomas (Paris Librarie Plon, 1959); Danish: Søren Giversen, Thomas Evangeliet, (Copenhagen: G.E.C. Gads 1959).
In about 1958 Bruce M. Metzger translated the Gospel of Thomas into English; however, he gave his translation a limited circulation—primarily among his students. At about the same time Torgeny Säve-Söderberg prepared a Swedish translation.