Endnote 1 – John the Baptist’s Cave
Excavations were conducted at the cave from 2000 to 2003 by Shimon Gibson and James Tabor on behalf of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and the Jerusalem Archaeology Field Unit, and with the sponsorship of the Jerusalem Historical Society (directed by the late Joseph Peeples) and the Foundation for Biblical Archaeology (directed by Sheila Bishop). The project was funded through the generosity of the John C. Whitehead and the Altman-Kaziekes Foundations. Principal team members consisted of Egon Lass (field director and flotation expert), Rafi Lewis (site manager and assistant field director), Reuven Kalifon (kibbutz liaison), Noël Siver (pottery restoration), Fadi Amirah (surveyor) and Sandu Mendrea (photography). Specialists working with us included Neil Munro (geomorphology), Edward Maher (archaeozoology), Aryeh Shimron (plaster expert), Mira Matthews (thorium-uranium tests) and Elisabetta Boaretto (radiocarbon tests). Our thanks are extended to the members of Kibbutz Tzova for the logistical support they lent to the expedition throughout the dig. Recent conservation work was conducted at the cave by the conservation department of the Israel Antiquities Authority. To visit the cave contact Yael Kerem at Kibbutz Tzova: shivuk@tzuba.org.il or the archaeological team at johnthebaptistcave@yahoo.com.