See Ruth Hestrin and Michal Dayagi, “A Seal Impression of a Servant of King Hezekiah,” Israel Exploration Journal 24 (1974), pp. 27–29; see also Nahman Avigad and Benjamin Sass, Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals (Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Israel Exploration Society, Hebrew University Institute of Archaeology, 1997), no. 407. A duplicate of this bulla (that is, a bulla stamped by the same seal) has been published recently by Robert Deutsch, in Messages from the Past: Hebrew Bullae from the Time of Isaiah Through the Destruction of the First Temple (in Hebrew) (Tel Aviv: Archaeological Center Publication, 1997), p. 31, no. 2; two other bullae of a servant of Hezekiah are published in the same volume, pp. 52–53, nos. 3 and 4. In the annals of Sennacherib, the transcription of the Judahite king’s name is written ḫa-za-qi-a-ū or ḫa-za-ya-a-ū (ḥzaqîyahū).