Yonathan Mizrachi (Department of Anthropology, Peabody Museum, Harvard University) directs the exploration of the site as part of the Land of Geshur Project of the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, directed by Professor Moshe Kochavi and Professor Pirhiya Beck (Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University). Professor Karl Lamberg-Karlovsky of Harvard University is contributing his advice and support to the exploration efforts of the site. The project is sponsored by the Peabody Museum and the Department of Anthropology, Harvard University; the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University; and by the Israel Antiquities Authority. Benefactors from the U.S. and from Israel are sponsoring the excavation effort: Bruce Heafitz sponsored the 1988 geophysical survey at the site and part of the 1990 excavation efforts, Dr. Bernard Yudowitz and Vincent Murphy sponsored, consulted and physically participated in the 1989 and 1991 seasons. The 1991 season was sponsored by the Israel Antiquities Authority, by a National Science Foundation dissertation improvement grant and by the city of Qazrin, Golan Heights. Fiberoptic equipment for the 1991 season was provided by the Olympus Corporation, U.S.A. Mr. Murphy from Weston Geophysical Corporation, Westboro, Maine, is heading the geophysical exploration efforts. S. Lev-Yadun of the Department of Botany at Tel Aviv University coordinates the environmental research. The archaeoastronomical study of the site is conducted by Prof. A. Aveni of Colgate University, New York and sponsored by the magazine Masa Acher, Tel Aviv. Mr. H. Hasoon and his skilled crew of excavation workers played a key role in the excavation and stone removal efforts. W. Kennedy is the chief architect of the project. Additional survey work was conducted by M. Zohar, J. Dekel, Y. Teper, and G. Covo. The whole project was shot on video, Kaethe Fine (1989), Bernard Yudowitz (1990) and Zvika Arav (1991) are the video photographers. Photographers are Montana Billings-Kennedy and Nikolai Trachanov.