Endnote 1 – The Cave of Salome—Tomb of Jesus’s Disciple?
For details, see Amos Kloner, “The Cave Chapel of Horvat Qasra,” ‘Atiqot 10 (1990), pp. 129–137 (Hebrew), 29*–30*; and Amos Kloner, Boaz Zissu, and Nili Graicer, “The Hiding Complexes at Horvat Qasra, Southern Judean Foothills,” in A. Tavger, Z. Amar, and M. Billig, eds., In the Highland’s Depth: Ephraim Range and Binyamin Research Studies, vol. 5 (Ariel-Talmon: Bar-Ilan University, 2015), pp. 151–163 (Hebrew).