Endnote 1 – The Legend of Tel Achzib, Arkansas
I wish to thank Dr. Hopper for his kind invitation to build this site. In addition, a host of people deserve recognition, in particular, Dr. Pat Garner for his donation of the land and Ernie Holeyfield for his skill to prepare the site and bury the materials. My wife, Sharon Manor, was an indispensable resource and worker in its construction. Others who helped in various ways include Scott Adair, Tim and Debbie Baird, Patrick Barber, Shlomo Bunimovitz, James Bury, Gerald Coleman, Betty Davis, Carrie Davis, Danny Deramus, Frank and Ellie Fowler, Garry Hill, David Lamb, Zvi Lederman, Curtis and Nell Manor, Lew Moore, Dwight Smith, Norman Southerland, Phil Thompson, Diehl and Jeanne Unger, and Paula Vines.