For more on the Halbturn amulet, see Esther Eshel, Hanan Eshel and Armin Lange, “ ‘Hear, O Israel’ in Gold: An Ancient Amulet from Halbturn in Austria,” Journal of Ancient Judaism 1 (2010), pp. 43–64; and Nives Doneus and Armin Lange, eds., Golden Words: An Ancient Jewish Amulet from Austria and the Jewish Presence in Roman Pannonia, the theme issue of Journal of Ancient Judaism 1.2 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2010). For the archaeology of the Halbturn Amulet, see Nives Doneus, “The Roman Child and the Jewish Amulet,” Journal of Ancient Judaism 1 (2010), pp. 146–153.