For an example of an illustration of this verse, see the third- or fourth-century sarcophagus from Trier with eight figures in the ark; Reinhart Staats, “Ogdoas als ein Symbol für die Auferstehung,” Vigiliae Christianae 26 (1972), pp. 29–52, fig. 2. Another early Christian sarcophagus from Pisa depicts, on the right, eight women mourning the deceased, with a Good Shepherd figure and twelve sheep on the left (Josef Wilpert, I sarcofagi Cristiani antichi (Rome: Pontifico Instituto di Archeologia Cristiana, 1929), vol. 1, pl. 83, no. 3. Klauser proposed (in JAC 8 [1965], note 101a) that the eight women plus the deceased on the Pisa sarcophagus represent the nine muses, but this is unlikely since none of the identifying accoutrements of the muses appear.