Yohanan Aharoni et al., Excavations at Ramat Rahel: Seasons 1959–1960 (Rome: Universitá degli studi, Centro di studi semitici, 1962), pp. 4–26; M. Provera in “Una Verillatio della Legione X. Fretense a cemisan,” La Terra Santa (1976), pp. 363–370; Sylvester J. Saller, Excavations at Bethany (1949–1953), Publications of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum 12 (Jerusalem: Franciscan Press, 1957), p. 324, pl. 130a; Gershon Edelstein, “‘En Ya’el—1987,” in Excavation and Surveys in Israel, vols. 7–8 (Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 1988–1989), pp. 54–57. For more details on the Tenth Legion impression, see Dan Barag, “Brick Stamp-Impressions of the Legio X Fretensis,” Bonner Jahrbücher 167 (1967), pp. 244–267.