Endnote 15 – Israelites Found in Egypt
M. Bietak, “Zur Landnahme Palästinas durch die Seevölker und zum Ende der ägyptischen Provinz Kanaan,” in Festschrift Werner Kaiser, MDAIK 47 (1991), pp. 35–50; “The Sea Peoples and the End of the Egyptian Administration in Canaan,” in A. Biran and J. Aviram, eds., Biblical Archaeology Today II, Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, June-July, 1990 (Jerusalem, 1993), pp. 299–306; Trude Dothan, “The Arrival of the Sea Peoples: Cultural Diversity in Early Iron Age Canaan,” in Recent Excavations in Israel: Studies in Iron Age Archaeology, ASOR 49 (1989), pp. 1–14; T. Dothan & M. Dothan, People of the Sea: The Search for the Philistines (New York, 1992); I. Singer, “The Beginning of Philistine Settlement in Canaan and the North Boundary of Philistia,” Tel Aviv 12 (1985), pp. 109–122; I. Singer, “Egyptians, Canaanites, and Philistines in the Period of the Emergence of Israel,” in From Nomadism to Monarchy, eds. I. Finkelstein and N. Na’aman (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1994), pp. 232–238; Lawrence E. Stager, “The Impact of the Sea Peoples in Canaan (1185–1050 B.C.E.),” in T.E. Levy, ed., The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land (New York: Facts on File, 1995), pp. 332–348.