This new model has led to its own terminology. I call the period we are discussing neither “Late Judaism,” as did the pointalists, nor “Early Judaism,” as did the straight-line evolutionists, but “Middle Judaism.” It is the transitional age between Biblical Judaism and the parallel development of Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity. See G. Boccaccini, Middle Judaism: Jewish Thought, 300 BCE to 200 CE (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991); G. Boccaccini, Portraits of Middle Judaism in Scholarship and Arts: A Multimedia Catalog from Flavius Josephus to 1991 (Torino: Zamorani, 1992); G. Boccaccini, “Middle Judaism and Its Contemporary Interpreters (1986–1992): Methodological Foundations for the Study of Judaisms, 300 B.C.E. to 200 C.E.,” Henoch 15 (1993), pp. 207–233; and G. Boccaccini, “History of Judaism: Its Periods in Antiquity,” in Judaism in Late Antiquity, ed. J. Neusner (Leiden: Brill, 1994) vol. 2, pp. 279–303.