The final report so far comprises the following volumes, all published in Jerusalem by Hebrew Union College’s Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology: William G. Dever et al., Preliminary Report of the 1964–66 Seasons (Gezer 1) (1970); Dever et al., Report of the 1967–70 Seasons in Fields I and II (Gezer 2) (1974); Seymour Gitin, A Ceramic Typology of the Late Iron II, Persian and Hellenistic Periods at Tell Gezer (Gezer 3) (1990); Dever et al., The 1969–71 Season in Field IV, “The Acropolis,” (Gezer 4) (1986); and Joe D. Seger, The Field I Caves (Gezer 5) (1988).