The following comic strips (listed in alphabetic order) contribute one cartoon each: “Andy Capp,” “Blondie,” “Broom Hilda,” “Cathy,” “Dunagin’s People,” “On the Fastrack,” “Gasoline Alley,” “Hagar,” “Muppets,” “Shoe” and “Ziggy.” Editorial cartoons accounted for another half-dozen examples. The higher numbers generally reflect comic strips I regularly read. Other researchers might well gather far more examples from “The Far Side,” “Kudzu” or “Bloom County” than I have. In his discussion of cartoons, Burns (pp. 32–29) includes examples from the following comic strips (listed in order of their appearance in Burns): “Peanuts,” “B.C.,” “Dennis the Menace,” “Pogo,” “Broom Hilda,” “Ziggy,” “The Born Loser,” “Momma,” “Andy Capp,” “Eek and Meek,” “Howard The Duck,” “Rooftop O’Toole,” “Doonesbury” and “Boner’s Ark.”